Mother accused of keeping 6-year-old in cage while she was at work released from jail after bond reduction
Staff report
GAINESVILLE, Fla. – Yurui Xie, 31, who was arrested with her husband on December 8 after their son reportedly told an adult he didn’t want to go home because his father built a cage to lock him in while his mother was at work, was released from the Alachua County Jail after Judge William Davis reduced her bond from $600,000 to $50,000.
Xie’s attorney filed a motion for bond reduction on December 14, stating that there are no allegations of injury to the children; there is no statutory definition for “cages” and a definition taken from the 2nd DCA states that a cage must be “some type of wire or bar boxlike structure or a small restrictive enclosure”; the officer did not note that there was a full-sized mattress in the enclosure; and placing her 2-year-old in an upside-down crib does not meet the definition of “willfully and unlawfully cages a child.”
The motion also states that Xie disputes making statements attributed to her in the arrest report, admitting that she left either child alone and unattended; the children are living with a family member in a different residence; and she is not a flight risk and does not pose a danger to the community.
According to the motion, Xie moved to Gainesville from China in 2013 to attend graduate school at the University of Florida and earned her Master’s degree in 2016. She worked for the UF Department of Horticultural Science for three years before moving to the Plant Pathology Department as a Research Biologist. On top of her duties as a Research Biologist, she was the Safety Manager and Facility Manager and was screened by the FBI before being hired for those positions. Xie married her husband in 2017 and is a permanent resident of the U.S.
A Motion to Modify Pre-Trial Release filed on December 15 by the State Attorney’s Office requested that Xie be required to surrender her passport before being released on bond.
Yesterday, Judge Davis reduced Xie’s bail to $50,000 and ordered her to surrender her passport.
Xie’s husband, Dustin Huff, remains in the Alachua County Jail on $600,000 bond. No motions have been filed at this time to reduce his bond.
Good Grief. I guess she needs to lock the kids in the cages for Christmas.
Good for her. People need to mind their business.
Oops so now she gone get deported????? Smh she wrong for that wow
I guess she didn’t like being behind bars too, maybe?
So hubby sits in the stoney while mamma takes her fake passport and hauls a@# back to China with everything she’s learned here.
Sounds like a win-win for her and communist China.
See what happens when liberal judges get involved.
Her 2022 salary was $49,500, and his was $46,500.
I don’t think hiring a babysitter would have been that difficult.
Not to mention they were both research scientists at UF and probably had a lot of flexibility with their hours.
This is beyond horrible and disgusting!!! $50,000 bond….WHY just WHY???!!!
“..stating that there are no allegations of injury to the children..”
Insane argument…many childhood injuries are not physical…You have to be a very dense or heartless person to not realize the emotional and mental harm caused by being locked up by your parents.
I find it hard to believe that her attorney and the judge have children of their own but fail to acknowledge the harm caused by the psycho actions of these parents. What they apparently did is straight up cruel and unusual
They had to release her so someone could care for her kids. I wonder if she’s a Dumbocrat? After all aren’t they always crying about kids in cages?
Making sure you’re a registered Democrat is step number one in an insanity defense.
You guys are stupid. They TOOK her passport so she CANNOT leave. Learn how to read.
You are stupid! A piece of paper has never stopped a f”ing criminal from leaving! You are either naive, or just plain STUPID and an enable for this criminal!
Are you kidding me? No harm to the children? This child is scarred for life and will live a life of terror! Thanks Mom, Pop, and Alachua County Judicial System! Alachua County Judiciary stupidity on high display! She is at minimum, an accomplice to child abuse at, neglect, etc! Fu*king Chinese Communist Party supporter! That is how they work! Look the other way America, coming to your city soon!