Man on probation arrested for drug possession


GAINESVILLE, Fla. – Labonta’ Bruce McDonald, 36, was arrested yesterday and charged with violation of probation and several drug possession charges.

A Florida Highway Patrol (FHP) Trooper reportedly pulled over McDonald’s pickup truck yesterday at the intersection of NW 7th Street and NW 40th Avenue for a window tint violation. The trooper reported that a check of McDonald’s license showed that it had been revoked 11 times and suspended six times. He has three prior convictions for driving without a valid license and is on probation in Marion County for possession of a controlled substance.

An FHP K-9 performed a “free air sniff” around the truck, and the dog alerted to narcotics in the vehicle. A probable cause search reportedly produced a pill bottle containing 43 oxycodone pills, a pill bottle containing 19 buprenorphine/naloxone pills, and a scale with a white powdery substance that tested positive for cocaine.

Post Miranda, McDonald reportedly said the scale belonged to his “lady,” and she used it for baking; he said the oxycodone also belonged to his lady, and the other pills were left in the vehicle by someone else.

McDonald was charged with possession of a controlled substance without a prescription, possession of a harmful new legend drug, possession of drug equipment, and driving without a valid license (3rd or subsequent violation).

McDonald has 23 felony convictions, with the most recent in 2022. He has served three state prison sentences, with his most recent release in 2019. He was charged with attempted murder and possession of a firearm by a convicted felon in 2021 after allegedly shooting at a woman, but the charges were dropped. Judge Susan Miller-Jones set bail at $20,100, with the requirement that he report to his probation officer within 24 hours of release.

Articles about arrests are based on reports from law enforcement agencies. The charges listed are taken from the arrest report and/or court records and are only accusations. All suspects are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. 

  • McDonald is as stupid as they come. He still thinks deflection of blame to others is a defense. His driving history and criminal history will result in a search 99 percent of the time when contacted by police. Put him in prison and help reduce the carbon footprint he has dumped on society.

  • Why did the judge give him bail? You should go straight to prison if you violate your probation to finish your sentence…

    • You would definitely think so right? Especially with 23 felony convictions and three prior prison trips. I’m no rocket scientist but it sounds to me like this guy just doesn’t and has never cared about the law. The criminals have just as much right as law abiding citizens now.

  • WTF is wrong with gullible Wokeville’s non-voters? Don’t they know they’re being played?

  • Sheee-aaahh…how ma sposed ta kno ma lady be bakin’ wit coacaine??…SHEEE-AAHHH…

  • I must have missed the cocaine cake baking challenge on the food network 🎂 😄

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