Mother of injured 18-month-old charged with child neglect


GAINESVILLE, Fla. – Jah’miah Laqay Young, 19, was arrested yesterday and charged with child neglect with great bodily harm and failing to report suspected child abuse after officers determined she knew her 18-month-old was injured but told the man caring for her son that he shouldn’t take him to the hospital because they would call the police.

Justin Shavers, 19, was arrested yesterday after he took the child to the hospital; Shavers is reportedly unrelated to the child but was watching him while the mother was away. Shavers reportedly detailed five separate incidents in which he injured the child:

  • He bit the child four times because the child punched him.
  • He pinned the child down on the bed and burned his chest with a space heater because the child peed on the bed.
  • He used a small thumb tack or push pin to stab the child’s feet because the child kicked him.
  • He took a hot pan he had been cooking with and hit the child repeatedly with it because the child was misbehaving and screaming.
  • He said the child fell off the bed and broke his arm; however, medical staff told law enforcement that in their opinion, the broken arm is an inflicted injury, not the result of a fall.

Young, the child’s mother, was interviewed on January 4; a Gainesville Police Department officer reported that she initially said Shavers told her on January 1 or 2 that the child had sustained a minor burn from another child. Young reportedly said she had no knowledge of the extent of her child’s injuries, but she told Shavers to take him to the hospital to treat the burn.

However, officers who were investigating the incident found text messages on Shavers’ phone showing that he sent Young several photographs of the injuries between December 30 and January 3. Post Miranda, Young reportedly acknowledged that she received those messages and that she knew the child had been burned on his stomach, arms, and legs and that he had been bitten several times.

According to the report, Young sent the following message to Shavers on January 2: “If I show anyone my child’s face then they gone wanna call the police & I don’t even have time bro…” On January 3, she reportedly wrote, “U can’t take him they call dcf…”

Post Miranda, Young reportedly admitted that she knew her child needed medical care but she told Shavers not to take him to the hospital because she was afraid of getting in trouble. Young also reportedly told the officer that she had been driving to Sarasota and back between December 30 and January 2 and was in town on January 3 but did not go see the child because she “had a lot going on.” She reportedly said that she called Shavers and told him to take the baby to the hospital after sending the texts, but Shavers reportedly denied this.

Judge Thomas Jaworski set bail at $200,000.

Articles about arrests are based on reports from law enforcement agencies. The charges listed are taken from the arrest report and/or court records and are only accusations. All suspects are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. 

  • Yep, another one who should be “fixed.”

    Scary, the number of people who have no comprehension or understanding of the responsibilities of having and raising a child yet they can’t seem to keep their feet on the floor.

    And people wonder the regression of society.

  • This is just Sad,, After reading the article, what can you say??? Just Sad, don’t need No Negative comment if your Human .

    • Biting , punching and burning an innocent child is SICK behavior and should not be swept under the rug.
      These two people are NOT human.

  • This is the hardest thing I’ve ever dealt with having to try and make since of a mother putting anything before her child,the one person in this world that should protect them didn’t. I’m trying to find forgiveness in my heart but right now I simple can’t,I want them to feel everything that child felt and I would love to be the one to administer the punishment. And in case you’re wondering why i’m taking it so personal is because it’s my grandchild flesh of my flesh and they did not deserve this BS to happen to them.

    • Granny do NOT get on here and act as if you are some savior okay? Where we’re y’all when she was struggling with J? When your son was right there not giving a d**n? Whe I was buying milk clothes and diapers watching him because she IS child and needed help? But y’all were DEFINITELY THERE to spend her settlement money she got from DCF when she was RAPED!!! while I’m their care! Don’t you dare come on here bashing her. Idk what happened here but I know for 18 months MIAH has been ALL this baby knew and you KNOW she loves her baby! Everyone saying Frre Reek but for freakin WHAT???? He haven’t did ANYTHING since J been on this earth but BARELY posed for pictures!!! FOH!!!

  • Another candidate needing to be moved to front of the line for sterilization.

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