New Voter Guide page posted

We have posted information for voters on a new page that will be always available from the “Voter Guides” link on the menu. So far, we have included information from the Supervisor of Elections website, a link to donation information for candidates, a video courtesy of Childers Law that shows you how to find your sample ballot, and some voter guides from Alliance for Responsible Government.

Check it out here.

  • This was very important info. First I went to our Supervisor of Elections website to find it. After lots of licks to dead ends, I finally found by ballot. The website should have explained the date format prior to an attempt to enter.

    The info from law firm explained it very nicely and I would have avoided lots of trial and error on the search.

    Good work!

  • Does anyone know why we still have drop boxes in Florida?
    Wasn’t this a Covid thing?
    Prior to Covid, didn’t we have to formally request an absentee ballot, and then return it by mail or in person to the SOE office by 7:00 pm on election day?
    Now we have at least 7 Alachua County drop boxes. (They are also called “Vote by Mail Secure Ballot Intake Stations.”)
    I’m assuming we are paying someone to man those ballot boxes, as they are only open limited hours during “early voting,” and I know our governor has worked hard to insure the integrity of Florida elections, but, why not just go back to the pre-Covid rules? Even then, we had some ballot harvesting happening, but multiple ballot drop boxes would seem to make that even more likely…
    It’s not that hard to get your filled out ballot into your mailbox, or drive it to the SOE office.

    • Alachua County Supervisor of Elections:

      Starting with the 2022 Primary Election, the Alachua County Supervisor of Elections office will offer eligible voters the opportunity to use OmniBallot, an accessible, at-home vote-by-mail option.

      OmniBallot is a secure voting option that allows voters with disabilities to access, mark, and print their ballots from home, using their home computers.

    • I can say for certainty that pre-Covid, there was always a box at the Supervisor of Elections office, but it wasn’t staffed. (Source: Me, I’m lazy and used the box because II hold on to my ballot as long as possible before returning) I’m not sure where the only 6 boxes are, but those may be new.
      As for staffing the boxes, they may be manned by Poll Workers (paid volunteers, which I know is oxymoronic). I got an email a few weeks ago about signing up to be one during the early voting in August… no thanks though (sitting outside for hours in August in FL? Ick). I’d wager those volunteers are getting somewhere between $100-$250 a day, depending on how long the shift is.

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