Newberry City Commission honors Commissioner Farnsworth, approves NC Ranch land use change

Newberry City Commission honors Commissioner Monty Farnsworth at their March 25 meeting


NEWBERRY, Fla. – At their March 25 Regular Meeting, the Newberry City Commission recognized Commissioner James “Monty” Farnsworth’s twenty years of service on the Commission; Judith Jensen, a candidate for Alachua County Supervisor of Elections, introduced herself and her goals for the County; Assistant City Manager Dallas Lee gave an update on the vote to convert Newberry’s three schools to public charter schools; NC Ranch land use changes were adopted on second reading; and an amendment to the regulations for operating golf carts on city streets was passed.

Honoring Commissioner Farnsworth

Mayor Jordan Marlowe began the meeting, “Our first presentation tonight is quite the special presentation. We want to recognize James ‘Monty’ Farnsworth for his twenty years of service. So we have a couple of things here that we want to do to recognize two decades… So I’m going to read this proclamation in, and then we’re going to talk a little bit about some things… And we want to make sure we honor his past and his family’s history.

“But let’s start with the proclamation: Whereas Commissioner James ‘Monty’ Farnsworth has devoted twenty years of exemplary service to the City of Newberry, demonstrating an unwavering commitment to our community and its citizens. And whereas, throughout his tenure, Commissioner Farnsworth has exhibited outstanding leadership, integrity, and dedication, significantly contributing to the improvement, enhancement, development, and preservation of our civic resources. 

“And whereas Commissioner Farnsworth has consistently prioritized the welfare of our citizens, ensuring that every decision and action taken under his guidance was done with the utmost consideration, for the community’s best interest, safeguarding the prosperity and well-being of our people for generations to come. And in Monty’s case, that’s true. Twenty years, that’s a generation, generations to come. 

“Whereas Commissioner Farnsworth’s efforts have fostered a spirit of collaboration and excellence, encouraging others to contribute positively to our community. And whereas it is appropriate to recognize and commend such outstanding service and to express our gratitude for Commissioner Farnsworth’s dedication and lasting contributions. Now therefore be it proclaimed that I, Mayor Jordan Marlowe, on behalf of the Newberry City Commission, do hereby urge all citizens to recognize and celebrate the achievements and contributions of Commissioner Farnsworth to our community… I cause the Seal of the City of Newberry to be affixed this 25th day of March 2024.”

Marlowe said the Farnsworth family was in the grocery business for a long time, and when customers were having difficult times, they were known for trusting people to pay when they could. Marlowe presented Farnsworth with a “key to the city,” and everyone in the room stood and applauded loudly. A photographer took several photos of Monty and his family holding his official proclamation certificate and the “key to the city” plaque.

Farnsworth spoke at the podium, facing the audience: “I started in 1986… Over the years I’ve seen a lot of different things happen and a lot of good things, some not so good. People think that the Commissioners make all these decisions and come up with all these great ideas and everything, but really we don’t. We depend on the great staff we have here at the City of Newberry. They do all the legwork. They get the material ready for us to look at and go over… Without them, I’d be nothing… We depend on the employees of the City for all this… My dad was a City Commissioner here for a long time. Also, he was Mayor for a while.” He mentioned the help he received early in his career from Mentholee Norfleet, and he thanked the citizens for continuing to re-elect him. Everyone applauded.

Chris Holley of the Florida League of Cities presented Farnsworth with another award for his longtime service. He stressed that only 1% of their members serve the twenty years required to receive this award. 

Supervisor of Elections candidate introduced

Continuing with the presentations, Mayor Marlowe introduced Judith Jensen, a candidate for Alachua County Supervisor of Elections. She said it concerns her that she is commonly asked, “Do you think the election was stolen?” and she wants to restore trust and transparency to the election process. She showed the following slide with her goals:

Jensen said most of her qualifications stem from volunteering as a Poll Watcher, Poll Worker, Observer for Signature Comparison, and Canvassing Board member. She is a High Springs resident. She has a Master’s Degree and works as a Registered Nurse. She is involved with the organizations Election Integrity Network, Florida Fair Elections Coalition, Defend Florida, and The People’s Audit. These organizations helped to expose felons who registered to vote in jail and other problems, Jensen said. 

Jensen said she strongly advocates for the use of Voter ID, and she wants hand-count audits to verify the accuracy of all voting machines. She said she has concerns about mail-in voting and signature discrepancies. Stressing that she needs approximately 1,000 more signatures to be put on the ballot, she closed with the following slide:

Update on conversion of Newberry’s schools to charter schools

Assistant City Manager Dallas Lee gave a brief update on the proposed plan to convert Newberry’s three public schools to public charter schools, including that the election will be held April 5-12 and that the ballots will be counted on April 17. (More information can be found here.)

Lee stressed that each school will decide independently.

