Marlowe: School District seems to be on the verge of collapse
Letter to the editor
While apocalyptic language is usually not helpful, it does seem that our School District is on the verge of collapse. We can’t keep up with the books: the audits keep revealing that. We can’t keep up with the buildings: social media keeps revealing that. We can’t keep a Superintendent: the Board keeps proving that. We can’t keep teachers: the overcrowded classes and growing list of kids with long-term subs keep proving that. We can’t keep the students: the mass exodus to charter and private schools keeps proving that.
There is no reason to believe the next Superintendent will fare better than the last seven. Every year we fail to keep up with our infrastructure needs, the cost of those needs increases. Every year we give educators 1% raises, it is harder to catch up to inflation the next, and we signal to every existing teacher and every college student that Alachua County doesn’t value teachers. Every year we fail to get behavior under control, we lose more teachers who can no longer take the verbal and emotional abuse and more students whose parents take them to those same charter or private schools to escape.
It is scary, and it is depressing. We seem to be locked in a cycle, a carousel with no stop while our children wait in line for us to figure it out.
So, what are we to do?
We are past the point of making minor tweaks, and at the end of the day, if the Board is truly in charge of the vision, policy, and direction, then the Superintendent counts as a minor tweak. We can’t put all our hope in one person.
When there is no reason to believe that the next Superintendent will be given more than two years to implement any changes, the bureaucratic army that exists in this District has no real incentive to invest in those changes, especially if there is in-fighting and vying to become the next Superintendent.
In short, when there is no reason to believe that a three-person majority on the Board will last more than two years, there is no stability, and as educators all know, one of the most fundamental elements to effective education is stability: stability in the home and stability in the classroom.
Every week, we read another headline that calls into question the motto of this District (“We are committed to the success of every student”). How could a District that was truly committed to the success of every child so consistently put students’ needs second to the politics of the moment? And, it may be generous to identify our students’ needs as coming in second place.
We need bold strokes.
We need to reevaluate how much of the $600 million budget is being spent downtown and how much is being spent in our children’s classrooms. That doesn’t mean we need to terminate positions immediately, but we could immediately identify administrative positions that won’t be re-filled and pledge those savings to increased teacher pay. We have to send current teachers and potential teachers a signal that they are being moved up the priority list.
We need to work with the communities in this District, but that means that the Board has to shift their thinking from “having power” to “sharing responsibility.” Empowered communities are partners, and partners are allies, with the same incentive for success.
We need to get serious about behavior and discipline. We need our students to know that school is a safe place where they are physically and emotionally protected. We need our teachers to know that school is a safe place where they are physically and emotionally protected. We need our District to stand up to parents who stand in the way of that goal.
We need the courage to do what needs to be done. We need the foresight to see it before it’s too late. We need to model, for our children, that we still possess the ability to rise to the challenge.
This is a dark moment. It is hard to see how we break this cycle, but I know we can. The days ahead are going to be hard, but the days behind us have also been hard. We have to pick our hard. I know I can endure hard times and hard days, but I need a District that inspires me to believe in a future where that work will have meant something.
For now, like most teachers in this District, I get that inspiration from my students, but that isn’t their job: it’s ours.
Jordan Marlowe, Teacher
The opinions expressed by letter or opinion writers are their own and do not necessarily represent the views of Assertions of facts in letters are similarly the responsibility of the author. Letters may be submitted to and are published at the discretion of the editor.
Excellent summary of the issue. The commonality over the years is that the School Board is predominantly Democratic controlled.
Same problem each election cycle, different people elected, same party in control. Consider electing a Board built on diversity of thought and approach next time. Don’t vote party line.
Great article. And then someone immediately makes it about partisan politics. The district issues are actually about people wanting power more than they want what is best for kids. On both sides.
There is no “both” sides. I have been in Alachua County for almost 20 years and in that time I have only seen 2 from the other side and one of those was appointed by the governor.
I mean, that’s kind of what the article is about no?
“Every week, we read another headline that calls into question the motto of this District (“We are committed to the success of every student”). How could a District that was truly committed to the success of every child so consistently put students’ needs second to the politics of the moment? And, it may be generous to identify our students’ needs as coming in second place.”
