Man with admitted fetish for women’s underwear arrested for loitering in laundry room of apartment complex
GAINESVILLE, Fla. – Brandon Alexander Pemberton, 28, was arrested yesterday and charged with loitering after a resident of The Hammocks on 20th reported that he was hanging around the laundry room and opening the machines.
A Gainesville Police Department officer responded to the apartment complex yesterday and was told by a witness that Pemberton had been hanging around the laundry room, opening the machines and reaching inside; the witness told the officer that he never saw Pemberton take anything. The witness said that Pemberton would look around to see if anyone was watching before he opened the machines and that he would go into the bathroom if anyone else came into the laundry. The witness said he had seen Pemberton in the laundry room on previous occasions and that he had once seen Pemberton stealing undergarments and stuffing them in his pockets.
The officer reviewed video surveillance and reportedly saw Pemberton opening and reaching into the laundry machines, checking to see whether anyone was watching, and hiding in the bathroom. While the officer was on scene, Pemberton reportedly returned to the area, and the witness identified him.
Post Miranda, Pemberton reportedly admitted he had previously been in the laundry room and initially said he went there to wash his laundry but then admitted he had not brought any laundry with him. He reportedly admitted he was not a resident of the apartment complex but that he had asked one of the residents for the code for the door lock. After the officer told Pemberton there was video surveillance, Pemberton reportedly admitted looking in the machines to touch and look at women’s undergarments. He reportedly said he has a fetish and had gone through the machines at that location at least five times. A search of his vehicle reportedly produced several women’s undergarments in the tire compartment in the trunk, which Pemberton said he had found in trash cans.
Pemberton has been charged with loitering/prowling. He has no prior criminal history, and Judge Aymer “Buck” Curtin ordered that he be released on his own recognizance if accepted by the Mental Health Court. It is unclear how long Pemberton has been in the area; the officer noted that he was identified by his New Mexico driver’s license.
Articles about arrests are based on reports from law enforcement agencies. The charges listed are taken from the arrest report and/or court records and are only accusations. All suspects are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.Â
He’s loitering in a laundry room and gets arrested but there’s DOZENS of people loitering the streets/medians/underpasses in and around Gainesville and they get a free pass.
Am I the only person who sees a problem with this?
He wasn’t just “loitering” in the laundry room. He gained access to the laundry room by obtaining a code (illegally) from a resident. So he was illegally on the property. He also stole women’s undergarments… so add theft to his charges (even if they were prior to this, he still did it).
Came from Dem Mexico, too. Must have seen our red carpet to M e r i d i a n , too.
He’s prolly a resident at Grace..
NEW Mexico.