Mayor Ward: America owes veterans a debt of gratitude

Press release from City of Gainesville
GAINESVILLE, Fla. – Gainesville Mayor Harvey Ward released the following statement today:
Friends, I hope you will be able to take time this weekend to observe Veterans Day, and all that it entails. Originally known as Armistice Day in commemoration of the end of the first World War and its American veterans, following the second World War, it was expanded to honor all American veterans and remains so today.
If you are a veteran of our armed services, in times of conflict or of peace, I want to take this moment to personally thank you. Regardless of when or why you entered your service, when your nation called you answered. Regardless of any necessary sacrifice, you said, “Here I am, send me.” And regardless of the length or difficulty of your service, your nation owes you a debt of gratitude.
I believe that is why we observe Veterans Day each year – to say a heartfelt, “thank you” to all who served.
Thank you for taking a moment to read this, and I wish you a meaningful Veterans Day observance.
P.S. If you guys don’t want your free donuts, you know where to send them.
I wonder if Harv served in the military.
The same freedoms many of us fought for are the same freedoms this group and those they support are attempting to take away.
Remember that the next time you vote.
Dude, you and most here are the ones cheering on a hostile takeover of property belonging to the citizens of Gainesville to be run by carpetbaggers they will have no say in selecting. That makes you and Clemons, Perry, and DeSantis the enemies of democracy, not the city commission.
Sure Jazzman. Until you’re served more than just jizz from Harvey shut up.
I don’t like your politics and you don’t like mine. Deal with it or go somewhere else.
I’ll take your pathetic sexual fantasy post as an admission I’m right and you actually DGAF about the American principle of self rule which veterans have fought for.
The only thing you can take as being pathetic is that image of a traitor staring back at you in the mirror every morning. Unless the image is more than you can bare.
Of all the expertise you’ve gained over the years you’ve been so proud to state, never heard military service as one. What’s your excuse?
No one in Gainesville has self rule by the way. Harvey and Co make sure of that. Don’t you think it’s time to stop being his lapdog?
Just another liberal political statement.
No truth for veterans that serve Harvey.