Completely agree with your assessment but I don’t believe power can be taken from Babylon until it collapses. I wish it was possible to rejigger the current power structure in this county but due to the abnormal number of far left leaning voters here I don’t see it happening. Remove your families from the government schools here and bleed the system dry. Let ‘em collapse. If you can’t homeschool, use the charter school credits that are readily available. If you truly care then DO SOMETHING! Stop feeding the beast!!! Maybe after all of that we can eventually Build Back Better
Well, this has been the intended result of the political attacks and undermining of the public school systems around the country. However, perhaps ACPS could take a leaf from various playbooks and create an all-charter school system, hiring educational entrepreneurs (qualified, of course, for the age and curriculum). Not sure how to fill in the blanks, but it would be a conceptual revolution, or perhaps it would be the logical result of a system that is failing — if it is failing — by design of public policy.
Nice piece.
I think you nailed it with, “We need to reevaluate how much of the $600 million budget is being spent downtown and how much is being spent in our children’s classrooms.” How many positions that never existed before have been created?
It’s clear from negotiations who the board favors and those individuals aren’t putting their blood, sweat and tears in the classrooms and student support areas such as custodial, food services and paraprofessionals. Remember those wage raises that were offered? How did those compare to the soon to be ex-superintendent’s?
Maybe the people who keep electing these board members skipped class or were taught by some of those on the board.
School Taxes should be paid by student parents money. Don’t fleece those that paid for years to get their kids through at half the cost and better grades. Now they are forcing their Wokeness on all property owners . How’s that working out for the ACSB students. Abolish this existing group of failures, get a new one with ZERO compensation and see how this travesty can be solved.
What’s a Captian?
Please, work with your coconspirator Tim Marden and secede your utopia of Springs County as soon as possible. Show us dumb Alachua County folks how you can do a better job with No Taxes as Little Timmy has promised. Show us how you can educate and brainwash your students into conservative Republicans who hate 1950’s Soviet Communists and worship the moldy corpse of Brother John Birch and your Fuhrer Donld Trump.
Do it soonest. Put your county where your mouth is.
Soviet communism (any decade) was never a good thing. One doesn’t have to be a conservative Republican to realize that (I’m not). Please read some books and talk with those who lived through it.
Thanks for your input
Really? You won the award today. Trump 2024- make a liberal scream and whine.
If you are going to throw shade, admit who you are instead of cowardly hiding behind a made up profile.
my guess is Travis. Who else would glorify Soviet Communism?
You don’t think it’s “Doctor” Bobby Murmur? It would be pretty easy to win a debate against him. Get him to admit he’s a communist atheist who thinks the age of consent should be lowered to 12 (that’s what they all think). That would pretty much end the debate.
Well it that ain’t the pot calling the kettle black. Good to see you left ole Marshawn behind finally, but only after you were exposed 🤣🤣
Who is this aimed at Marden. Very few here use their real name.
Typical Failure Denial. If you cannot see how you and yours are failing the School System purpose for being here, that is sad. Make your excuses political as usual. The Charter Schools are in high demand for a reason. Look at Duval County, which is under the watchful eye of the State , closing over a dozen schools, because of a mass exodus of kids that want a proper education. Keep your head in the sand , continue your denial of ACPS Failed, misdirected Leaders.
As the parents take ownership great things can happen and you can move to another location to destroy.
Go take your meds.
At least he’s a long time teacher and knows what going on. You have no kids and none in the school yet you’re an expert.
You need the Meds, but thanks for considering my comments as coming from and expert. Thankfully my kids graduated for ACPS without being indoctrinated , by even the so called best of long time teachers. If you are having a hard time losing now, buckle up Comrade, the State is coming in to straighten up all your problems. They have the students best interest at the top of their list, not your Loser Agenda.
People ARE already doing it better. Just take a look at the private and charter schools that are receiving the exodus of SBAC students and compare the grades, test results, behavior, and graduation results.
Yeah real nice coming from the man who made the school boards job harder last year with his failed school take over initiative. I’m not saying I like the school board, they have so many problems and you identify so many of them in this article, but what is your intention with writing this article? Is it actually change? Or do you want more of that power in your hands? Your recent political moves make your intentions clear to me.
