Man wanted for sexual battery on a victim under 12 years old apprehended by ASO K-9
GAINESVILLE, Fla. – Derald Leonard Young, 34, was arrested yesterday afternoon after an Alachua County Sheriff’s Office (ASO) K-9 apprehended him as he fled from deputies.
At about 2 p.m. yesterday, ASO Warrants Investigators received information that Young was walking around the Majestic Oaks apartment complex. Young had an active warrant for sexual battery on a victim under 12 years old.
Warrants Investigators and a K-9 team made contact with Young, and he allegedly fled on foot. After an announcement was made that a K-9 was in pursuit, he allegedly continued to refuse commands to stop and was apprehended by the K-9.
A search incident to arrest reportedly produced about 2.5 grams of synthetic cathinone.
The sexual battery with injury allegedly took place on March 7 and was reported to Gainesville Police Department. Judge William Davis issued a warrant for Young’s arrest on March 9 with a recommended bail of $500,000.
Young has been charged with sexual battery on a victim under 12, possession of a controlled substance, and resisting arrest without violence. He has four felony convictions and has served three state prison terms; his most recent release was in February 2022 after serving a 10-year sentence for armed home invasion robbery in Levy County. Judge Susan Miller-Jones set bail at $512,000.
Articles about arrests are based on reports from law enforcement agencies. The charges listed are taken from the arrest report and/or court records and are only accusations. All suspects are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.
ASO K9 to the rescue! Too bad we don’t have K9 in the GPD.
Another prime candidate to provide after school supervision for either Ward or Poe’s children.
Wait a minute, Saco’s a child…let him watch her after she’s worked her 20 hours. She’s obviously in need of supervision.
City Commission Pulpit Preacher Poe advocate all day gov-mint supervision of kids from day one. This guy would be perfect for his twin daughters! He can easily be out on gov-mint payroll. This can be the Guinea Pig trial case. I’m sure it will work out fine! Poe once stated from his throne that only a very, very small number of criminals are actually bad. The rest, he pronounced, are victims of unfortunate circumstances. We’ll now is the time to give it a try. Victim Derald Young, You’re Hired!
Obviously someone in a serious need for a lobotomy.
Too bad no bushes around!
K9’s are the best! What a hero for catching him! I wish you included included his name a photo with the article.…good boy! 🐺
What a beautiful story about a K9
doing their job. God bless law enforcement and the K-9 unit for keeping us safe. Job well done!
WTF was he found at taxpayer funded Majestic Oaks? Build a wall around it and impenetrable security gates, barbed wire, etc. AND SCREEN THE TENANTS and their “guests”!
All you do is complain and complain some more.
Sick POS, Dog should have bit him in the face.
I pray whomever the victim is. Is okay an mentally an physically getting through this s trama. It’s sad world but children still are growing an needs a chance at life. An should never be a target of any tragedy. Prayers an I pray that childs life is everlasting with positive an joy. Lord I pray for no burdens of the innocence. Thank God for A parent whoms not afraid of judgment an is there when a child cries. May God bless you all