Man on probation arrested for threatening pregnant woman with brick and threatening deputy’s family

Staff report

GAINESVILLE, Fla. – Zyvione Jacolby Speed-Mitchell, 24, was arrested yesterday morning and charged with aggravated battery on a pregnant woman, aggravated assault with a deadly weapon, resisting an officer without violence, and threatening a deputy’s family after allegedly threatening a pregnant woman with a brick and threatening the family of the deputy who arrested him.

At about 11:40 a.m. on Sunday, an Alachua County Sheriff’s Deputy responded to a domestic battery call where the victim, who is eight months pregnant, reported that Speed-Mitchell had battered and choked her. She also reportedly told the deputy that Speed-Mitchell had picked up a brick outside the house and threatened to “beat the baby out of you.” The incident was reportedly captured on a neighbor’s doorbell camera.

The deputy made contact with Speed-Mitchell near the victim’s residence, and Speed-Mitchell allegedly resisted being handcuffed.

Post Miranda, Speed-Mitchell denied battering or threatening the victim, but the deputy reported that the video of the incident contradicted several parts of his story.

After the deputy placed Speed-Mitchell in his patrol car, Speed-Mitchell saw a picture of the deputy’s child on his personal cell phone and allegedly threatened the deputy’s wife and child; his words were reportedly captured by the patrol car’s audio and video cameras.

Speed-Mitchell has a juvenile history between 2012 and 2018, three adult felony convictions (one violent), and one adult misdemeanor conviction (one violent). He has served one state prison sentence for aggravated battery with a deadly weapon and was released in April 2022. He is currently on probation for domestic battery. Judge Susan Miller-Jones set bail at $275,000.

Articles about arrests are based on reports from law enforcement agencies. The charges listed are taken from the arrest report and/or court records and are only accusations. All suspects are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. 

  • This upstanding scholar has over 12 criminal cases in Alachua County. He is only 24 years old, a convicted violent felony offender. When is enough. This time besides threatening the deputy’s family he threatened to beat the baby out of his friend girl who is actually pregnant with his baby. He threatened to harm his own unborn child. I’m sure someone will say he is demographically challenged and misunderstood. He needs a prison term till he 45 or 50 years old. That will also give enough time for his child to grow up never knowing what a POS father Speed-Mitchell really is.

    • No, a good Diversity, Equity and Inclusion training seminar would be all he really needs. After all, he’s likely lacked opportunities because of his race and white racism. A bit more exposure to Bidenomics will elevate him to high-upper class and a management job. Sure he had no ill-will for the deputy or young lady, just a mix-up.

      • He only had 14 years of FREE public school (with pre-VPK and head start, don’t forget). That’s simply not enough Dem indoctrination needed, he needs life next.

    • And….don’t forget….we all get to pay for his offspring too. Probably another batch destined for the Greybar hotel.

  • Wait till the prison welcoming committee reads all that on his papers & gets ahold of him!

  • I have seen to many cases like this. He will get his bond lowered
    The alleged victim will help bond him out, so he can be at hospital for birth. His remorsefulness will last long enough to get out.
    I hate to sound like I am blaming the alleged victim but in both cases today on this site why are the victims with these “males”? Low self-esteem. In this case he will probably have another child with her. Sad but just like Stevie Wonders song “Living for the city”.
    Listen to it.

  • Q: WTF was this degenerate out in public still?
    A: BLM, Antifa, ACLU, SPLC and other lawyer-run scummy NGO local members.

  • I’m really grateful that the Alachua Chronicle includes probation and pre-trial release in their headlines.

    If you search the archives for probation and pretrial, you will (not) be amazed at how many criminals take advantage of their get-out-of-jail-free card to inflict further damage and violence on the community.

    Probation and intervention programs are clearly ineffective and should be greatly reduced to only the most minor infractions.

  • I would like to know what happened to Fl law, 3, three Felony your out for life! It must have been a feel good law!

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