The amount of people that work at the district office, make good money yet do hardly anything is comical. There are quite a few just collecting a check until they retire. Their salary should definitely go towards teacher raises but good ol woke Gainesville keeps believing the lies the board puts out. People complain about board members but without viable candidates to run against them, nothing will change. Hopefully some good people will step up and prepare for 2026.
As a teacher, I was shocked this year when 3 of the 4 half day Wednesdays were taken away. I mean we talk about teachers having too much to do and hour l not enough time so the school board thought it was a his idea to take away more time. It’s very frustrating. Other states are doing 4 day work weeks and we get our extra 1-2 hours a week to plan, grade, clean or catch up on the 100 things that we need to do taken away… great idea!
It’s scary that you are a teacher. Your writing ability—or lack there of—is frightening!
Thereof is one word.
Wonderful. What do you propose as a solution? Anyone can complain (and I agree there are many valid complaints), but the division without even suggesting a fix only makes things worse. Resign as a School Board employee and go make your charter school the model for the county and be able to say “that’s how it’s done”… in other words, “put up, or shut up”
You are correct. If he thinks the ACPS is so horrible, is he responsible? He works for them, or at least takes a paycheck from them. Is he a Deep State operative secretly working to destroy them from within? I do not know, but it is reasonable to suspect it.
If he has such convictions, or any morals or ethics, he would immediately resign. He cannot take a paycheck from his “enemy” as Donald Trump calls all with varying views.
He is such a hypocrite.
Don’t know why people keep re-electing Leanetta “I’m padding my pension and I hate white people” McNealy.
She was elected because the other option this year was a Lincoln impersonator & 9/11 conspiracy theorist.
You really think two airplanes dropped three NYC skyscrapers within their own footprint? Let me guess…you’ve never heard of WTC Building 7, have you?
7 World Trade Center, more commonly known as the Solomon Brothers Building, was a 47 story skyscraper that collapsed within its own footprint shortly after the twin towers fell. Are you aware of Boaz and Jachin?…The two giant pillars that adorned the front of Solomon’s Temple. The same twin pillars that are still worshipped in Freemasonry along with the number 7. The two pillars and first temple are commonly shown symbolically as: IXXI — The Roman numeric value just happens to equal 9/11.
You wouldn’t see a ritual even if it hit you in the face, would you?
A Masonic ritual with a large side of The Patriot Act is much more likely than a handful of 80 IQ, 120 lbs Saudi inbred men with box cutters. I can’t believe anyone still believes the official narrative at this point although that same commenter is also taking up for McNealy so I guess it all make sense.
Solomon Brothers Building just happens to include three of the most highly revered words in freemasonry. Just another coincidence they’ll say.
Construction of WTC building one started in 1968. They coallpsed in 2001. After 33 years they were sacrificed. Sound familiar?
Salomon building free fall collapse shortly after Larry Silverstein was recorded saying “Pull it!”
BBC reporting on the Solomon Building / building 7 collapse 30 minutes before it even happened.
Fact checking censors can’t even cover it up:
“It’s a big club, and you ain’t in it. You and I are not in the big club.”
-George Carlin
Standing up for your teachers comes down to a point of how much bad behavior will you tolerate. Teachers should be confident in maintaining discipline in their classrooms and should not be afraid to send disruptive kids to the office. When I went to school in the 80’s there was not a whole lot of room for disruption. Most kids that disrupted class more than a time or two suffered suspensions, and eventual expulsion. Why do we put up with so much crap now?
The research has shown that kids who get suspended for bad behavior just get worse so the school board is reluctant to suspend.
Okay. I get that.
But what research has been done to show how OTHER students and the teachers are damaged by keeping the problems kids in school?
What’s best for the overall community should be the route they take – not protecting the problem students at the expense of everyone else in the school.
If parents paid for their children’s education instead of the property tax payers, we would have better results…
We are not investing the wheel here.
It’s the parents’s job to feed & educate their children…
“It takes a village to raise a child” is a commi slogan…
Don’t breed em if you can’t educate & feed em.
The ACSB idiots are so confused that they don’t what bathroom to use and are so concerned about sexual orientation and lgbqxyz and putting that in the curriculum instead of the ABC’s.
