More details emerge in Pointe 23 homicide
Staff report
GAINESVILLE, Fla. – The arrest report of Dyquann Freeney, 25, provides more details about the Pointe 23 shooting on February 19, which appears to have occurred during a meeting arranged by one of the juvenile suspects to buy marijuana from the victim.
At about 8:58 p.m. on February 19, calls were received about shots fired at Pointe 23 Apartments (740 NE 23rd Avenue). Responding officers found Caleb Fries, 17, in a car, killed by a single gunshot to the head.
Officers reportedly found shell casings from two different guns: two .45 caliber shells were found inside the car, and one 9mm shell casing was found outside the car on the driver’s side. A .45 caliber gun was reportedly found next to Fries inside the car. The shot that killed Fries was determined to have come from outside the car, and there was a bullet hole in the front passenger side window that came from inside the car.
A witness in the apartment complex told an officer that she heard gunshots and then saw two black males running east through the complex and then south toward NE 23rd Avenue, saying “Oh, sh*t, oh, sh*t” as they ran. She said a third black male ran behind the first two and that he looked bigger and older than the first two.
A second witness in the apartment complex told an officer that he saw three black males run past his vehicle, and one appeared to be carrying a pistol.
Gainesville Police Department’s investigation found that Fries was a marijuana dealer who had recently purchased products from a new supplier; a pouch of marijuana was reportedly found next to Fries in the car. A witness told an officer that Fries was known to carry a gun. Fries’ cell phone was reportedly found in his car, and although a GPD Forensic Examiner was unable to unlock it, the lock screen showed several Instagram notifications.
Surveillance video from Chelsea Apartments (2510 NE 9th Street), which is to the east of Pointe 23 Apartments, reportedly shows an SUV that arrived and parked in the southwest corner of Chelsea Apartments at about 8:49 p.m. Three people appeared to be waiting for the SUV to arrive, and they showed the SUV where to park; the parking spot was near a trail that leads to NE 23rd Avenue. As the SUV parked, the three people walked away on the path toward NE 23rd Avenue, and the SUV stayed in the parking space with its headlights on. At 8:57 p.m., two people ran from the trail toward the SUV, then they got in, and the SUV left the complex. About a minute later, a third person walked out of the trail and east through the complex.
A witness reportedly told an officer that Fries used his Instagram account to sell marijuana and that he had posted new products on his Instagram account on the day of the shooting.
Officers accessed Fries’ Instagram account, which reportedly showed he was planning to meet someone at Pointe 23 to sell marijuana. The owner of the buyer’s account was reportedly identified as 15-year-old Kemeon Lee, who has now been charged as a juvenile with armed robbery and murder, and Lee’s account reportedly messaged Fries at 8:37 p.m., saying he was “finna come out der.” Officers also reported that there were two Instagram calls from Lee to Fries at 8:38 p.m. and 8:52 p.m. and that the messages from Lee were the only messages on Fries’ Instagram in the hours leading up to his murder.
An officer spoke with Lee on February 23, and Lee reportedly said he knew Fries and had purchased marijuana from him in the past. He said he had last spoken with Fries on February 17 on Instagram and had been at a birthday party in the Highland Court neighborhood with his friend, 14-year-old Mikhail Lawson, on the night of the murder. He said another friend picked them up from the party and took them to Bivens Cove apartment complex; the officer reported that the friend drives a vehicle that is similar to the SUV that parked at Chelsea Apartments.
Lawson has also been charged as a juvenile with armed robbery and murder.
An officer interviewed the friend, who reportedly said Lawson had asked her to pick him up at Chelsea Apartments on the night of February 19 and that she assumed he was buying marijuana. She said Lawson told her where to park, and Lawson and Lee went down the trail toward NE 23rd Avenue. A few minutes later, they came back, out of breath, and Lawson had a handgun that had a bullet hole in the extended magazine. Lawson’s hand was also bleeding. She said Lawson told her his gun had been shot.
A search warrant was obtained for Lee’s Instagram account, and officers reportedly found a live video posted at 7:13 p.m. on February 19, showing Lawson and Lee with a handgun with an extended magazine. Officers also reportedly found Instagram messages between Lee and another person at 10:44 p.m. on February 19 in which Lee said “On my soul tha shi flew past my face” [sic].
An officer interviewed Lee again on March 4, and post Miranda, he reportedly said he was with Lawson at a birthday party on NE 12th Street on the night of February 19, and after the party, they walked down NE 12th Street to where Freeney hangs out. He said Freeney asked them if they wanted to get “gas,” which is slang for marijuana, and that Freeney told him to text Fries to set up the sale.
