Micanopy woman begins serving sentence in animal cruelty case


GAINESVILLE, Fla. – Kimberly Ann Hicks, 44, turned herself in yesterday to begin serving a 240-day jail sentence following a plea of nolo contendere to two counts of torturing animals and 20 counts of cruelty to animals.

Hicks was one of eight Micanopy residents who were charged with cruelty to animals in April 2022 after investigators found 19 malnourished dogs and five dead puppies at her house.

According to the arrest reports, investigators found 19 dogs alive, along with five dead dogs, three of which were skeletal remains only. Three living puppies were found in a cage with the two dead puppies. The living puppies were lying on top of the dead animals, which were in the water bowl inside the cage. The cage and water bowl both had obvious mold on them. Two other dogs were found in cages in the wood without any food or water. One female dog had several puppies who were too weak to stand on their own; the female dog was malnourished and injured but was still trying to care for the puppies and pull them under a vehicle to get out of the rain.

Six more dogs were inside the house, which did not appear to have electricity or running water except in one bedroom, but the dogs did not have access to that room. According to the report, animal feces littered the house, and there were holes in the flooring. Large amounts of trash littered the front yard, and the camper had an open waste line that poured human feces directly onto the ground.

Investigators concluded that all animals on the property “showed signs of a long-term lack of care and treatment for their lives. The lack of food, water, clean or adequate shelter, and veterinary care directly led to the condition of and death of several of the dogs on the property. All residents on the property assisted in the animals receiving the treatment they did and were directly responsible for their care yet all failed to take action to protect these animals from death and unnecessary pain and suffering. Their pain and suffering was shown not only through their physical ailments but also by yelping heard from multiple animals.”

Hicks originally faced 49 charges, including 24 felonies; she entered a plea of nolo contendere to two felonies and 20 first-degree misdemeanors. She was sentenced to five years of probation, with 240 days in the county jail, on the felony charges, and one year of probation on the misdemeanor charges; all sentences will run concurrently. She has also been ordered to pay $4,270 in restitution to the Office of the County Attorney and complete 250 hours of community service. She is not allowed to have any animals or work in any job that involves the care or custody of any animal.

Erin Douglas was previously sentenced to 30 days in jail in the case; William Garcia, Debra Ferguson, William Ferguson, Steven Lancaster, and Stephanie Prentzler are still awaiting the resolution of their cases. Clayton Green was originally listed as a co-defendant, but no charges were ever filed against him.

Dawson Hicks pled to five counts of animal cruelty; adjudication of guilt on the felony charge was held, and he was adjudicated guilty of four misdemeanor charges. He was sentenced to three months of probation and 100 hours of community service.

Articles about arrests are based on reports from law enforcement agencies. The charges listed are taken from the arrest report and/or court records and are only accusations. All suspects are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. 

  • This woman is not even a human being. I am a dog lover. She should be locked in a cell and deprived of all food and water. She needs life in prison with no parole.

  • She got off way too light, prior criminal record or not. THAT many animal deaths and torture cases at her behest- prison should have been a given. No question about it!
    Hopefully jail is torturous to her

  • Give the $4270 to the humane society versus the county attorney.
    She’s getting off way too easy.
    All of these inhumane scum need to be mandated to work at the Alachua County Animal Shelter for two years.
    They’re short on help.

  • I am always amazed and disheartened by news of those who harm the helpless. What kind of human being enjoys hurting an innocent animal? These are the people who will torture and murder babies and children and who become serial killers (per the FBI most serial killers start with torturing and killing animals.) These people are depraved psychopaths, and should be locked away from all decent people.

  • I shake my head sometimes with the sentencing. This woman is wrong and the punishment is not enough. Can you imagine if she did this a human. Maybe locked in a cage, forced to wear a collar and leash, and fed canned dog food for 240 days would be better suited.

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