Man arrested for second time in 10 days for possession of marijuana with intent to sell
GAINESVILLE, Fla. – Keontra Kevon Tillman, 21, was arrested yesterday and charged with possession of marijuana with intent to sell within 1,000 feet of public housing; he was on pre-trial release from a January 12 arrest for possession of marijuana with intent to sell, possession of drug equipment, carrying a concealed firearm during a felony, and possession of a firearm by a delinquent under 24 years of age.
A Gainesville Police Department officer who was conducting increased patrol at Woodland Park Apartments saw a white Nissan driving around the complex multiple times. The car parked, and the officer parked near the front office to watch; after the car’s driver went into an apartment and returned to his car, he drove away and allegedly turned the wrong way on SE 20th Place, which is a one-way road. The officer initiated a traffic stop for driving the wrong way on a one-way road.
The officer reported that she could smell marijuana as she approached the car and asked the driver, later identified as Tillman, if he had marijuana in the car. He reportedly showed her a baggie and said he only had “shake” (ground marijuana); he told her he had a medical marijuana card and said the marijuana was from Trulieve. However, he was reportedly unable to produce the original container.
The officer asked if there was any more marijuana in the car, and Tillman reportedly said there was not. She conducted a probable cause search of the car and reportedly found a large bag containing 132 grams of marijuana.
Post Miranda, Tillman reportedly said that he and a friend had purchased the marijuana and that they sell it; he said he forgot it was in the car.
The officer reported that while she was searching the car, one of Tillman’s phones was face up in plain view, and she saw messages coming in that implied Tillman was selling marijuana. Tillman reportedly confirmed that the phone belonged to him.
The officer reported that Tillman was accepted for a medical marijuana license on January 18, 2023.
When Tillman was 17, he was charged as an adult with possession of a firearm, carrying a concealed firearm, possession of a firearm by a convicted delinquent, possession of marijuana with intent to sell, and maintaining a structure for drug trafficking. He was convicted of possession of a firearm by a convicted delinquent and carrying a concealed firearm, both felonies; the other charges were dropped. He was sentenced to 364 days in jail with credit for 364 days time served. He was also arrested on January 12 for possession of marijuana with intent to sell and illegal possession of a firearm; he posted $32,000 bond and was released with a condition that he not possess illegal drugs.
Judge Thomas Jaworski set bail at $200,000.
Articles about arrests are based on reports from law enforcement agencies. The charges listed are taken from the arrest report and/or court records and are only accusations. All suspects are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.Â
It’s really no wonder some want to legalize marijuana usage, that way they can keep law enforcement from searching the vehicles of felons who have firearms and other illegal paraphernalia. Maybe they should start cutting the fingers off the felons who are caught with firearms, then we wouldn’t have to worry about them pulling the trigger – unless they’re related to Alec Baldwin.😉
You liberal idiots…keep believing.
That’s one way of “cutting” down the violent crime.🤣
Guess getting a job & making legit money is something this kid can’t comprehend?
What a wonderful idea, medical marijuana cards..
Only 21 and already doesn’t take our justice system seriously? 🤡👹🤬😡
Glad he got that permanent neck tattoo so he can be identified easy…
Shouldn’t he be charged with driving his vehicle under the influence because he was so F’d up that he was driving the wrong way on a one-way street? They need to take his driver license away too. He needs to
Learn a trade instead of being a drug dealer.
You are correct, a job is the answer. This is exactly the young man who needs training in meat cutting at the new Alachua County Socialist Welfare Taxpayer funded slaughterhouse in Newberry. Imagine this young man with excellent knife skills. Society will be sooo much safer.
Jaworski, $200,000! Now that’s more like it!