Man on probation charged with possession of a firearm by a convicted felon after shooting in NW Gainesville

Staff report

GAINESVILLE, Fla. – Antonio Devon Mayze, Sr., 31, was arrested early this morning for possession of a concealed firearm by a convicted felon after an officer made contact with him because his car resembled a car that was involved in a drive-by shooting in northwest Gainesville.

Early this morning, Gainesville Police Department officers responded to a call about a drive-by shooting in the 2000 block of NW 31st Avenue. Officers were looking for a silver vehicle that may have been involved in the shooting, and Mayze’s silver Chevrolet Impala matched the description.

At about 3:55 a.m., an officer made contact with the driver of the Impala, later identified as Mayze, in the 2000 block of NW 31st Place and noted that there was an odor of marijuana coming from the car. He also reported seeing marijuana in plain view on the rear floorboard.

A search of the vehicle reportedly produced a gun under a pillow in the rear seat, directly behind the driver.

Mayze has juvenile criminal convictions between 2006 and 2010, four felony convictions (none violent), and two misdemeanor convictions (none violent). He has served a state prison sentence for two cases (from separate arrests in May 2021 and June 2021) of possession of a firearm by a convicted felon or delinquent and was released in December 2022. He is on probation following a November 2023 conviction for possession of cocaine with intent to sell.

Gainesville Police Department has not released any other information about the shooting or responded to our request for more information.

Mayze has been charged with possession of a concealed firearm by a convicted felon and is currently being held without bail.

Articles about arrests are based on reports from law enforcement agencies. The charges listed are taken from the arrest report and/or court records and are only accusations. All suspects are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. 

  • He obviously doesn’t care for 2nd chances or corrective actions. There’s only one sure way to rid society of unwanted behaviors and/or traits…cull ’em from the herd.

  • Be sure and invite Antonio to the next Gville ‘gun violence summit’. I’m sure he’ll explain how his ignoring current gun laws can be corrected with another gun law.

    • Beautifully said. These Gnv left wing politicians seem to think more laws will stop these scumbags.9

  • Another shining example of how gun control laws don’t work. You may want to sit down for this Regressives- criminals don’t obey laws.

  • I’m pretty sure it was a stolen firearm. Will it be returned to the rightful owner? Or will Gainesville just destroy it like the gun buy backs?

    • I wonder if the rightful owner even wants it back. It apparently didn’t do that person any good in preventing the theft. Or maybe double up and keep two guns around for good measure—one to be stolen and one for shooting the thieves.

  • We need to start cracking down on the stimulant drugs that are fueling all these late nite crimes. No one is up at 4am still amped and partying unless they are high on speed or Adderall or cocaine or meth or maybe these new bath salts. It’s the fentanyl that is killing people, but it’s the stimulants that are fueling the all night crime sprees and making these people feel invincible and ready to engage in wild west shootouts. This article makes no mention of stimulants but I can almost guarantee you he was on something otherwise he’d have been passed out by 4am.

  • That area may say NW but in fact is at or adjacent a section 8 crime breeding pocket off NW 23rd / Glen Springs Rd area. Your Dem dollars hard at work, voters.
    Nuff said 👹🤡🍦🍦🍦🍦D

    • There are many law abiding families who live in that area. As a Democrat, I believe we need to provide more affordable housing for unhoused people. Without Section 8 housing, where should those people go to get a roof over their heads? What is your solution?

  • Certainly the GPD combed the shooting area for shell casings that could match the gun found in the car.. Perhaps they even did a GSR kit on the perp for confirmation he fired a weapon earlier as well. He might even brag about what he did on the ’24/7 phone calls’ recorded line at DOJ.. LOL.

  • Dude made it 2 whole months before violating his probation. He’s clearly trying to turn his life around. He even started going to Church every Sunday AND Wednesday. Cut the man some slack.

  • Now with an extensive juvenile record, and 4 adult FELONY convictions, why would he be released on probation for an offense 2 months ago? There ought to be a law against THAT.

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