Man on probation arrested for making death threats
Staff report
GAINESVILLE, Fla. – Gary Dejuan Fulcher, Sr., 39, of Lacrosse, was arrested yesterday and charged with sending a written death threat after allegedly threatening to kill a woman.
An Alachua County Sheriff’s Deputy responded yesterday to a call from the victim, who said Fulcher was threatening to fight her and kill her. The victim reportedly showed the deputy text messages from Fulcher in which he threatened to “f*** you up.” The victim reportedly responded that she was calling the police and Fulcher’s probation officer, and he reportedly responded, “they cant [sic] lock me up forever.”
After she texted Fulcher that she had called the police and his probation officer, Fulcher reportedly responded that she was a “coward” and that he was going “to kill you” and was “getting my f***ing gun.”
The deputy reported that he contacted Fulcher’s probation officer, who verified that the phone number sending the text messages belonged to Fulcher.
Fulcher has three felony convictions (three violent) and six misdemeanor convictions (two violent). He is on probation for sending a written death threat and is prohibited from contacting the victim in this case. Bail was set at $50,000.
Articles about arrests are based on reports from law enforcement agencies. The charges listed are taken from the arrest report and/or court records and are only accusations. All suspects are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.Â
Well, we know that restraining orders aren’t worth the paper they are written on, so I think people that make threats like this should be locked up for a long time
Another criminal who has an extensive arrests and violent tendencies and on probation loose on the streets. I do not know why he was granted bail when he threatened the same victim that he threatened to kill again. Again there will be a VOP hearing and he will be revoked. A warrant will be issued and law enforcement will have to find him again if he makes bail. Waste of time, money, and more potential time given to this guy to make good on his threats to the victim. Law enforcement did their job and put his butt in jail. Why are judges, state attorneys, lawyers, and the Probation Department making a simple process harder? Rabid animals like this should not be allowed to wander among the public like this. Put them away or euthanize them.
Why why why? Because scummy public lawyers are members of the ACLU and SPLC — and want longer capital cases.
I agree with what you say. Bit if PO does his job he can go to jail and arrest him there prior to release. Then of course he doesn’t get released untila hearing maybe in 90 days.
Yes I understand that the PO can go to the jail. But getting them to go is another story. Countless times law enforcenent has tried that but you either get voice-mail or no response. Then factor in a judge doing a quick bail such as Walter Green does and the guy is out before the PO can get to the jail. A lot of times guy gets booked on Weekend and is out before PO gets there on Monday. There needs to be a PO on duty 24/7 to violate these idiots.
The VOP charge was added last night.
Ok thank you for the update
America needs to export misfit people like this as easily as we accept them, in return.
The victim needs to get trained to defend herself with a firearm and hopefully the perp won’t be a problem much longer.