Lee said that if the votes pass, the employees of the charter schools will become employees of the City of Newberry, and the City will provide administrative support to the schools. He said the plan has been reviewed by two outside entities, and they feel the plan is sound.

Golf cart regulations

Staff introduced an ordinance to revise local golf cart regulations and bring them into compliance with new State standards. Newberry has been allowing everyone age 15 and over to drive golf carts on city streets, but, as of 2023, the State says that anyone under age 18 must have a valid learner’s permit or driver’s license. The ordinance passed unanimously on first reading.

Land use for the NC Ranch development

Jean-Paul Perez, Director of Planning and Economic Development, introduced the second reading of an ordinance to amend the Future Land Use for the 1,293-acre NC Ranch Planned Development from Agriculture to Planned Development. This is following the State’s approval of the plan submitted after the first reading in December.

Commissioner Rick Coleman made a motion to pass the ordinance, and Commissioner Mark Clark seconded the motion. The Future Land Use amendment passed unanimously on second reading.

The second reading of a companion ordinance, a Text Amendment to the Comprehensive Plan for the NC Ranch Planned Development, was introduced by Perez. He said the only change was increasing the minimum distance from any home to a neighborhood park from ¼ mile to ½ mile. Perez noted that he will return on April 15 with the second reading of a zoning ordinance for the NC Ranch, which is required before any work can begin.

Coleman made a motion to approve the ordinance, and Commissioner Tim Marden seconded the motion. The Text Amendment to the Comprehensive Plan passed unanimously on second reading. 

During closing comments, Commissioner Marden, who also serves as the Alachua County Republican Chair, expressed his support for Alachua County Supervisor of Elections candidate Judith Jensen: “She would help serve our community well in that office.” 

  • I support Ms. Jensen but I will also add, the 2020 election was not stolen. It concerns me that she won’t acknowledge that. There’s been no proof, nothing to support the allegations of a defeated incumbent.
    Despite the continued rants of the former President.

    • Her point is that dissenters and those with concerns were cancelled, with their attempts to ask questions or expose irregularities labeled “misinformation,” which undermines confidence in results.

      We should be able to have confidence in our elections, both locally and nationally.

      • People were heard and despite the court proceedings and the testimonies given, there was nothing that provided overwhelming evidence of the election being “stolen.”
        It’s time to get over it and acknowledge, although we don’t like it, that Biden won.
        I’m hoping this election cycle will have a better outcome but given the current state of this nation, I doubt it.

        • How someone can wish for the election of a low character crybaby and braggart, who clearly only does and says things that will benefit himself personally – regardless of what is true, and the hell with the country or those previously loyal to him – and be a person of integrity themselves is beyond me. I honor your acceptance of the reality of what happened in the last election, but that makes your wish for the coming one doubly troubling.

    • Plus one.

      Indeed the “rants of the former President” are the primary and maybe only reason for the lack of “trust and transparency” she wishes to restore. Until that crybaby loser shuts up and accepts the facts that even his own people told him were true, she’s wasting her time.

    • “There’s no proof.” Well then how do you know whether it was stolen or not? It might have been or it might not have been. You don’t know since there is no proof either way. I suggest you watch 2,000 Mules if you haven’t already.

      Seeing as how Biden has opened the border and allowed hordes of enemy agents, professional criminals, and terrorists into the country, and he has no plans to stop any time soon, stealing the election doesn’t sound as far-fetched as it did when everyone thought he was going to heal the soul of the nation or whatever BS you guys believed.

      • Numerous studies and analysis by governmental (Elections Commission headed by Trump appointee, the FBI heade by his AG appointee) and private agencies (see AP report, etc) and inability of Trump to present credible evidence to any court proves the 2020 election was as true, and given numerous recounts and computerized analysis, more so than any in our history .

        If you don’t get that, you don’t want to and prefer listening to the loser toad who announced before the election that he would not accept a result showing he lost.

        Wake TFU. He doesn’t care about you or anyone but himself.

          • What a joke! You’re kidding, right? He loves himself and himself only and will gladly sacrifice our country for his own self interest. This is the loser who keeps claiming he won but has no proof – thus undermining our democratically elected government – and for the 1st time in over 200 years did not show up at the inauguration of his successor, and pretends that those who desecrated our capital and attacked police doing their job are martyrs. He’s a disgusting soulless low life who cheated on his pregnant wife with a prostitute, betrays those who have been loyal to him, and brags constantly and for things he didn’t do. My lifelong Republican Mother would have kicked him out of our house – she could judge character. What’s wrong with you and modern Republicans that you can’t? Something wrong with you!

      • PS Trump opened the border by killing the GOP written immigration bill which Biden was prepared to sign. Trump admitted he killed it yesterday and it’s now his crisis again.

        Look it up.