Lee reportedly said that after he messaged Fries, he overheard Lawson and Freeney talking about robbing Fries, saying, “We gonna come up both sides.” Lee reportedly said that when they got to Pointe 23, he got into the front seat of Fries’ car and was in the process of buying marijuana when Lawson came up on the passenger side of the car with a gun and Freeney came up on the driver’s side. He said Fries grabbed his own gun and started shooting at Lawson, then Freeney shot Fries. Lee reportedly said he got out of Fries’ car and ran to Chelsea Apartments, where their friend was waiting in the SUV.
Post Miranda, Freeney reportedly said he was with Lawson and Lee on the night of the shooting and that Lee had made arrangements to buy marijuana from Fries. He said that after Lee got into Fries’ car, he was taking a long time, so Lawson walked up on the passenger side of the car and he walked up on the driver’s side of the car to check on Lee. Freeney reportedly said Lawson tried to open the passenger side door, and Fries starting shooting at Lawson; he said he had a gun for protection purposes and shot once through the driver’s side window, hitting Fries. Freeney said he shot Fries to defend Lawson and that he ran away after firing his gun and threw the gun into a nearby pond. Freeney denied any plans to rob Fries and said he later learned that Lawson’s gun had been hit by Fries’ shot.
Freeney is a convicted felon who is on probation in Georgia for aggravated assault; according to court documents, he has been in the area for about three months. He has been charged with armed robbery, murder, and possession of a firearm by a convicted felon. Judge Thomas Jaworski ordered him held without bond, and prosecutors have filed notice that they intend to ask that he be held without bond until trial.
Juveniles are often charged as adults in cases like this, but that typically takes some time.
Articles about arrests are based on reports from law enforcement agencies. The charges listed are taken from the arrest report and/or court records and are only accusations. All suspects are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.
Note to self: Don’t sell drugs, and don’t associate with “people on probation”
We have thousands of drug-addicted, insane, worthless/lazy people from all over the country to house, feed, and provide daily EMS services for. The poor youths on the east side apparently don’t matter to these deranged Dems here.
Stop voting for the same diseased-brain commissioners, people, so we can get back to being a normal city instead of a retard Dem city overrun by crime and vagrants.
This is not a Conservative Vs. Liberal issue or a Repubs vs. Dems issue. Division by Red vs. Blue or any other division never solved a problem. If we continue to try to fight these problems divided, we will never truly make real progress.
Thug Lives Do Not Matter. TLDM
Fries who was described by family as a good person who was going to make a wonderful father was actually a low life drug dealer. Freeney is a POS thug from Lanier County. He has a gun for defensive purposes of committing crime. The two juveniles Lawson and Lee are nothing more than soon to be thugs. It seemed more like Freeney was upset about his gun being shot than anything else. If you want to play and live out your gangster renditions of “POWER and POWER BOOK II” expect to die the drug dealer’s way. Nothing more to see, move along, another typical gang member’s day in the hood. As some else said 4 gangsta off the street. Good riddens.
It’s amazing how people can paint a picture one way then the truth comes out can’t wait to hear their responses to the truth
He could just be another teenager who gets weed for himself and his friends. Those can be found in all neighborhoods and all income levels, including kids in very elite schools, and it’s been that way since the 70s. He should have stuck to dealing with decent friends instead of local animals. That’s the lesson here (one of them).
Took the words out of my mouth!!! He was a good person who was “finna come out der.” to sell some dope to some kids while he had he his own gun. Sounds like someone I’d like to babysit my kids. What a joke. Weed is weed, but had he not been selling he would be alive.
These young men are not animals! They made bad choices and was caught doing bad things. Death and incarceration is the usual result! WHEN YOU DO WRONG, YOU SHOULD BE PUNISHED FOR IT however…ANIMALS DON’T DO THE THINGS THAT THEY WERE DOING, POOR CHOICE HUMANS DO! Sometimes you can get caught up in situations out of your control but in this case, it appears all the guys had choices to make and everything went to the left and left one father to be, DEAD!
Why should we as a society have to foot the bill for Dyquan for the next 40 to 50 years. Once he is convicted, he ought to be executed within a year of conviction. Dyqyan has no respect for human life and has forfeited his right to live on this planet.
aka “Free BiQueen” while at Raiford.
perhaps can smuggle some teflon?
BiQueen and Teflon…..hmmm🤔 you seem to know quite a bit how it goes down in prison. Are you missing it? You’re ratting yourself out EDDIE or is it EDWINA….which ever it is, LIVE IN YOUR TRUTH & MORE POWER TO YOU!!✌️
one less city drug dealer.
three new pen bedmates.
a win-win solution for all.
“finna come out der”.
obamanomics, yes?
“Oh, sh*t, oh, sh*t”
English on the run.
I googled this sh*t. But no hits.
“finna come out der”. ebonics?
