Man on probation arrested with trafficking quantities of molly


GAINESVILLE, Fla. – Jordan Tyess McFadden, 31, was arrested last night on his birthday and charged with possession of less than 20 grams of marijuana and trafficking quantities of MDMA, also known as molly. McFadden is on probation for a third conviction for driving without a valid license.

A Gainesville Police Department officer reportedly saw McFadden walking through the parking lot of the gas station at 1000 W. University Avenue and saw a marijuana “blunt” tucked behind his ear. The officer detained McFadden.

A search incident to arrest reportedly produced $2,512 in cash, which, as the officer noted, is consistent with street-level narcotics sales. The officer also reportedly found 4.6 grams of marijuana and 24.2 grams of pills that tested positive for MDMA.

Post Miranda, McFadden reportedly said the pills were for his personal use.

McFadden has two felony convictions, both for habitual driving without a valid license, and three misdemeanor convictions (none violent). He is currently on probation. Judge Walter Green set bail at $17,000 for the two drug charges plus a charge of violating probation.

Articles about arrests are based on reports from law enforcement agencies. The charges listed are taken from the arrest report and/or court records and are only accusations. All suspects are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. 

  • The cause for the search is shaky an attorney would give this case hell other than that let’s see how this turns out

    • Hand-rolled cigarette, commonly used form to smoke Marijuana as a joint, is likely enough for PC. Not a lot of cowboys rolling their own these days…I’d have to double check recent case law though, of course

  • He had a blunt tucked behind his ear. His head looked shaved. Just a little bit in plain view. Not really a shaky observation. Once arrested anything in his possession is fair game. And he currently in probation. His lawyer needs to more concerned about his client being on the world’s stupidest criminals. Only someone that stupid would walk around on probation in public with a blunt behind his ear for everyone to see. Happy Bithday DoDo.

    • First of all you don’t know what was in that blunt could’ve been tobacco. Illegal search and seizure case dismissed. Easy case. There was not a legitimate probable cause

      • Check your laws. This is not New Jersey. If it walks and quacks like a duck it warrants further investigation. If it was illegal Judge Walter would have ROR him as liberal as he is. $17,000 is pretty high for Judge Walter based on his pastnails. .Reasonable suspicion leads to probable cause in the state of Florida. I cant tell you what it means in another state especially if its Jersey. The dope is submitted as evidence and will be tested for positive results.

  • This is the same guy who used to work at the Boost Mobile- he flipped his buddy the key, told him the alarm code & conspired to have his buddy break in the store. His buddy was caught leaving the store, still had the key & even confessed. But a known incompetent state attorney (Doualehi) still dropped the charge.
    Let’s see if the SAO miffs this one too…

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