Marull: My book challenges are about age-appropriateness

Letter to the editor
The Alachua County School Board voted unanimously on March 5 to keep the book “It Feels Good To Be Yourself” in the Terwilliger Elementary School library. The board moved through their agenda faster than expected, and Dr. Crystal Marull, the Terwilliger parent who challenged the book, arrived too late to use the 10 minutes she would have been allotted to speak to the board. She has asked us to publish her planned comments to the board as a letter to the editor.
Age-appropriateness for kids. That’s what this is all about.
For me, it’s not a question about transgenderism or sexual identity or any of that. I know that’s how the opposition wants to frame it. It’s easier to dismiss a legitimate argument if you can paint the person who presents it as some kind of extremist. BUT for the record, how people self-identify and what a family chooses to teach their kids about right and wrong, is totally up to them. One of the benefits of living in this country is that people can live however they think is best (and that’s a good thing).
For those of us who have kids, we know that every child is different and has different needs. Our job as parents is to guide our children through their own specific journey until they are old enough to navigate the world for themselves. But until then, kids need their parents to teach them right from wrong. I don’t think I’m saying anything controversial with that.
However, parents are not in schools with their children. So as parents, we put our faith in the school system and expect the school will not only educate our children at the right age-appropriate level, but also protect them from content that is too mature for them, especially during their formative years, when they are most impressionable. That’s what this whole controversy has been about.
The books I’ve challenged are not appropriate for kids without parental guidance. That’s it. That’s why I’ve challenged them. If parents want to check them out for their kids at the community library, I would have no objection. But here, at school, where parents are not around to supervise, the content of certain books should be off limits until the kids are mature enough to benefit from it. Every reasonable parent feels this to some degree.
I doubt there’s a parent here who would think it would be okay to have erotica available to young kids at school, right? I’m not saying any of these books we’ve discussed have crossed THAT line, but I am saying there is a spectrum. What’s inappropriate for one parent might be okay for another. That’s why we have statutory criteria that govern what’s acceptable in schools. And, if we feel those statutes are too restrictive or go too far, we have means to change them democratically.
What’s happening here today is not democratic. Over the past few weeks, you’ve heard several district representatives say that they personally disagree with these statutes or that they’ve personally treated the statutes more like “guidelines” rather than limiting criteria. They are blatantly subverting the democratic process. And why? Because of THEIR personal biases, not mine. They’re flouting the law because they disagree with it. There’s a term for this: unlawful ideological indoctrination – but they’re so steeped in it, they refuse to see it for what it is.
My position has always been that we follow the state statutes for what is acceptable, period. I don’t aim to impose my will on others any more than to say we should do what’s lawful. The district staff, on the other hand, are imposing their own bias above the people whom they claim to represent and doing so at the expense of our children.
Folks, we are talking about five-year-olds here. Kids who are just learning to read. We’re not talking about high school students who have at least some worldly understanding of sexual identity and other mature concepts. These vulnerable children are still tracing their letters in class, they’re just beginning to grasp the nuances of language. They should be reading books like Go Dog Go and Clifford the Big Red Dog. They should be reading of the adventures of Curious George at the zoo or Paddington Bear at the train station.
Now, let me provide you with the State statutes concerning the selection of library materials for age-appropriateness, which are currently in effect but being ignored:
“According to FS 1006.28(2)(d)2.c, each district school board is mandated to establish procedures for developing library media center collections. These procedures should be guided by reader interest, support of state academic standards, aligned curriculum, and the academic needs of students and faculty.”
In addressing the selection of the book It Feels Good to be Yourself in our elementary school libraries, let’s apply these statutes objectively:
- First, the circulation data reveals ZERO reader interest in this text.
- Second, discussion and instruction on gender identity before the 9th grade is a violation of state academic standards and aligned curriculum.
- And, lastly, since discussing the content of this book is prohibited within school premises, it fails to address the academic needs of students and faculty.
Moreover, in accordance with state statutes FS 394.478, the age of consent for therapy without parental consent is set at 13. However, this book offers telephone numbers and websites that would provide students direct access to therapists. Given that no child with access to this book in school is over the age of 13, it raises grave concerns.
