Man recently released from jail arrested for stealing car at gas pump

Staff report

GAINESVILLE, Fla. – Deangelo Antonio Smith, 30, was arrested yesterday and charged with grand theft auto after allegedly driving away in a car that was left running at a gas pump.

At about 2 p.m. yesterday, a Gainesville Police Department officer responded to a call about a stolen car at the Circle K at Main Street and 39th Avenue. The victim told the officer that she left her car running while she went inside the store, and when she came out, her car was gone. While she was calling 911, she said, Smith came back with her car and said, “I brought it back, my bad, I’m sorry.”

Smith reportedly told the officer that he blacked out, and when he came to, he was driving a car, so he turned around and brought the car back.

Post Miranda, Smith declined to answer questions.

Smith was released from the Alachua County Jail on September 19 after serving 58 days on charges of theft and resisting an officer without violence; charges of aggravated assault with a deadly weapon and drug possession were dropped. Smith has a juvenile criminal history, five adult felonies (none violent), and 12 adult misdemeanors (one violent). Bail information is unavailable on weekends.

Articles about arrests are based on reports from law enforcement agencies. The charges listed are taken from the arrest report and/or court records and are only accusations. All suspects are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. 

    • I know Deangelo pretty well. And you are spot on, he ain’t the sharpest tool in the box.

      • Neither is the person who left their car running while they went in the store… especially that store.

  • These creeps know they’ve struck gold in our woke welcoming college town, so WTF can’t our goddam lawyers and judges do something about repeat offenders? Do they live in gated hoods with EV home chargers?

  • I get really bugged when I see peeps leaving their car running, unattended. I’ve often thought of hopping in it and moving it to the back of the store. Victim(?) sort of deserved it.

    • Florida statute 316.1975 is the law prohibiting people from leaving a car running unattended.

      • You two sound like a joy to be around. You go around nagging everyone? Now define ‘unattended’

      • If you put gas into a running car, you are risking a car BBQ….and you’re standing right next to it…..

  • He discovered the UBER business was not for him. He’ll be out by Tuesday.

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