REOPENED: Northbound off-ramp from I-75 closed at Williston Road after crash

Photo courtesy Alachua County Sheriff’s Office

Staff report based on Alachua County Sheriff’s Office social media post

The ramp was reopened as of 3:15 p.m.

GAINESVILLE, Fla. – Alachua County Sheriff’s Deputies and Gainesville Police Department Officers are on scene at SW Williston Rd. and I-75 due to a vehicle pursuit that ended with the suspect vehicle crashing.

The northbound off-ramp is currently closed.

This is an ongoing and active investigation. Please avoid the area.

The current status can be accessed via

  • Go figure, another vehicle fleeing LEOs.
    Hopefully the alleged driver was pulled from the windshield or peeled off the pavement.

    • Amazing how many readers condone such disobedience and disrespect for law enforcement.
      Easy to conclude it’s easy to understand why there’s such a problem with society.

  • 15 LEO’s visible in that photo. People drive like Evil Knievil all around town and GPD ASO constantly say they don’t have the staff to enforce local traffic laws. They’ve scoffed at me every time I’ve tried to contact them about this. Once a few children are run over maybe they’ll have a meeting for a meeting about the lack of traffic enforcement.

    • Lol…they’re just standing around shooting the sh!t. I’ve tried to contact them about insane drivers in certain areas too. They don’t care and belittle your concerns

      Government wants it all automated. Cameras everywhere, no patrol. And the sheep citizens will gladly fall in line. Hope everyone loves their coming AI control grid. UF-City of Gville has already successfully installed automated license plate readers all around the circumference of campus. 👁️

    • Looks like half of the ASO deputies couldn’t run a 40 yard dash if their life depended on it.

      • If I were a criminal, I’d do everything I could to make sure the K-9 LEO didn’t get those guns on me. Might be better to let the dog get me.

      • Ben brings up a good point.

        Currently there is a court case about whether or not promotions are awarded based on if the skin tone is white or black.

        How about changing the promotion criteria? I don’t care if the candidate is white or black, however, NO lard arses get promoted. A first responder with a BMI over 30 is not capable of doing their job.

        • I 100% agree. I’m retired military. No one got promoted if they were over weight or couldn’t pass a PT test. Well, at least that was the way it used to be.

          • But it takes all kinds! Obese cops cannot chase 18 years old high school football stars, but they do not need to. The weight is an asset, as it makes them a stable base for the only option they have: shooting the fleeing felon in the back 19 times before reloading. Thank you Mr. Glock.

            And there is one job position where moving fast or at all is not part of the job description. Court bailiff. Visit the county courthouse and admire the waist sizes of the lardos whose job is to stand still all day.

    • At some point, the highest ranking should on-site should take command and order half of them “back to work” in their assigned patrol areas. No justification for just standing around shooting the poop.

      • The highest ranking QUALIFIED one should take over.

        The highest ranking one will be a major in a black escalade with illegally dark windows who as promoted by Clovis Watson because he was a loyal Alachua lacky of Clovie and a good friend of the Merrillwood Self Employed Pharmaceuticals Sales Force Association.

  • I doo see a bunch of officers that should be behind a desk or in another profession. Covid killed all the no-existant patrol officers, as our streets have just become just a drag strip. The City Police and the Sherrifs Office could make a bunch of money on just ticketing those with super dark window tint and loud music.

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