Taking these factors together, it is evident that this book should legally be deemed “inappropriate” for inclusion in a K-5 library.
I would now like to share the written review provided by the ONLY parent representative on the Terwilliger Library Advisory Council. She offers the following “common sense” concerns:
- “[The] beautiful illustrations appeal to younger students, but the content of the book is far above the level of the student.”
- “Reviewers list that adult involvement should be in the reading experience, yet a child is not required to have an adult with them to access the book.”
- “Concepts described are difficult for adults to understand, so how do we expect K-3 students to understand?”
- “Vocabulary and definitions are far above the suggested ages for the text.”
- “The Glossary and resources are not sourced.” [the article “the” was added for clarity]
This concerned parent, despite acknowledging the book’s unsuitability for young readers, ultimately voted to retain its presence in our schools. I wanted to know why. I wanted to talk to this person, but I was denied. I wanted to call this person as a witness, but I was denied. Her decision perplexes me and begs the question: What compels a parent to disregard their own instincts in favor of appeasing authority figures? Is it because she was also a school employee and she feared reprisal, professional pressure, or perhaps the sway of bureaucratic influence?
This situation echoes what happened at the last hearing. An employee of the school had indicated hesitancy for approving the text and voted to have it moved to the higher grades. Yet, when called to testify, he changed his response and said he thought the book was appropriate for grades 3-5. Why the change to his response? Was he, too, afraid of retaliation? Are these concerns for one’s job and social standing discouraging parents and educators from speaking common sense?
These anecdotes are a metaphor of my entire experience making objections to library books.
When I raised my initial concern about a MARXIST ABC book, I was told I needed to leave these decisions to the “professionals,” the “experts.” However, besides being a parent, I am also a certified teacher and Media Specialist. But, nonetheless, my opinion did not seem to matter because the “experts” argued that I lacked the requisite experience to make these judgments.
Parents, I implore you: stop deferring your common sense to the so called “Experts.” Their additional certificates or diplomas do not give them any access to knowledge that is unavailable to you. There is no “secret understanding” that they have that you don’t.
Schools should not provide books to 5-year-olds that tell them they can be a boy one day and a girl the next. It’s just common sense. These kinds of books don’t belong in school libraries, and our state laws agree. However, we are being gaslit by the district specialists. They are trying to convince us that they alone understand the law, in turn granting them the freedom to select library books based on their preferences without facing any sort of accountability. This is a blatant abuse of power that disenfranchises legally protected parental rights.
I know that there are many parents out there who would like to speak up. To say how they, too, find this book completely inappropriate. But they fear the consequences for such courage.
But, to them I ask –
“Do you want your five-year-old coming home from school questioning their very identity, unsure of whether they are a boy or a girl?” If not, speak up, because courage is contagious.
In closing, I would like to share this clip of another mother with whom I feel a great deal of connection. She, too, is concerned about this SAME book as I, and addressed a board just like you. She speaks with a common sense and courage that is dangerously lacking in today’s society.
Clip of parent challenging It Feels Good To Be Yourself
Crystal Marull, Gainesville
The opinions expressed by letter or opinion writers are their own and do not necessarily represent the views of Letters may be submitted to and are published at the discretion of the editor.
So it is your OPINION (no facts) that the book is too advanced for all children in elementary school and, because that is YOUR opinion, you think it’s okay to deny all children in that school the ability to access it.
Nevermind that, according to you, no one has even checked it out. So where’s the worry?
Children are who they are. They are born straight or gay or bi. They are born with an innate gender identity. No book is going to turn your kids gay, honey.
Calm down and keep your hands off our books unless you want the next decade to look and feel like Nazi Germany.
The point here is that once again the school district is trying to do a run around the end zone by having books such as this in a school library. This concerned parent and believe me there are many others are certainly not trying to turn the school into Nazi Germany. I don’t know if you read the article but she makes some very valid points
Exhausted is your typical Democrat Bully , and when they don’t get a chance to control and obvious agenda, they attack . And It’s , Her, Them’s opinion is all that matters the It
People like you don’t even have any instinct left to protect children from degenerate filth. Any parent with some common sense walking with a young child would direct that child to avoid stepping in dog poo. It does not require special training or degrees to know how much it stinks!
