Motorcyclist killed in NW 16th Boulevard crash
December 19, 2023

Staff report
GAINESVILLE, Fla. – A motorcyclist was killed today in an accident on NW 16th Boulevard.
According to Gainesville Police Department, witnesses reported that the motorcycle was traveling eastbound in the 3800 block of NW 16th Boulevard at a high rate of speed when it hit an unknown object and crashed. The motorcyclist was pronounced deceased.
This is an ongoing investigation.
Did he have to swerve to miss the Panhandlers that GPD and Harvey Ward continue to allow to occupy the medians everywhere day in and day out? Even after deaths at this intersection?Are they getting finder fees from Morgan and Morgan? Clueless and Feckless failed lack of leadership and crime control continue and the City Manager threatens to cut Police and Fire because the COG built a bogus Biomass Plant that has bankrupted them? How about some answers for a change.
Unfortunely high speeds on motorcycles never seem to work out real well. Especially when you hit something.
What answers are you trying to get here? This is a news story about a guy that died in a motorcycle accident. Have some compassion and stop spewing your politics anywhere anyone will listen.
Totally Agree
The motorcyclist had family locally. Your poorly conceived political rantings belong somewhere else.
This accident did not occur at an intersection and are no medians in the section of 16th Avenue where is lost control while going at a high rate of speed. (Sadly) an eye witness.
This particular accident didn’t happen on 16th Avenue…
16th Avenue becomes 16th Boulevard at NW 34th Street…a relatively inconsequential distinction
Really Unbelievable…. Time and a place for your political rant. Not here and now!
That’ll learn him.
shut up and have some decency. what the hell is wrong with you?
Wrong with us he was the idiot riding at a high speed
He swerved out of the way to not hit someone. It takes literally nothing to be respectful so shut up
Do you know if it was Hoyt Cotter? He and I were friends in high school.
Hey Nate
This is Andres we knew each other at hbms. Yes it was him.
Oh my god. This is Taylor. This is crazy. He always posts motorcycle vids on tiktok
from what i’ve heard it was him. so sad.
Had he not been speeding could still be here
Special place in hell waiting for you
special place in hell for someone who makes fun of a death no matter the way it occurred. Some people were close with him
I been to hell two tours in Afghanistan hell don’t scare me
probably some army or marine grunt.
No one cares about your 2 tours.
I do. The older military (up to 2021) we could be proud of, but with the new leadership.
Thank you for your service.
would have traded you for a rug. idiot.
Doesn’t matter if he was speeding. You could be respectful or you could just shut up since you’ve got nothing nice to say! Sad that he couldn’t enjoy a nice sunny day and the wind in his hair. Sorry for all that loved him.
I hope you get taught a similar lesson
I just know no one likes you 💀
Was it a red motorcycle? There is a guy on a red motorcycle who goes at least 100 mph on 235 towards La Crosse!
No it was black
Prolly hit that giant “Your Speed IS…” sign pole right there at the 3800 block.
So sad and prayers to family and friends.
Rest in peace Hoyt. Prayer and condolences to his parents.
I happened to be driving by shortly after the accident and felt compelled to slow to a stop and say a little prayer for the deceased…I don’t know you but rest in peace!
God bless the family and friends who are grieving during the holidays.
Traffic bureau should lower speed limit there to 35mph. But they say it doesn’t meet some criteria to do so, whether the percent of drivers going over the limit, or related to accidents (it’s esoteric, not common sense).
Lowering the speed limit doesn’t help when he was traveling at a high speed. Similar to gun control, criminals will not follow the laws.
There are 40,000 traffic deaths in the US each year and untold injuries. Sad, but you want to just hobble everyone and everything?
I live East of there. Every night I hear motorcycles racing up and down 16th/13th. GPD in too bad of shape with too few officers to do anything about it.
Speed kills but stupid and speed kill faster.
I hit a “black alligator” (tire shreds from a truck) on I-75 a few days ago while driving my car. Absolutely unable to see it until immediately before impact. Luckily everything was okay, certainly might not have been on a motorcycle (btw I love motorcycles, used to ride).
Even for the most responsible motorcyclist, riding on the streets/highways is inherently very dangerous.
If you ride, I earnestly ask that you reconsider this foolish decision.
If you do not and still intend to ride, please take out an adequate life insurance policy so you do not leave your loved ones in financial straits.
Thanks and God bless.