Michigan lawsuit demonstrates potential consequence of Amendment 4 passage: taxpayer-funded abortions
TALLAHASSEE, Fla. – Florida Attorney General Ashley Moody is warning Floridians that the passage of Amendment 4 could lead to taxpayer-funded abortions, a scenario that is currently playing out in Michigan.
Michigan voters approved a constitutional amendment in 2022 that guarantees a right to abortion, and the ACLU has now filed a lawsuit to overturn a Michigan ban on taxpayer-funded abortions, arguing that the state “must be ordered to provide Medicaid coverage for abortion and related services at reimbursement rates that will not unjustifiably deny, burden, or infringe access to abortion, as guaranteed by the Michigan Constitution.”
The lawsuit argues that without taxpayer funding for abortions, Michiganders would experience a “delay [in] access to care,” and this right to abortion without delay would also be guaranteed by the ballot language of Florida’s Amendment 4: “Except as provided in Article X, Section 22, no law shall prohibit, penalize, delay, or restrict abortion before viability or when necessary to protect the patient’s health, as determined by the patient’s healthcare provider” (emphasis added).
“The interest groups who wrote and continue to defend Amendment 4 have repeatedly refused to tell voters existing laws it would overturn,” said Attorney General Ashley Moody. “This Michigan case makes it crystal clear that reasonable laws that most people on both sides of the abortion issue support will be challenged in court if Amendment 4 passes. Because of how broad and misleading Amendment 4 is, voters need to understand that seemingly uncontroversial laws will likely be overturned.”
The ACLU alleges in the Michigan complaint that “the denial of [Medicaid] coverage to patients considering abortion care may delay their access to health care … Accordingly, the coverage ban burdens and infringes upon Medicaid-eligible patients’ constitutional right to reproductive freedom.”
In a press release, the Vote No on 4 campaign argued, “If Amendment 4 passes, the same ACLU lawyers will file the same lawsuit in Florida to use their deceptive amendment to overturn Florida’s law against public funding and force Florida taxpayers to pay for elective abortions. At only 34 words, Amendment 4 provides no definitions for any of its operative terms, creating enormous loopholes and entry points for inevitable lawsuits.”
Florida will become an epicenter of int’l sex trafficking even more than now. Hotels will be centers of both sex and abortion trafficking, mixed in with innocent family vacationers like tourist chameleons. Kids will be kidnapped more, too.
Satanists favor 4 so they can ritually abort in their ceremonies. ACLU will support them, too.
Funny, but before the GOP killed abortion rights, none of this was happening here.
Jazzman, sexualizing kids an murdering babies just seems to float your boat. What a sick, evil man. I pray for your awakening.
1. “In the 1992 recording, a 46-year-old Trump asks a little girl if she’s going to go up an escalator. Then Trump turns to the camera and says, “I am going to be dating her in 10 years. Can you believe it?”
2. “During the 1997 Miss Teen USA pageant, he sat in the audience as his teenage daughter, Ivanka, helped to host the event from onstage. He turned to Brook Antoinette Mahealani Lee, Miss Universe at the time, and asked for her opinion of his daughter’s body.
“‘Don’t you think my daughter’s hot? She’s hot, right?’” Ms. Lee recalled him saying. ‘I was like, ‘Really?’ That’s just weird. She was 16. That’s creepy.”
3. “Five former Miss Teen USA contestants have told BuzzFeed News that Trump walked into their dressing room while girls as young as 15 were changing:
“I remember putting on my dress really quick because I was like, ‘Oh my god, there’s a man in here,’” said Mariah Billado, the former Miss Vermont Teen USA.
Trump, she recalled, said something like, “Don’t worry, ladies, I’ve seen it all before.”
What a bunch of red herrings, nice try at deflection. 16 y/o is the age of consent in most states, or 9 y/o in Muslim countries.
K thru 3, where you want to have teachers instruct students on the teacher’s sexual lifestyle, is a completely immoral and unnatural place to discuss any of these activities and circumstances. Children need to be left as children, and not sexualized.
Trump has ZERO record of being inappropriate with children, no matter how hard you try. He went so far as to ban your type’s hero, J. Epstein, from his clubs once he (Trump) saw what was probably going on.
“constitutional right to reproductive freedom.”
Really? I can’t find anything related to so called ‘reproductive freedom’ or taxpayers paying for abortions in the constitution. More lies from the Left.
Amendment 4 wouldn’t be there if the “Free State of Florida” via uncle Ron hadn’t been pandering for votes instead of actual freedoms already in place for the women of Florida. Florida is becoming a police state. I’ve lived here for 70 years and I pay attention to what’s going on in this state. Ronnie needs to chill and let Floridians be.
“Police state”? Please articulate how Florida is a “police state”.
James, murder of the unborn child, who’s heart is beating at or before 6 weeks, needs to be stopped. I support and admire the Governor’s effort to defend most vulnerable, and letting those innocent little babies “be”, instead of being erased as you would prefer.