Nope, not ebonics! It’s lingo kids try to use to be cool and fit in…..kinda like “gitter done!”
Oh it IS ebonics lady.
Everything is about Obama! He must be a GREAT man because people, such as yourself, can’t stop talking about him! My father, who served 30 years in the army, retired and became a police officer for 15 years in this area, told my siblings and I, be GREAT and watch how people will always talk about you, rather it’s good because of your GREATNESS, or bad because of jealousy!! Thanks to my dad,💯 everyday, I see and hear exactly what you meant, especially in these comments!
No one here apparently has a problem with teenagers – one of them 14 – running around with guns.
Hey, what could go wrong?
There are and have been stupid teenagers all over the world doing stupid things. Only in America do we make it easy and cheap for them to be packing heat so they can play cowboys and gangsters – for real, y’all!
they are all good citizen’s but do wrong and do or sell drugs probably didn’t pay for his drugs
A lot of you all need to check yourself! Why when something negative goes on, you all are quick to bring up Democrats & Obama’s name? It still bothers some of you all, that we had a respectable black president, that served 2 terms, with a squeaky clean background that IS & WAS a roll model for ALL young men!! THIS IS NOT ABOUT DEMOCRATS, OBAMA, OR RACE (which, some of the comments are low-key saying without saying), HELLO👋 FYI…. Fries was a white young man, maybe 16-18 years of age & is expecting a child! No matter how or where you raise your kids, as parents, you must TELL THEM HOW MUCH YOU LOVE THEM & TO PUT GOD 1st and FOREMOST. ENCOURAGE THEM TO BE GREAT, TALK ABOUT LIFE’S PROS & CONS. PRAY FOR THEM DAILY & HOPE FOR THE BEST! I guarantee the Fries had no idea that day or night, would be the last time they saw or heard from their son. Everybody else’s sons that are involved, have an opportunity to speak & see them….. rather it’s behind bars or not!!! I will 🙏 PRAY for everyone that’s involved or effected by this situation!..❤️Kym
If you think obama was “respectable” you need help big time.
Yep, I said what I said, VERY RESPECTABLE!! His character is ASTONISHING! ONCE AGAIN, LEAVE POLITICS OUT OF THIS AND KEEP IT ON THE SITUATION, STEELY DAN. Say your comment in your mirror. Did Steely Dan give you permission to use their name? DOUBT IT!
You are the one who brought up BO lady, and I’ll give ya his “character” is astonishing, just not in a good way. Kinda nervy of you to blast me for interjecting politics when it was YOU who brought it up.
As to Steely Dan, why don’t you just call ’em up and tattle on me “Lil Kym”?
🤣Deacon Blues….🎶Drink Scotch whiskey all night long.. and die behind the wheel!🎶
Have a good strong one on me!🥃Steely Dan✌️
Lil’Kim wish she was as pretty and intelligent as me!! Call me BIG Kym!
That Number….🎶Rikki don’t lose that number
It’s the only one you own
You might use it if you feel better
When you get home!🎶
I ❤️ Steely Dan, the band of course!
A 17 year old drug dealer who advertises on Instagram to 13 year olds? Instagram is owned by greedy smushface Mark Suckerberg, who claims his platforms allow people “to connect”, like drug sellers and their customers. No government regulation needed, he’s making money, let drug dealers and kids connect on his platform. Suckerberg and his “social media” crap will destroy America faster than Putin ever will. The enemy within.
Will he maintain that stare in Raiford?
Give it a week and he will be holding someone’s pocket when he gets to prison. When he’s someone’s punk he won’t have that look.
Just another day on the NE side. The article does beg the question,,,
If Fries was such a “great guy”, and an expecting father of a newborn baby, why did he have to sell weed at 9 pm at night?
Did he not have full time employment?
Or is Pointe 23 HUD housing?
There is a “hole” in Mr. Fries story here.
I’m not saying that his life didn’t mean anything, and the guys who done the killing should be prosecuted to the full extent of the law.
It’s sad all the way around. Three lives gone to prison, and one deceased.
That must have been some good weed!
Is that a little bit of coke powder on his lip? Dyquann, what kind of idiot names a child Dyquann?
HIS MOTHER & YOU, who uses a dynamic band’s name trying to disguise his racism.
Hmmm, 🤔 I wonder why you’re the only one thought that was cocaine…..
And I wonder why someone with an IQ in single digits keeps posting.
BECAUSE I GOT YOUR ATTENTION!! ….Hey Nineteen…🎶take me along when you slide on down!🎶✌️❤️
I was not Sure if it’s cocaine or fentanyl, they both white
🤣🤣🤣🤣 LITERALLY!! 😂
🤣🤣 I couldn’t have said it better myself!🤣🤣