I’m picturing the great white elephant on the school board typing this.
Your response is total garbage. In your haste to drive your immoral agenda. You are guilty of everything you accuse others of. Your claim that every person is born with “innate” gender identity is also bs. and more pure propaganda. People like you wish to confuse, manipulate and control. The letter writer only wishes for the rights of parents to be respected and our children not to be subjected to the indoctrination of our children. People like you need to keep YOUR HANDS off our children. Schools need to concentrate on reading, math, science etc. and leave our children’s gender identity and sexuality to the parents. We must stand up to the insanity
If you want your children to have access to these, get them at the public library or buy it. The books are not banned or subject to being banned, just removed from school library.
Talk about being dense?
Hell yeah, speak the truth! bout time we got a commenter on here not mindlessly spouting the MAGA Agenda!
The community voice has been long ignored by this school board. Thank you for writing this! So much ch of this needs said, and more often!
Look here Karen,
I don’t need YOU deciding for ME what books MY children can or can not read.
Stop, just stop.
Nor does anyone else need YOU to decide what books OUR children can read. We’re even there “Karen.”
In all sincerity, arriving on time to something that is of great concern to the author should have been the first step.
This part is disturbing ” follow the state statutes for what is acceptable” because we have Desantis and a right wing Republican legislature with an agenda to put their version of everything enshrined into the state statutes.
If they have their way, in five years school libraries will have only ONE approved book on the shelf:
“It’s OK to be a White Heterosexual Evangelical Christian Conservative Republican who Hates Communism and Libs.”
And the lgbqxyz wants to normalize abnormal behavior. Hey creepy teachers, stay out of the children’s pants and leave them kids alone!
Very informative and good points mentioned. Parents do not need to cater to this school board just because they say so. Parents please use your common sense as this letter indicates and make proper choices for your kids.
Salacious books in elementary school libraries are just a small component of an overarching communist agenda to wreck America. Wreck the family and you destroy the sense of allegiance to anything bigger than the communist government. This gives the government absolute power. The easiest way to wreck the family? Corrupt the children. Batter their young impressionable brains with degenerate claptrap spewed out by hateful communists. Leave the kids totally confused and ripe for domination by leftist psychos. The leftists in Alachua County, like all dedicated Bolsheviks, always wish to tear down the good order of things and replace it with perversion and chaos. They are full of hate for anything noble and beautiful. They are mentally ill. And you might notice that they are usually quite ugly too! That is why Sports Illustrated, to appease the wacko communists who despise beauty and envy it, exhibits ugly fat slobs on the cover of the annual Swimsuit Edition instead of gorgeous bikini models. All this is the inversion of common sense and all healthy instinct. They want boys to grow up questioning their own gender so that they can ultimately accept the grotesque and the insane as desirable because it is “woke.”
Thank you, most of us knew that. It’s the commie media parrots and puppeteers who harm our educational decency, and democracy.
Dr. Marull, thank you for your continuing courage to do what’s right, bringing clarity and common sense into school libraries, despite the attacks on your character and motives.
The deliberate undermining of parents by school “experts” is not only disheartening – it’s morally and ethically wrong.
Parents and schools should be working together, not having such an adversarial relationship (the school experts being the aggressors in pushing these themes on children in direct opposition to the wishes of parents).
School attendance is mandatory. Parents have few options about where their children attend school.
Pushing the envelope with controversial books in school is taking advantage of a captive audience of children who must be there BY LAW, in order to push a progressive educational agenda.
It’s inappropriate. It’s a flagrant usurpation of the right of PARENTS to direct the education of their own children.
Homeschooling is a wonderful choice, if available.
These are the times that try men’s souls; Tyranny,like hell,is not easily conquered.The harder the conflict,the more glorious the triumph.
I think it is healthy for parents to enquire and be engaged in what our children read. I’m disappointed to see the harshness with which the letter writer was treated at Sbac meetings and challenge hearings despite her high level of preparation. It’s intimidating and feels like a trial requiring an inordinate amount of preparation. Members of the Sbac administration, school board and even thr hearing officer project an air of perfunctoriness. Whether they agree or disagree w the parent, I think they should listen with respect. It should not be antagonistic or stressful for someone to raise a legitimate concerns. That being said maybe for a challenge to get beyond the school level, maybe they should post the book on a website for review and require a minimum number of parent objections say 5 before they do a hearing. That would reduce the number of potentially frivolous hearings.
