Message from Mayor Ward regarding an incident at City Hall

Press release from City of Gainesville
Message from Mayor Harvey Ward
This is an important message I share with our community today.
There now have been multiple acts of vandalism at City Hall Plaza. Last night, someone broke the window to my office on the ground floor of City Hall and—as in the first incident—this person left behind a note. The note was lengthy and hate-driven. I will not disclose the specific contents as it is an active investigation and we are limited in the information that can be released.
Let me be clear, the situation is serious and of highest concern. I want to emphasize that the safety of all City workers at every City of Gainesville building and facility is of paramount importance, as is the security and well-being of our community. Every neighbor and visitor to Gainesville deserves to feel safe and protected in City buildings and on City grounds. To that end, law enforcement is doing everything possible to find the person responsible and bring them to justice.
For my part, I want that person to know that my fellow commissioners and I will continue to do what the people elected us to do. A broken window and ugly note will not shake our resolve. We will stay on course and do the work. We are a City that values inclusivity, diversity, and equal opportunity. As I said previously, as elected leaders, we denounce all forms of discrimination, harassment, and racial violence. We believe – I believe – that all people have the right to live and work without fear and intimidation and we will protect that right.
I join City Manager Cynthia W. Curry in encouraging employees, neighbors, and visitors to City Hall Plaza and other City properties to remain vigilant and stay aware of your surroundings. If you see anything that does not seem right, please reach out to the Gainesville Police Department non-emergency line at 352-955-1818. If the situation is an emergency, dial 9-1-1.
You have my full commitment, on behalf of the City, that we will take every step necessary to protect and support every member of our community.
Inside job? How would someone know the mayor’s window?
“continue to do what the people elected us to do” 🤣
Not so funny when it violates his space is it.
Wouldn’t be surprised if he did it himself to garner some sympathy.
This doesn’t pass the smell test….
Things like this always seem to happen as elections get closer.
Surely there are cameras, etc. that will identify the perp. If this goes away quietly, that tells me everything I need to know.
A crime like vandalism should get an ROR + charges dropped from the judges around here… somehow, I bet that won’t be the case
Probably a false flag to justify even more ridiculous security. And good luck if they think they’ll garner any sympathy from this non-event
City hall I believe was the library when I was a kid. They should now have surveillance cams around the buildings.
Mr Ward, I will speak for myself and my wife when I say ;
We will happily hold you and your elected group of city commissioners in the utmost highest esteem, but only if you come clean with us, and tell us the truth about yall’s dealings with GRU.
You are welcome to share that information with the public, but only after the emergency commission meeting that will be held to dictate the three expenditures of A, the cost of the window, B. the cost of GPD’s investigation, & C. The cost of the brick, the rubber band, and the piece of paper the note was written on.
(The window is probably not gonna be a “Lansing” product)
Thank you so much for y’all’s service and cooperation with myself and my wife as long time residents of Gainesville.
I don’t really give a damn…, Honestly….. I don’t.
but if you read this post this far, then perhaps your actions could sway a couple of registered voters.
Just maybe 🤔
This is much like Dr. “Some of it’s”.
Get this y’all.
There is literally a real commercial on the local FM country station where a local Dr. named “Some of its” specializes in Erictile Dysfunction.
The logic of it, somehow makes me laugh.
What’s more, is that it’s almost as if the COG Commission had a hand in promoting his practice.
It sounds like it’s someone who knows what offices belongs to certain people. Ward`s gaslighting is a little overboard. It’s not like you need to show grands standing like certain people did on Jan 6th. Good grief. Maybe shatterproof glass
“My fellow commissioners and I will continue to do what the people elected us to do.”
That’s the problem. They’re not doing what the people want.
It’s time to get rid of all the politicians and implement direct democracy.
The people who elected them amount to a tiny percentage of the city population. Oligarchs.
Good thing it’s not January, he’d be calling it an insurrection.
Obviously the work of a Keynesian economist.
Ward crisis acting gain. Must energize the snowflake ❄️ sheep 🐑 with another trumped up hate crime. They run the same play from the playbook every election season.
“You have my full commitment, on behalf of the City, that we will take every step necessary to protect and support every member of our community.”
H. Ward
I invite everyone to see how this city and it’s “leaders” REALLY respond when you “see something, say something” in Gainesville, Florida. I had to sue the city to get you to even acknowledge police abuse of power when they arrested me for crimes I did not commit. The SA dropped the bogus charges after 6 very long months. I contacted the GCC, the City Manager and The Chief of Police who all ignored my cries for justice. NOW you think it’s important because it happened to you? To the general public, that I dare say can be very cruel, too, even when they know nothing of certain events: look up case number 2023-CA-3274 for Alachua County and read the record. Everything I alleged against the city is true. The proof is documented. After that, you’ll really understand who these people are if you give an impartial review. It’s not a pretty picture. Please Gainesville, educate yourself and vote these people out of office and demand real accountability and transparency. I won’t hold my breath.
I wish voters would read this and do as you ask!
Vote them out is a dream! Unfortunately, the AC Republican Party is way too weak to mount a challenge to the Libertards in this county, and the half ass city that is GNV!
It looks like “the people” aren’t happy with your liberal governance, but you cut them off at the commission meetings! As*wipe!
I doubt anyone really cares or is even surprised at this point. He’s been passive-aggressively “throwing stones” at the community with the ‘unhoused neighbors’ terrorizing people on a daily basis, especially students and those who live downtown. A kid told me today how his friend was beaten half to death with a metal pipe as he was walking home from Midtown. And we’re supposed to care about a window. Puh-leeze!, as the valley girls used to say.
Why should his office be exempt from Dem City planned mayhem?
Cripes, what a pack of idiot posters here! We get it, you hate Ward and the Commissioners, he’s worse than Hitler, is personally ripping off the government and everything is his and their fault. Do you have to post that every day in response to every article?
The Cronicle deserves better.
Whether one personally likes our representatives or not is irrelevant. It is their actions and performance that are at issue.
No, it is the vandalism and advocating for violence that is the issue.
well, you seem to do it on every article. 😉
He/she/it keeps coming back for more!!
Not everything is his fault.
It’s their fault more isn’t being done to benefit all residents. Their fault utility rates have continued to increase under their leadership. Their fault taxes have gone up. Their fault they haven’t done more, until lately, to decrease GRU’s debt. Their fault the budget for city government has ballooned.
You are the feeble-minded idiot here, Jazzman, as you continue to prove on a daily basis.
I bet you look like a 🐷, like Poe and Ward.
I’m about 10#s overweight.
I bet you look like Kat and Trump.
Probably some homeless person…
soon to be hired as a Downtown “Ambassador” lol
Something..something..Jussie Smollett..cough cough.
Ward probably broke the window himself for attention! I don’t believe anything they say…prolly had something to do with their Israel/palestine proclamation…they need to mind their own biz & fix the pot holes.