        • Trump can do the job well, and he doesn’t have a head full of chicken chow mein. That should be obvious to even you.

          • Sure, that’s why he thinks Obama is still in office, Niki Haley is Nancy Pelosi, and Hillary used bleach on her hard drive. Meanwhile by all objective measures Biden has passed more of his legislation than any president since LBJ and in both of the last 2 State of the Union speeches, in real time on national TV – make that international – back walked Republicans – like a hog with bucket on it’s head – into agreeing to not attempt another Trumpian Tax Cut or to cut SS and Medicare. Yes, that’s not a sharp bunch, but come on!

            Did I mention Trump never knew anything about governing, doesn’t care to learn – he’s in it for the attention – while Biden knows where the levers, trap doors, bodies, capitals foreign and domestic, and weak spots all are?

      • With your opening statement how do you have trust in any prior elections?
        An earlier comment referred to “her point that dissenters and those with concerns were cancelled, with their attempts to ask questions or expose irregularities labelled misinformation.”
        I didn’t see any of those points mentioned by her in the presentation or her statement.
        I’ve seen 2000 Mules and it’s an interesting piece of fictional work, so was Capricorn One. Modern technology can work wonders with content gathered from the internet.
        That being said, just because someone cries wolf doesn’t mean it’s out there.

  • Within a few short years Newberry will be unrecognizable. There’s a few who will profit from this while the bulk of the citizens will have urban sprawl coming here. This is not for the good except for a few.

  • “Continuing with the presentations, Mayor Marlowe introduced Judith Jensen, a candidate for Alachua County Supervisor of Elections…”

    Say what? Since when are candidates for elective office introduced at governmental meetings by the elected leader(s)?

    I note also that that candidate has been favored by a full screen presentation of her campaign literature by the Chronicle. Will the Chronicle be providing that courtesy to all announced candidates for office?

  • “During closing comments, Commissioner Marden, who also serves as the Alachua County Republican Chair, expressed his support for Alachua County Supervisor of Elections candidate Judith Jensen: ..”

    Nice little use of government facilities and procedures for purely partisan purposes there. I don’t think this is legal.

    PS Marden is an officer in the John Birch Society, which tells you something about the local GOP. It’s a strange combo however as the JBS blames Lincoln for the Civil War. Wasn’t he a Republican?

  • What should be concerning in this supposedly great country, is the best candidates we can run for President is a narcissist, egotistical, septuagenarian, and an absent minded, cognitively challenged, puppet octogenarian.

    • VP’s matter in a case like this. How about that boozed-up airhead? She could party down with Putin and Xie, solving the world’s problems.

      • Yes they do. Makes one wonder what person of common sense, character and integrity Trump will choose for his running mate.
        He hasn’t exactly set the bar very high.

        • Anyone fawning enough to satisfy his demand for adulation will be too compromised to be trustworthy. Every remaining leader in the GOP has already sold their soul to not get primaried and though we know they hate him and respect only his power – yeah, talking to you Marco – their gonads are in his utility room at Mara-Lago, in a box with all the others.

          Your party is dead, you just don’t know it yet.

          • Not dead, just in remission. There are many people who still have and hope for some fiscal conservancy and common sense governance.
            This country didn’t get where it is by people wanting everything for free, standing on street corners or camping on the sidewalks.

          • Putting aside what I guess is your characterization of what divides the parties – working people without health care would be a more accurate crossroad – we can hope the party is not dead, but those who reject Trump have been rejected by the party and thrown out of office by a base turned into a personality cult. Who else in our history loves huge flags with their candidates name or posters with his head photoshopped onto an AR-15 carrying shirtless warrior? This is a sickness based on raw emotions, and they are not love and patriotism.

    • Agreed they are both too old but at this point it is what it is. Watch Biden’s last 2 SOTU speeches and check his legislative record for how “challenged” he is. The other one never was sharp and lives in a dream world, governed by his self adulation and other base instincts, and has already demonstrated he will happily destroy us to save his own sorry a.s.

      • It’s unfortunate that it is what it is.
        Biden can barely handle a football, much less remember the combination to one. If you honestly believe his mental faculties haven’t deteriorated for someone who is tasked with leading this country one might question your own. That may be as far left as MTG is right.
        What he does have over Trump is the ability to articulate something that isn’t divisive to the general public…as long as he’s able to read the cue cards.

        • I recommend you watch this. It was about 3 weeks ago.

          We probably agree that he is too old, but not because of who he is now but because 4 years is a long time, especially to someone his age. Trump is no better mentally and psychologically he’s a complete self centered disaster.

          • He’s old because of his age now. It’s apparent to everyone except those unwilling to admit it.
            Saw most of the State of the Union.
            Can’t help but wonder what type of stimulants were put into him.
            By the way, Trump isn’t any better, he’s always been one of the most inarticulate people I’ve ever listened to.

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