Man awaiting trial in jail charged with sending death threats to judge and his family

Staff report

GAINESVILLE, Fla. – Pierce Jevon Robinson-Burgess, 29, who has been incarcerated in the Alachua County Jail since June for an elaborate stalking scheme, has been charged with aggravated stalking and threatening a judge or a judge’s family after allegedly sending written death threats to Judge James Colaw and his daughter.

Since being arrested, court records show that Robinson-Burgess has written over 30 letters to Judge Colaw, asserting that he is innocent, that the alleged incident did not take place in Alachua County, and that he is being poorly treated at the jail, including an assertion that he has lost 35 pounds and that his mental health is declining.

According to the arrest report, several letters were received on December 5; one included a death threat to the judge, and one included a death threat to his daughter. A third letter received on December 6 stated, “I never forget. You have no idea how deadly serious I am.”

An Alachua County Sheriff’s Deputy determined that a reasonable person would find the letters threatening and that they would cause substantial emotional distress to the recipient.

Robinson-Burgess was previously being held on $500,000 bail, and additional bail of $5,000,000 has now been added.

Articles about arrests are based on reports from law enforcement agencies. The charges listed are taken from the arrest report and/or court records and are only accusations. All suspects are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. 

  • “Robinson-Burgess was previously being held on $500,000 bail, and additional bail of $5,000,000 has now been added.” Kule, justice for once seems to be served!

  • Another rocket scientist. Guess he figured threatening a judge would be a good idea and even a better plan for his defense.

  • I figure they have a standard form for this. ” Dear Judge: I have determined it is a lot warmer in your jail than my Grace tent. Accordingly, please raise my bail and keep me here until the spring flowers bloom.”

  • Maybe the next time a woman has an ex harassing her the Judge will lock them up and impose bail in the millions so they stay locked up forever. Unfortunately, that is never the case. The judge “might” issue a Temporary Restraining Order, which isn’t worth the paper it is printed on. All victims lives matter and all should be given the same consideration as the Judge and his family.

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