North Central Florida PBA President Joseph Branaman blasts Sheriff Watson over employee discipline
Press release from North Central Florida PBA
ALACHUA COUNTY, Fla. – North Central Florida PBA President Joseph Branaman issued the following statement today about the recent reversal of disciplinary actions against three deputies after a judge ruled that Sheriff Clovis Watson’s agency had violated the deputies’ rights under Florida statutes:
“I am pleased that Sheriff Watson has finally decided to rescind a punitive discipline order that was imposed on our members. It is very unfortunate that, once again, a matter involving Sheriff Watson and our members had to escalate to the courts before the Sheriff finally came to his senses. These unnecessary legal battles with Sheriff Watson have become an all-too-frequent occurrence. I do not believe anything will change for the remainder of his time in office.
“Sheriff Watson pretends to support his employees to the public, but his actions continue to show otherwise. Simply responding to PBA correspondence or acknowledging any of our collective bargaining or other issues takes weeks, if not longer, for him or his designee to respond. Long-time employees are being treated like second-class citizens by this new administration. Often, it is only the threat of litigation and public exposure that seems to garner a response from Sheriff Watson or his administration. Our members deserve to be treated fairly and equitably, as Sheriff Watson claims he does.
“I would like to recognize Bobi Frank of Bobi Frank Law, who represented our members in this most recent litigation. Bobi worked tirelessly to ensure that our members received the justice that they deserved. We extend our deepest gratitude for the work she does on behalf of the NCFL PBA. Sheriff Watson, who continues to operate the Sheriff’s office at critical staffing levels in almost all areas of his agency except his own command staff, should live up to his own words and treat those who protect and serve Alachua County daily, as they deserve to be treated.”
Sure hope the rest of the voters of Alaucha County realize this and make him a one term sheriff I sure as hell didn’t vote for him
One would only hope that the other local media would have the fortitude to print this as it is, rather than ignoring the facts.
No Republicans got to vote in the last election for sheriff. Under the guidance of the conniving Bryan Eastman, now on the city commission, a write-in was recruited to close the primary. The write-in then withdrew before the general election.
The GOP did not run a candidate in that election, so it was decided in the August primary between Watson and Darnell.
It was only decided in the primary because there was a write-in candidate who later withdrew. Without the write-in candidate, the primary would have been open to voters from all parties.
Makes you wonder if that was not a plan would be nice to see it investigate
This has happened in a few of his political campaigns.
Doubtful. He’s in for as long as he likes in this county.
Watson is a racist.
Breakin’ the law. Just like his son.
The Chronicle placed this article in the correct category.
These officers need to watch out. The system will be used against them. I have seen this many times.
Where was the PBA when all this started? Didn’t see a word in the papers denouncing Watsons treatment of the deputies.
Short of a recall election or the governor taking him out, ole Clovis will continue his reign of terror.
Just like all the Sheriffs before him.