Finally, show some respect and use his title, you poor pathetic soul. I pray for your awakening and release of your bitterness.
Hey Ashley Moody and all the rest of you fascist conservative whack job republicans, stay the hell out of our bedrooms and private lives!
Tell your daughter and/or girlfriend to keep her feet on the ground.
Much cheaper and far less of an emotional burden to have to deal with in later years.
That’s what you do?
How’s that working for you?
Not exactly.
Having raised her in the church those things were instilled in her, or should I say the morals we felt were important were reinforced.
My guess is she also had the intelligence to realize the price for a condom or birth control pill was a better alternative than looking in the mirror and experiencing the guilt and agony of having killed a child.
She instead gets to experience the joy(?) of raising 4 children, all by the choices she and her husband made, together.
I’d say it worked out pretty well.
Good for her (and you) and best wishes for your family, but maybe mind your own business.
BTW, no one in my family has had an abortion or likely ever would unless medically necessary, but that’s not because I smugly dictated insulting commands more appropriate for the handlers of brood mares.
Jazz, it’s not an abortion (under the law) when a baby, in the rare instance, a pregnancy has to be stopped for health reasons.
Never said one of your family members did. You asked me a question, I felt inclined to answer.
Speaking of minding your own business…
Another surefire method of BC is swallowing, from many of your comments, you’d make a great teacher.
We’re here to express opinions dude, so if you think my responses to you are getting in your business, stop posting. I think we are talking here about the “Not free” state of Florida getting in everyone’s business, which you seemed to be endorsing.
I’ll pass on your “BC” suggestions but hope it works for you.
Touched a nerve?
Let’s see if I copied & pasted this correctly from your comment…”maybe mind your own business.”
I’d be inclined to think you’re pretty adept at the aforementioned method of BC given your continued support for local rule. I’m equally confident that you don’t pass on much of anything that Ward and the other liberal lunatics feed you.
That’s just my opinion though.
I’m not a city resident and have criticized actions by the current city commission. That doesn’t mean I would be stupid or unprincipled enough to endorse the state taking over city property and that would go for Gainesville, Ocala, Newberry, or any local elected government.
I have no idea what you mean by “hitting a nerve” and don’t care about that type of metric. Besting you – or someone else here – is a low bar and not my reason for posting.
Whatever toots your horn. We know your reasons for posting – Ward’s pretty happy about it.
The taking of innocent human life should be all of our business.
Embryology 101
And when I pay or potentially pay for it, it is indeed my business
Paulie… I’m certain you were one of those who thought local government thugs had the power to lock us down like peasants during Covid!
I’d bet that you are also just fine with government parasites trying to force vaccinations!
Keep your private lives the hell out of our lives!pay for your own “healthcare” instead of being a taxpayer dependent leech!
Thankfully we had a governor that prevented the stupidity of the left from metastasizing into our state! You are free to leave!
“But in Florida, unlike the nation as a whole — and states like New York and California that Mr. DeSantis likes to single out — most people who died from Covid died after vaccines became available to all adults, not before. As the governor’s political positions began to shift, so did his state’s death rate, for the worse….
Floridians died at a higher rate, adjusted for age, than residents of almost any other state during the Delta wave, according to the Times analysis. With less than 7 percent of the nation’s population, Florida accounted for 14 percent of deaths between the start of July and the end of October…..
A high vaccination rate was especially important in Florida, which trails only Maine in the share of residents 65 and older. By the end of July, Florida had vaccinated about 60 percent of adults, just shy of the national average. Had it reached a vaccination rate of 74 percent — the average for five New England states at the time — it could have prevented more than 16,000 deaths and more than 61,000 hospitalizations that summer, according to a study published in the medical journal The Lancet….”
Hahahah, the NYT is only a source of political slander – “All the News That Fits the Tint”. What garbage.
#1 – Slicing the peak FL flu season out for analysis when the rest of the country was at it’s bottom is disingenuous.
#2 – DeSantis allowed individuals to choose the shot or not – no coercion – unlike Harris and Walz! As it turns out, not choosing the shot was the better choice. The shots proved much more deadly than the virus.
#3 – NY, MI and CA have gone back and ERASED 10s of thousands of “COVID Deaths” across 2020-2022, because the numbers looked so bad, for the political future of those governors. Garbage in, garbage out.
Look at the scoreboard – someone’s been filling you with BS, and it’s probably ou criminal Gov and his SG.
“A total of seven studies with 21,618,297 COVID-19 patients were included in the meta-analysis. The odds ratio (OR) for mortality among unvaccinated patients compared to vaccinated patients was 2.46 (95% CI: 1.71-3.53), indicating that unvaccinated patients were 2.46 times more likely to die from COVID-19..
Government thugs should have left the vaccine push/education up to doctors JUST like the left wants abortion! I don’t trust government thugs of any political affiliation for any reason!
I vote for less taxes and freedom! People were free to make their own decisions in Florida… those who had medical issues were free to stay home. The rest of us were free to go to work and support our favorite businesses which is EXACTLY what I did every single day!
