Micanopy man on probation arrested for multiple incidents of theft and dealing in stolen property


GAINESVILLE, Fla. – Daniel Deon McNair, 25, was arrested last night after allegedly selling a stolen golf bag and golf clubs to Play it Again Sports; he is also facing other sworn complaints for burglary and theft and is currently on probation for armed burglary and other charges.

On February 27, McNair allegedly brought the golf clubs, valued at $1,000, to Play it Again and sold them for $60. The store manager later positively identified him in a photo line-up, and the store video reportedly showed McNair clearly.

A sworn complaint alleges that McNair stole about $8,800 in equipment, including an RC car and a large amount of associated equipment and parts, from a parked car on January 24, 2022. The victim reportedly found the equipment for sale online, and a Gainesville Police Department officer watched nearby while she bought it back from McNair for $300.

Another sworn complaint alleges that McNair took a wallet from a parked car on February 12, 2023, and then attempted to make a purchase with cards from the wallet. That complaint also mentions allegations of fleeing and eluding in a stolen vehicle on January 15 and another burglary on February 6.

McNair has five felony convictions and has served one three-year prison sentence for Alachua County charges that include armed burglary and theft; he was released in April 2022 and is currently on probation in that case. Judge Susan Miller-Jones set bail at $35,000 on the charges related to the golf clubs and ordered him held without bond for violation of probation.

Articles about arrests are based on reports from law enforcement agencies. The charges listed are taken from the arrest report and/or court records and are only accusations. All suspects are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. 

  • He won’t get hired by an antiques store, now. Might have to apply at the Sun for carrier duty.

  • Not a bright person. Easy way to get caught trying to sell property back to the victim.

  • Please give him an extra dose of ‘equity’ and everything will be fine? Only in loony lefty land.

  • It’s a damn shame to read about the outstanding achievements of people in the prior articles, then a hapless vagabond, who chooses a life of lawlessness, appears.
    He was never raised properly. Pathetic.

  • I know the victim, and believe me I say that you are doing him a favor by taking away his clubs. You want to talk about a danger to society? Try living in a house next to a fairway he’s playing on!

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