Man released from prison three days ago arrested for possession of pornography in violation of probation conditions


GAINESVILLE, Fla. – Kevin Michael Jameson, 40, who was released from prison on March 20, was arrested yesterday after his probation officer reportedly found pornographic materials on his phones, in violation of his probation conditions.

Jameson was arrested in March 2021 and charged with four counts of lewd or lascivious exhibition to a victim under the age of 16; he was found incompetent to proceed with trial in May 2021 and was committed to a State hospital. He was found competent to stand trial in November 2021. In March 2022, he entered a plea of nolo contendere to the four charges and was sentenced to two years in state prison with credit for 347 days served, followed by 64 months of sexual offender probation.

Jameson was released from prison on March 20 and established GRACE Marketplace as his residence; he was reportedly instructed that he is not permitted to use the internet and must charge his GPS monitor at least four hours a day. On March 23, his probation officer visited him at GRACE; during the initial conversation, Jameson reportedly mentioned that he is allowed to use the internet, although he had reportedly been told on March 20 that he is not allowed to use the internet without supervision.

The probation officer noticed Jameson’s GPS monitor and a cell phone sitting on a chair next to him, and Jameson reportedly said he borrowed the phone from a roommate. They went inside, and Jameson allegedly told the officer that his neighbor’s bunk was his, but another person intervened and pointed out the correct bunk.

Officers reportedly found two cell phone boxes on Jameson’s bunk; Jameson reportedly said they were old boxes that his mother had kept in storage for him. The officer conducted a warrantless planned search and reportedly found that Jameson had tried to conceal the phones by putting them under his roommate’s pillow.

Officers reportedly found a receipt for one of the phones, showing it had been recently purchased. The cell phones were then searched, reportedly producing pornographic materials. The officer then arrested Jameson for violation of probation.

The officer also reported that Jameson’s GPS monitor had a low-battery alarm on March 22 and that Jameson had not charged it as instructed.

The probation officer reported that Jameson is a “high-risk offender” who is “a threat to the community and society.” The officer wrote that Jameson’s behavior “clearly shows he is not taking his supervision seriously,” and he recommended that Jameson’s probation be revoked and that he be re-sentenced to the Department of Corrections.

Articles about arrests are based on reports from law enforcement agencies. The charges listed are taken from the arrest report and/or court records and are only accusations. All suspects are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. 

  • Only in Alachua County can a multiple time felon find a home.

    The legal system should make it mandatory that these types stay one week in either Poe’s care or Ward’s. They invited them, they wanted them, they are so forgiving… let’s put it to the test or at least show the voters the hypocrites they are.

    • yep , welcome to Meatball Ron’s florida . its full of these fake religion pedophiles .

      • With 22 million residents and 8-1200 coming everyday, it looks as though the failed leftist Governments of other states are increasing our numbers…including the flakes, fairies and criminals.

      • Disgrace Marketplace is what brings all the pedophiles to this area. It’s leftist lunacy. Children not welcome, pedophiles welcome.

  • Desperate need of a lead lobotomy. No cure, treatment, or prison term will stop his sick desires. At least probation and parole are on the ball.

  • It sounds as though Grace Marketplace is now an institution of Civil Incarceration.

  • So, it sounds like this guy was around 38 years old when he committed his sexual violation against a minor initially and he got two years in jail, yet that Montero kid had just turned 18 when he got busted having sex with the girl that was almost 16 and he got LIFE in prison. What’s the problem here?!

    • It sounds like this guy exposed himself or sent nude photos, or some other similar behavior. The kid drugged and raped the girl. And he didn’t bother to go to his own trial to defend himself. Maybe the judge is harder on foreigners who come here, commit crimes, and think they can just go back home to a different country and forget about it.

      • Good point about the underlying charges being different. But, just FYI, the kid in that other case was born and raised here. He attended parochial school in town.

  • It’s ashame yes grace marketplace will let the bus of less fortunate adults (tacachallee) kind of adults.. the same day they’ll let of a bunch arion bros of the fed bus. And every other day you have the rush of jail release. Yes when I was there it was the one of the only locations offenders could register.. that’s not running a homeless shelter that’s running a freaking free place to live. I know so many prior to grace have to find a location fit to their sentence

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