Man in deferred prosecution agreement arrested for squatting, drug possession
GAINESVILLE, Fla. – Anthony Ticco Wright, 29, was arrested yesterday for squatting in a vacant apartment and also charged with drug possession. He entered into a deferred prosecution agreement on similar charges on January 23.
At about noon yesterday, an Alachua County Sheriff’s Office Deputy was flagged down near 400 SW 67th Terrace and notified that Wright was squatting in a vacant apartment. Deputies reportedly found Wright inside the apartment, and Wright reportedly said he was homeless and had been trespassed from the property but that the property manager had told him he could stay there.
Wright was arrested for trespass after warning. A search incident to arrest reportedly produced 0.2 grams of “molly” (MDPV or “bath salts”) and 3 smoked hand-rolled cigarettes. Wright was reportedly warned that he would also be searched at the jail and said he didn’t have anything else.
At the jail, a search reportedly produced another hand-rolled marijuana cigarette in his pants leg that tested positive for MDPV. He has been charged with trespass after warning, two counts of possession of a controlled substance, and introducing contraband into a detention facility.
Wright was arrested for trespassing at the same Holly Heights building on December 6, 2022, and charged with trespassing, possession of a controlled substance, and possession of drug equipment. He was released on his own recognizance and required to report to court services for drug court screening. However, he failed to report to court services, and a hearing was set for January 6; he failed to appear at the hearing.
On January 12, he was arrested for trespassing, and Judge Walter Green set bond at $2,000. On January 17, the Pretrial Services Program recommended that his recognizance release be revoked. On January 20, his eligibility for Drug Court was revoked, and the December case was placed back on the criminal docket for prosecution. Also on January 20, Judge Green set bail at $10,000 on the December charges.
On January 23, Wright entered into a deferred prosecution agreement in which the December charges would be dropped if he refrained from violating the law for six months, paid $200 prosecution costs, and served five days in jail, with credit for five days served. On the same day, he was ordered released on his own recognizance on the January charge; the motion for his release gave a specific address at which he would live in a neighborhood off Tower Road.
Wright had no criminal history before the December arrest; Judge Walter Green set bail in the current case at $6,000.
Articles about arrests are based on reports from law enforcement agencies. The charges listed are taken from the arrest report and/or court records and are only accusations. All suspects are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.
Those catch & release judgements are working so well.
I’m sure Lauren or Harvey has a room he can stay in until he finds a job or at least another place to live.
Why isn’t he at grace Mkt? It was supposed to end homelessness in 10years…
Rodney got rich bring a bondsman with the increased crime…”never waste a good crisis”…he made money selling Moms kitchen to the city too..the county needs to enlarge the jail and consolidate homeless and mental services there.
As you see this deferred prosecution does not work and needs to stop put there ads in jail or prison where they belong to start with
Can we just put them in jail and when we get a bus load just ship them off somewhere else? They are proving that our Alachua Co. Judicial system hasn’t even took in consideration the cost and injuries to the citizens of this county. These people have no intentions of bettering themselves or others.
Wow this is a good dude who having a hard time at one time he was the best hard worker anyone who know the Sunco gas station on 13th down from shell he was one of the best workers there
I’m playing the worlds’ smallest violin for him…stop making excuses and playing the blame game. He is responsible for his actions and I shouldn’t have to pay for them…incarceration works…then put him on work release.
I assume something changed
Sad byproduct of woke lip service on “affordable housing” by a city that rolls out the the carpet for “luxury student housing” instead.
Jeff: stop making me pay for someone else’s rent. Ever heard of personal responsibility?