Man charged with aggravated assault for firing pellet gun into the air
GAINESVILLE, Fla. – Isack Travis Rwebyogo, 29, was arrested yesterday and charged with aggravated assault with a deadly weapon after allegedly firing a pellet gun into the air.
At about 4 p.m. yesterday, Rwebyogo was reportedly involved in a verbal argument with a 14-year-old boy in the Tower Oaks Manor area; the boy reportedly told an Alachua County Sheriff’s Deputy that Rwebyogo pulled out a handgun, pointed it in the air, and fired two rounds. The victim also reported that Rwebyogo said, “This is gun play.” The victim said he retreated inside his residence.
Post Miranda, Rwebyogo admitted to arguing with the boy, taking a pellet gun from his pocket, and firing two shots in the air. He alleged that the victim was holding a machete during the argument, causing him to fire warning shots “for his safety.”
The deputy reported finding a pellet handgun at Rwebyogo’s residence, where it was voluntarily turned over to law enforcement. Two shell casings were reportedly found in front of the victim’s residence.
Rwebyogo has a federal criminal history and is facing local charges in two pending misdemeanor cases and one criminal traffic case; the charges include firing a 9mm rifle in the same neighborhood as yesterday’s incident, property damage, and resisting arrest. Judge Susan Miller-Jones set bail at $50,000.
Articles about arrests are based on reports from law enforcement agencies. The charges listed are taken from the arrest report and/or court records and are only accusations. All suspects are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.Â
What a Dumba$$ 🤣🤣..
He needs to be hid for a while.. he has no respect for society or guns
A pellet hand gun? Shell casings? I wonder how that works.
#1 did the police report state “shell casings”? I am familiar with pellet rifles but not pellet handguns. Do they have casings? #2 I can see why he was arrested. His past criminal history shows he uses guns to scare people. It’s just a matter of time before he shoots someone. Judge Susan Miller-Jones needs a calculator. She forgot to add another zero to the bail amount. WTH is she doing in this position. Was she voted into this job? She needs to go!!
I can’t think of a pellet gun that expels a shell casing… Co2 cartridges laying in the parking lot maybe? Hey, $50,000 bail is great for Gainesville. If judge green was seated bail might have been $500, or ROR.
Travis Rwebyogo is a veteran and deeply disturbed from his experiences in the military. He deserves help over conviction. He’s not a criminal, his mind is effected by the worst people imaginable who he served with. The
I find this story intriguing because it’s a pellet gun being classified as a deadly weapon.
The fact that a veteran uses a firearm to intimidate a child is disturbing. Justifiable only if the child was infact brandishing a deadly weapon.
I have earned valor and Purple Heart for combat in Iraq. We fought so peace would prevail.
These actions demonstrate a less than honorable path capitulating violence in the very community we swore to protect.
So, did they find the alleged machete the victim was holding?