Newberry man arrested for selling drugs near two churches


NEWBERRY, Fla. – Rakheem Tavares Hoyt, 28, was arrested yesterday in Newberry and charged with selling drugs near two churches.

Alachua County Sheriff’s Office Deputies surrounded Hoyt’s vehicle in the 500 block of NW 252nd Street at about 6:10 p.m. last night and arrested him on a warrant; he had reportedly run from a deputy earlier, leading to the presence of more deputies at the time of his arrest.

A search incident to arrest reportedly produced 7.8 grams of crack cocaine, 14.8 grams of synthetic substitute cathinones (bath salts), and a bundle of cash. The incident took place within 1,000 feet of both Jones Temple Church of God by Faith and Bethel AME Church.

Hoyt has been charged with possession of cocaine with intent to sell within 1,000 feet of a place of worship and possession of trafficking quantities of phenethylamines. He also had an outstanding warrant for failure to appear at a hearing for a charge of driving without a valid license.

Hoyt has a juvenile criminal history, along with three adult felony convictions (none violent) and 28 misdemeanor convictions (none violent). He has served a three-year state prison term for burglary and selling cocaine and was released in March 2021. Judge Susan Miller-Jones set bail at $250,100.

Articles about arrests are based on reports from law enforcement agencies. The charges listed are taken from the arrest report and/or court records and are only accusations. All suspects are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. 

  • Looks like an alien species to me, Wish they would return to their home planet ASAP.

  • Looks like an alien species to me, Wish they would return to their home planet ASAP.

  • Lock him up again. He continues to sell poison to the community and no one seems to care. He is a POS.

    • And who floats and Flys the poison in here? I guess they don’t care either!? Who’s really the POS?

  • His head looks like a carnival ride. Need to start shaving everyone bald as soon as they are jailed with a fresh cut if leaving for any reason.

  • This guy has been a scourge out in Newberry for like a decade now, besides when he was in prison, Him and his brother are violent and evil. I hope he gets 25 years or more. Good riddance, you piece of garbage.

  • The dookie hairstyle should count as automatic probable cause for search and seizure

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