Man charged with 7 felonies after being stopped for not having lights on his bicycle


GAINESVILLE, Fla. – Lawrence Roosevelt Vinson III, 50, was arrested early this morning after a deputy stopped him for not having lights on his bicycle; after smelling marijuana, the deputy searched his bag and found cocaine, marijuana, MDPV, and a handgun.

An Alachua County Sheriff’s Deputy pulled Vinson over at about 1:45 a.m. this morning for not having lights and conducted a probable cause search based on a smell of marijuana. A search of a bag carried by Vinson reportedly produced a loaded handgun, 1.3 grams of cocaine, two plastic bags of MDPV weighing 2.5 grams, and 48.5 grams of marijuana in a glass jar.

Vinson has been charged with possession of a firearm by a convicted felon, possession of a concealed firearm without a permit, possession of cocaine, possession of more than 20 grams of marijuana, possession of a controlled substance without a prescription, distribution of marijuana within 1,000 feet of a daycare facility, and distribution of cocaine within 1,000 feet of a daycare facility. The deputy also listed possession of a firearm while committing a felony, but that charge has not been entered into the court system.

Vinson has six felony convictions (one violent), with the most recent in 2010. He served one state prison sentence for a felony charge of driving without a valid license and was released in 2005. Bail information is unavailable on weekends.

Articles about arrests are based on reports from law enforcement agencies. The charges listed are taken from the arrest report and/or court records and are only accusations. All suspects are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. 

  • F & F, they seem to be synonymous with one another.

    The City Manager will probably stop probable cause searches next in her efforts to turning Gainesville into Chicago South.

    If you’re legally able, (unlike the felon above), best protect yourselves and your family.

      • Gilberto, still out of touch with reality aren’t you? You must be a progressive liberal. Maybe he would appreciate you giving him a ride since they probably impounded his bicycle.

        • Take it easy on him…He’s upset and easily triggered…it’s probably because if he knew his daddy, it would probably look like him…

          • I don’t understand why you got to talk about this guy’s Daddy he is 50 years old there are some people out here that do read the comments and they do know most of the people

      • Gilberto: he was stopped for “riding while black” at night…damn those cops and their k9’s, right?

        • Good police work. Bikes should have front lights, back lights, reflectors, registration & license tags to be on the roads with cars and they should pay their fair share for bike lanes…they need to be ticketed if don’t follow road rules.

    • The Sheriff is a constitutional officer of the county and does not report to a municipality.

      • Don’t be confused, GPD performs probable cause searches as well. Last I heard, the K-9 unit was disbanded at the city manager’s direction.

    • That city manager will be gone any day now…she’s not qualified to do the job… can’t even keep panhandlers out of the median…

    • I’m from Chicago you weak wimpy worm. Just come out and say you don’t like brown people. While you’re at it, grow a set of nuts and use your real name.

      • Should have known. Planning a going away party for Mayor Lightfoot?

      • I’m from Chicago…boo hoo hoo.
        “You don’t like brown people”…

        it has nothing to do with color…

        —Damn G, don’t ride your bike at night without a light carrying all your dope or you will end up in jail like him. What, is you ignorant?

      • I’m brown and I like brown people, but you should probably go back to Chicago where the liberals have ruined it just like the city of Gainesville/Alachua county are in the process of. Simone should ask for the stats of guns pulled off of traffic stops from this weekend vs 2 years ago

        Do something now or it’s going to get worse.

        • What does anything that happens in this 3rd class college town have to do with Biden? You hillbillies have not one original thought in you bacon eating brains.

  • This is so shocking, he’s so clean cut and has no ink, braids, piercings? What else went wrong? Did he live in a college town and not set his alarm clock for 45 years?

  • The thing that I don’t think understand is, how is he able to afford hundreds of dollars worth of drugs, but he can’t seem to come up with the $10 needed to buy a bike light?!?!

  • I had to read this article, I couldn’t imagine how you could go from no bike light to seven felonies… Didn’t seem possible.

    • I know…the cop probably saved his life…he’s Lucky he wasn’t killed by a hit & run with the “traffic violence crisis” we have in the area…

  • If you’re gonna felonize, ya gotta be detail-oriented behaviorally, so as not to get caught.

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