
Man arrested for throwing large objects in the road, stopping traffic on NW 13th Street


GAINESVILLE, Fla. – Ezra Aaron Strickland, Jr., 23, was arrested yesterday afternoon for throwing large objects into the roadway on NW 13th Street near Krispy Kreme.

A Gainesville Police Department officer responded at 2:46 p.m. to a call about someone throwing large objects into the roadway, including throwing large items at an RTS bus and chasing people. The officer reported that when he arrived, he saw Strickland throwing multiple electric scooters, a barricade, and other trash into the southbound lanes of NW 13th Street at the 300 to 200 blocks. The officer reported that there was enough stuff in the roadway that all southbound lanes of traffic were stopped while drivers got out to remove the items from the roadway.

The officer said multiple drivers directed him toward Strickland, who reportedly has a history of this behavior. Strickland was arrested and charged with disturbing the peace. Strickland has 4 felony convictions and 7 misdemeanor convictions. He is being held on $15,000 bail.

Articles about arrests are based on reports from law enforcement agencies. The charges listed are taken from the arrest report and/or court records and are only accusations. All suspects are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. 

    • Yeah…I hate them damn scooters they leave around
      town too! They need to keep them off the sidewalks and
      Allowing them to just leave them anywhere. They need
      To outlaw those things…the people who ride them don’t
      Follow the traffic rules either…

  • Given the burn marks on his lips I think he was having his own protest being out of his favorite smokeable substance. GPD was nice enough not to charge him with multiple counts of theft, and criminal mischief. He will be back out soon coming to a street near you.

    • He tired of walking around in the heat daily so he committed a small crime to get some shelter and a warm bed some of these guys kno what they doing tricking the system

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