Stop murdering children.
So if murder happens in a bedroom, it’s okay Paulie? Really?
Since you care so much for privacy all of a sudden, I’m sure you were against all shot mandates!
It’s whack jobs that want to murder their children, it’s the sane and righteous person who is standing up for these kids.
I think there’s middle ground…
I think you’re subhuman and disgusting if you abort a child.
I also don’t think any government should have say over any persons body (vaccines, ‘pandemic’ shots, and abortions included).
The problem is republicans are okay with government control of abortion and democrats are okay with forced pharmaceuticals and other government mandates. Both are hypocritical and are being played by big daddy 👁️. Pretty soon government will have total control of all of us if you can’t stop and get your heads out of your donkey or elephant ass
No one is forced to take pharmaceuticals by the government, but if you willfully try to subject others to your toxic cooties, stay outside.
Jazzy, only you would find fault in a common sense observation that Slice made. You can not handle the truth.
No one is forced to take pharmaceuticals by the government, but if you willfully try to subject others to your toxic cooties, stay outside.
All the BS you spoke during the China Virus proves you wrong. You can’t work if you are not vaxed, you can’t go to a store unless you wear face diapers, you can’t be in the military if you are not vaxed. You were at the top of the Vax pushers streaming about it wasn’t the persons right to object to the Vax and how who were not vaxed basically should be shunned and put on a list. How is that not forcing people to take medication against their will? I think the Vax has clouded your brain in denial. I am sure there are countless others on AC who remember your china virus Vax promos.
No one is forced to take pharmaceuticals by the government, but if you willfully try to subject others to your toxic cooties, stay outside.
PS I never said what you claim above, and as the owner of a business I was dictated to by the state about how I could deal with clients who’s homes I would be working in.
If you lived in a leftwing dump as you would obviously prefer… you wouldn’t have been allowed to work! You must be in business that is funded via taxpayer dollars!
Everyone that actually runs a business knows leftwing thugs locked their citizens out down like peasants killing jobs, businesses and the economy! It’s hilarious that you complain about DeSantis not allowing you or your employees to enter ones house with a mask on!
Let’s take a moment to be very clear about what DeSantis did and did not do: DeSantis never stopped Jazzman or his employees from wearing a mask. DeSantis – via the legislature – stopped Jazzman from forcing his employees to wear masks. Jazzman knows better than all of us and thinks he should be able to tell everyone else what to do – for our safety, of course.
I am a builder and some of our work is on homes occupied by our clients. DeSantis made it illegal to restrict work by those who did not get vaccinated or to require masks during work. That meant that when we went in a clients house I could not assure the owners that A – Our workers were vaccinated or B – wearing a mask. No, I was not going to and did not fire anyone who did not get vaccinated, but this kept me from assigning work safely for our clients sakes. What is critical to this is understanding that most restrictions during Covid were self imposed by citizens who did not want to expose themselves needlessly to the virus, not government restrictions.
Also, DeSantis made it illegal for cruise ships to require vaccines for customers, a ridiculous restriction that might as well have been for the voyage of the damned.
That is not freedom. It is not freedom to punish a business – and a business critical to the an entire regions economy – because the governor didn’t like what the CEO said.
No other business could “affirm” either of those useless facts, so you we’re not singled out to be punished!
You’re ability to analyze the facts is greatly lacking.
Thanks to a conservative SCOTUS! If the leftwing parasites were in the majority, those pieces of excrement would have allow government vermin to force injections!
If the vaccine you people thought was your savior worked, you wouldn’t need to be concerned whether someone else took the useless injection!
Dude, can you take your excrement obsessed comments elsewhere. There’s something wrong with you.
Nope! I call a spade a spade and excrement is exactly what anti freedom, pro government, entitled, taxpayer dependent leftists are in my opinion! You are free to go back to the Gainesville rag that no longer allows you to comment or read the comments!
Well, I guess you can’t. You have my pity.
Well said. Science and politics do not mix real well.
Government control of abortion? Are you also upset you can’t murder grown adults? Is that government control as well?
Keep Florida Family Friendly – No on 4. We don’t want your blue state killing babies up to birth here! Once people learn how extreme 4 is, they will reject it!
I’m voting NO on 4. Abortion for many women is later regretted…a haunting choice made in crisis that cannot be undone.
Let’s come alongside women in crisis pregnancies so that the decision to kill their unborn children doesn’t feel to them to be their only option.
Children are a blessing! I pray that our country will wake up to highly value little ones again. Abortion is not an honorable way to deal with an unwanted pregnancy. We should be protecting the weak and vulnerable – not disposing of them.
Work for all that Mom, but stay out of other families decisions and maybe they’ll stay out of yours.
👹👺👿🤡💩ACLUSPLCDNC as usual. An association of demonics who must be overthrown from our govt.
So the AG is alerting us to the fact that someplace somewhere someone is suing somebody else – and we better be careful!
Say what?
Sounds about right, for some crooked assed lawyers.