Man on probation arrested after allegedly banging on doors and windows of wrong house while intoxicated


GAINESVILLE, Fla. – Alan Steven Molina, 28, was arrested early this morning and charged with criminal mischief and violation of probation after police were called to a home where he was allegedly beating on the doors and windows.

When a Gainesville Police Department officer arrived at the residence in the 800 block of SW 3rd Street at about 3 a.m., he reportedly found Molina tampering with a screen; the officer reported that Molina appeared to be heavily intoxicated.

The victim said she did not know Molina, but it seemed like he was trying to force entry into her residence, based on how hard he was banging on the doors and windows. He allegedly caused damage to her front window screen.

Post Miranda, Molina reportedly said he does not know anybody at the address but was trying to go home; however, his listed address is several miles from where he was arrested.

Molina was arrested last June and charged with DUI; he later entered a plea of nolo contendere to reckless driving with alcohol and was sentenced to one year of probation. Under the terms of his sentence, he is only allowed to drive for business purposes and must abstain from alcohol and illegal drugs. He reportedly told the officer this morning that he had 3-4 shots earlier and thought he was only restricted from drinking and driving.

Judge Thomas Jaworski set bail at $10,000 for the criminal mischief charge, but Molina is being held without bond for violating probation.

Articles about arrests are based on reports from law enforcement agencies. The charges listed are taken from the arrest report and/or court records and are only accusations. All suspects are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. 

  • Lord knows I’ve been. I hope he wises up and simply stops drinking.

    • I’ve seen your comments before Mr. Dominguez, and they are always, always, kind and non-judgmental. I’m so glad there are people like you, you radiate kindness and hope.

  • Is he a permanent student off to a good start in Wokeville, helping pay his lawyers law skool loans off next 30 years here?

  • I’ve had the same thing happen to me…they should find out what bar he was at and arrest the bartender too for giving him too much. The business should be held liable.

    • Good thing this sh!tfaced A-hole wasn’t driving a car..these bars need to cut off these
      Drunks before they kill someone…
      The cops need to be checking ID’s
      And making sure bars aren’t overcapacity.

      • 3 or 4 shots and he doesn’t know
        Where he is and trying to break into a house? Total BS…he violated his DUI probation..He needs to go to AA and they need to revoke his license….he could have been shot and killed if he
        Broke into the wrong house…,what a F’n idiot…lock is ass up!

  • So, Hopefully GPD, ASO and other LEO’s will read this comment. Please step up patrols on SE 3rd street. There is alot of criminal activity at the 1100 block of SE 3rd Street. Run license plate numbers of those cars inside that fenced in area, and watch the trafficking in that area. Our boys in blue will neither be bored, or disappointed.

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