Memorial Day message from Mayor Ward

Press release from City of Gainesville

Dear Neighbor,

The business of the City of Gainesville is about more than meetings and budgets and ordinances. Today, it’s about recognizing the sacrifice of the sons and daughters of Gainesville and of America who have given their lives in the uniform of our nation’s armed services.

We take time today to consider the truth that every name on every military tombstone represents a sister or a brother. A co-worker. A fellow student. A mother or a father. Every single one was someone’s child who never came home. 

As I pause to reflect on their (and their families’) sacrifice, I remind myself that the best way we can honor them is to continue to participate in this American system they fought and died to defend.

I hope you will join me in honoring them today, and every day, in the way you find most appropriate.

Thank you, and I wish you a meaningful Memorial Day 2024.


  • Notice how short this one is compared to the one written about slavery.

  • The mayor’s message was very non-inclusive. There was no mention of the LGBT +++++++++++++ community which has given so much. I hope the DEI manager for the city, has a conversation with the mayor about his/her/they/them non-inclusive statement. Jus to be clear ALLgbt should be honored first and foremost.

    • For your information when you swear to defend this country and sign a dotted line that you’re willing to die for it the military is only brothers and sisters who have done this. We don’t have race. We don’t have alphabet people. We’re all united for one goal to keep this country free And this weekend and Monday is about honoring those brothers and sisters who made that sacrifice or people like you can come on here and make these comments that you just made I can tell you never Son that died line to defend this country cause if you have you wouldn’t make these comments like this

      • GH,
        Yes yes yes and thank you for standing up for the LGBT ++++++ . You are obviously one of us and we thank you for you service as a seamen. Maybe the mayor will start to listen and recognize they/thems like me and you.

    • You would think with a man like Jizzman you would be all about the LGBT life.

    • Damn Jazz I very seldom agree with anything you post but today I do my hats off to you

    • Unless it’s from our Republican Governor. Then it’s fair game, right?

  • How about remembering all the businesses that have closed and all the people who have moved away from Gainesville because of its failed “leadership” by idiots with delusions of grandeur?

  • Churning that war machine! Let’s go Brandon! Harvey for president! #clown

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