Man wanted for sexual battery on a victim under 12 years old apprehended by ASO K-9


GAINESVILLE, Fla. – Derald Leonard Young, 34, was arrested yesterday afternoon after an Alachua County Sheriff’s Office (ASO) K-9 apprehended him as he fled from deputies.

At about 2 p.m. yesterday, ASO Warrants Investigators received information that Young was walking around the Majestic Oaks apartment complex. Young had an active warrant for sexual battery on a victim under 12 years old.

Warrants Investigators and a K-9 team made contact with Young, and he allegedly fled on foot. After an announcement was made that a K-9 was in pursuit, he allegedly continued to refuse commands to stop and was apprehended by the K-9.

A search incident to arrest reportedly produced about 2.5 grams of synthetic cathinone.

The sexual battery with injury allegedly took place on March 7 and was reported to Gainesville Police Department. Judge William Davis issued a warrant for Young’s arrest on March 9 with a recommended bail of $500,000.

Young has been charged with sexual battery on a victim under 12, possession of a controlled substance, and resisting arrest without violence. He has four felony convictions and has served three state prison terms; his most recent release was in February 2022 after serving a 10-year sentence for armed home invasion robbery in Levy County. Judge Susan Miller-Jones set bail at $512,000.

Articles about arrests are based on reports from law enforcement agencies. The charges listed are taken from the arrest report and/or court records and are only accusations. All suspects are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. 

  • Another prime candidate to provide after school supervision for either Ward or Poe’s children.
    Wait a minute, Saco’s a child…let him watch her after she’s worked her 20 hours. She’s obviously in need of supervision.

    • City Commission Pulpit Preacher Poe advocate all day gov-mint supervision of kids from day one. This guy would be perfect for his twin daughters! He can easily be out on gov-mint payroll. This can be the Guinea Pig trial case. I’m sure it will work out fine! Poe once stated from his throne that only a very, very small number of criminals are actually bad. The rest, he pronounced, are victims of unfortunate circumstances. We’ll now is the time to give it a try. Victim Derald Young, You’re Hired!

  • K9’s are the best! What a hero for catching him! I wish you included included his name a photo with the article.…good boy! 🐺

    • What a beautiful story about a K9
      doing their job. God bless law enforcement and the K-9 unit for keeping us safe. Job well done!

  • WTF was he found at taxpayer funded Majestic Oaks? Build a wall around it and impenetrable security gates, barbed wire, etc. AND SCREEN THE TENANTS and their “guests”!

  • I pray whomever the victim is. Is okay an mentally an physically getting through this s trama. It’s sad world but children still are growing an needs a chance at life. An should never be a target of any tragedy. Prayers an I pray that childs life is everlasting with positive an joy. Lord I pray for no burdens of the innocence. Thank God for A parent whoms not afraid of judgment an is there when a child cries. May God bless you all

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