She’s responsible for 90% of the challenges in alachua county and has been given hours of time in previous challenges. She’s been allowed to present 90 slide presentations, requiring principals and administrators to be in the hearing instead of at school where they are needed. She has cost the county thousands of dollars that should be spent on the schools. She is pushing a right wing agenda and does not represent the diversity that is ACPS. Her version of what is appropriate is not my version. I wish she would exercise her own parental rights and take away permission for her own children to read books in the library but she is under the belief that school librarians are going to hold her children down and read to them making them gay or something.
I agree with you Crystal, this a very subtle way of bringing down the American way of life thru immorality, the U.N. and the W.H.O. is 100% behind this, and is probably threatening the School system if they do not adhere to its edict’s. I am not a conspiracy freak against liberalism, but, Liberalism is a door, swinging one way, for this type of anti-moralistic rhetoric. Good for you that you recognize what’s going on. Our county and especially our city Government is filled with these type of people, far left liberals, Socialists and Communist’s. The only way that I can see to correct the situation is with a lot of PRAYER, and a lot of vetting of the people that we are putting into positions of authority over us.
2 Chronicles 7:14 New King James Version (NKJV)
if My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and HEAL THEIR LAND.
We already know that the Left takes issue with any attempt to restore Rights to the citizen and the parents. The Left have been steady tearing apart family structure and values, and the easiest way to do that is thru the indoctrination of our kids. Not only does this turn kids against their parents, but it makes the kids easier to prey on by the sicko, perverted Leftist pedophiles. I additionally find it humorous when the Left call those of us that want to regain our Rights by limiting what governments are allowed to do “Fascist and Nazi’s”. This alone shows they are clueless as Nazi’s were Socialist and why those on the Left actually closely align with the socialist policies of the Nazi’s. The Lefts agenda is about total Government control over the everyday decisions of our lives, and the assault on our kids well being and safety at school is part of that agenda. The motto “It Takes a Village” is Marxist propaganda to remove all individual parental rights and give all child rearing decisions to the Government because they know best.
Yes yes yes!!!! Bless you for standing up to what is so wrong in Alachua county. What you do in your home is all on you, but don’t force anything upon my children if we aren’t there in our house.
The next book challenge hearing for “My Maddy” (a book about non-binary parenting) is on March 21st at 1:30pm at the school district boardroom (620 E University Ave). Come show your support for Dr. Marull.
Dr Marull has cost the school district thousands of dollars and time in her crusade against her definition of what is appropriate. I ask her to remember she doesn’t represent all parents and she should just remove her children and homeschool. She is obsessed with Marxism and is a Christian fundamentalist. I wish she would get a new hobby.
This is the recent compromise between the state and civil rights attorneys on the Don’t Say bill:
“…..Under the terms of the settlement, the Florida Board of Education will send instructions to every school district saying the Florida law doesn’t prohibit discussing LGBTQ+ people, nor prevent anti-bullying rules on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity or disallow Gay-Straight Alliance groups. The settlement also spells out that the law is neutral — meaning what applies to LGBTQ+ people also applies to heterosexual people — and that it doesn’t apply to library books not being used for instruction in the classroom….”,Don't%20Say%20Gay.%E2%80%9D
I’d like to see the Bible removed. Besides for promoting fantastical superstitious explanations of events, God killing people and other bloody fantasies, I don’t want my granddaughter reading crap like this:
“Leviticus 15:19-33
19 “Whenever a woman has her menstrual period, she will be ceremonially unclean for seven days. Anyone who touches her during that time will be unclean until evening.
20 Anything on which the woman lies or sits during the time of her period will be unclean.
21 If any of you touch her bed, you must wash your clothes and bathe yourself in water, and you will remain unclean until evening.
22 If you touch any object she has sat on, you must wash your clothes and bathe yourself in water, and you will remain unclean until evening….”
and so on and so on.