Sh!tcan all that DEI BS, parents should pay to get their kids to school, and either prepare or pay for their children’s lunches…
This “free education” ain’t free….if you have a child in the system, you should have to pay a “user fee”..
I have no children in the system and should be exempt from school tax….
I pay $12,000/year to ACSB …
I will not forget how they all stayed home and were super heroes and put face masks on the children for the big lie Covid.
Go woke, go broke… never waste a good crisis…there’s that one cow who’s still wearing a mask…liberalism is a mental illness.
Typo. Not reinventing the wheel here, not investing.
I paid property taxes for 20 years before I had school-aged kids. By your logic, I’ve paid my dues and then some.
It is a shame Mayor Jordan Marlowe didn’t apply this kind of logic when he chose to publicly endorse Sheriff candidate Chad Scott who was #3 and the protege of #2 during the most dysfunctional time in ACSO’s operational history. All he had to do to get that one right was ask the ACSO employees and the Sheriffs of the surrounding counties. He either chose to not put forth that much effort nor concern or it’s a little more shady than that.
Hopefully he’s learned from his mistake.
Far more than what many liberal voters are doing.
Everything went to hell in the Alachua County school system when the Board got rid of Superintendent Karen Clarke. She was the best thing ever!!!
The writer should have been identified by the Alachua Chronicle as the Mayor of Newberry and an important member of the group trying to take control of Newberry’s elementary school from the county.
True, but his assertions on the decrepit state of affairs at ACPS are also true.
Even if true, does that affect the arguments put forth in any way?
Very true. The writer laments “the mass exodus to charter and private schools” seeming to imply this is a negative thing.
The writer is a LEADER of the attempt to steal schools from ACPS and create his own charter schools.
What a hypocrite.
If his goal is to improve ACPS, he would fight to oppose himself.
This is just blather. Nothing bold in his suggestions. Just fluff.
Total clown operation
It happens to every female-Dem-run entity. It’s just a tiny hint of what would happen if Kamala is elected, to the whole country. Think San Francisco times a million fold.
A liberal mindset will never grasp the needed solutions.
I was constantly told how much my raise was at risk if I didn’t join the union, and frowned at because I declined to join the union, and presented with MANY opportunities to join the union over and over and over, and told that we were at risk of losing our union if people like me don’t realize what the union does for us (negotiate raises? Not impressed so far!)……yet…..the mice that were doing their business all over the food storage in the lunch room……we had employees going out and buying their own traps for that because, according to the exterminator, the school board didn’t want to shell out what it cost to get rid of the mice. It seems like the approach to shelling out money for an A+ education in A+ facilities may be handled the same way as the mice. Just throwing temporary solutions at it. Now I am homeschooling a majority of my kids with the Step Up for Students scholarship because they are zoned for a failing school where you have to sign an acknowledgement that their classroom may not be run by a certified teacher, and their zoning exemption to go to the school they attended the past 2 years was denied with no explanation. They could barely read and didn’t understand simple math concepts (that has improved drastically now that they are homeschooled) I drive my other child to and from a school that is barely scoring better than the one she is zoned for. Four of my nine grandchildren are also being homeschooled in this county due to multiple reasons concerning the way their education was evolving, and 2 other grandchildren moved to charter schools. We are blessed to have a family tribe that allows us to make these adjustments to their education, but most people just have to go with the flow because they don’t have the resources to move their kids around.
I taught in public schools for forty years. I went to Newberry High in the late 60s and 70s. I know what is happening to the public schools in Fla. Especially those districts that dont have tons of funding from expensive properties like coastline taxes to fund them. The testing (created by politicians) allowed them to rig the the game and then point out how they are failing. So they offer tons of money to private schools to prove they are offering choice. Public schools became a political football when politicians realized they could micro manage them. We are here because of that. Knowing what a great teacher Jordan is and how screwed up it has become with the state I have great respect for those that still hang in there. Our country was made great by the education system. Teachers have been accused of so much nonsense nobody knows what to believe. Thank you Rush Limbaugh. Jordan knows what the reality is and I saw it for decades. Tear it down and you will tear down our society. Children and teachers can only take so much from idiots making policy and curriculum.
Maybe it’s time for government to get out of the education business!