Man on probation arrested for shooting into buildings at Woodland Park

Staff report

GAINESVILLE, Fla. – Rodricas Javon Young, 43, was arrested early this morning after allegedly shooting toward occupied buildings at Woodland Park (1900 SE 4th Street).

A Gainesville Police Department Officer in the area reportedly heard shots at about 12:43 a.m. and saw Young running through the complex. He reported that Young’s right arm was fully extended as the gunshots continued and that it looked like Young had a gun in his hand and was chasing someone else and shooting at that person.

The officer reported that he lost sight of Young, but a short time later, he saw a vehicle leaving the complex at a high rate of speed. Other officers conducted a traffic stop on the vehicle, and the driver reportedly continued for about four blocks before pulling over. Young, who was the front seat passenger, allegedly ran from the vehicle, ignoring commands from officers.

A perimeter was established, and a K-9 team reportedly located Young.

Post Miranda, Young reportedly said the vehicle had picked him up at a gas station and that he was never at Woodland Park, but the officer noted that he saw the vehicle leaving the complex just before the traffic stop. Young reportedly said he ran from the vehicle and from officers because he knew he had warrants.

At the apartment complex, officers reportedly found a shell casing near Building I, where Young had been seen running. An impact from a bullet was reportedly found in the next building to the west.

A gunshot residue test of Young’s hand reportedly produced a presumptive positive result.

Young, who is described as a homeless Tampa resident in court documents, is on probation and was also arrested on a warrant for violating probation in a 2020 case out of Alachua County. He is a Violent Felony Offender of Special Concern who has 23 felony convictions (three violent) and eight misdemeanor convictions (one violent). He has served three state prison sentences, with his most recent release in 2017. He is on probation and has an active felony warrant out of Hillsborough County for driving without a valid license, operating an unregistered vehicle, fleeing, and resisting an officer without violence.

Judge Thomas Jaworski ordered him held without bond for violating probation and set bail at $270,000 on the new charges.

Articles about arrests are based on reports from law enforcement agencies. The charges listed are taken from the arrest report and/or court records and are only accusations. All suspects are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. 

  • 43 years old, 31 convictions, three prison terms, warrant, probation, and VOP, and registered violent felony offender He has chosen Alachua County vs. Tampa. I wonder why? Another POS who has never learned how to act as a human being and chooses behavior of a rabid animal. Culling from society is in order.

  • 43, 31 convictions, shooting at someone, 3 prison sentences, felony offender of special concern, warrant, probation, and VOP. This POS rabid animal is incapable of living in society and culling should be in order.

  • WTF did he come here from Tampa for, and when, how long ago?
    Glad the judge held him without bond, but everybody should keep an eye on our scummy public attorneys on this one 💩👿👹SPLC

  • He is a Violent Felony Offender of Special Concern who has 23 felony convictions. Hopefully this animal stays locked up for the rest of his life.

  • Another homeless person found saw the vacancy signs the City and County Commissioners are putting up everywhere.

    Maybe GPD should learn that PIT maneuver.

  • Wasn’t him he didn’t do it he wasn’t over there, they racial profiling, same old song and dance same lying hypocrite criminals. Throw the book at this fool!

    • Yeah right it was him and he grew up here what a shame you should be setting an example instead of being the example you big dumb dummy and my Fred Sanford voice

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