November 8 School Board Workshop will include discussion of Reichert House Youth Academy Charter School

Public notice
The School Board of Alachua County, Florida, shall hold a Workshop to which all persons are invited:
Date/Time: November 8, 2023, at 1:00 p.m.
Location: District Office Boardroom, 620 East University Ave, Gainesville, FL
Purpose: Monthly Board Workshop
- A. Meeting Opening
- 1. Call to Order
- B. Presentations – Board Discussion following each presentation
- 1. Charter School Application: Reichert House Youth Academy Charter School (Strappy)
- 2. Retirement Benefits Update (Bolte and Venturini)
- 3. Magnet Update (Neal)
- 4. ACPS Trend Report and PowerBI (ACPS Staff)
- C. Citizen Input
- D. Adjourn
Workshops are called pursuant to and in accordance with Section 120.525, F.S. A copy of the agenda is available in the Office of the Superintendent, 620 East University Avenue, Gainesville, Florida.
There are three ways citizens may offer their input for this meeting: 1) submit input through email at by noon the day of the board meeting; 2) go to the Boardroom to offer their input in person during the meeting, or 3). Check the November 8, 2023 Agenda on the District’s website,, prior to the meeting for additional options to participate remotely.
Any person with a disability or physical impairment who wishes to attend this meeting and who requires special accommodations should contact the Office of the Superintendent, 620 E University Ave, Gainesville, FL 32601, (352) 955-7880, at least 48 hours prior to the meeting; if you are hearing or voice impaired, call 711.
Will Caleb Young be their first principal?
Well he just skated on his criminal case of assaulting an officer, even with all the witnesses- it was dropped on Tuesday (Tony Jones’ doing?)
So that probably makes Caleb ‘eligible’ again for the spot, according to Alachua County logic.
Just what Gainesville needs. More felonious youth in their training academy. News flash: Putting a bunch of “at risk” youth together doesn’t make them less apt to commit crime, just the same as sticking a bunch of career felons in prison together didn’t make them any less likely to reoffend.
All of the youth that were members of the Reichert House were not at-risk-youth or had records.
Charter schools have no oversight. Half of all Floida charter schools fail and they produce no documentation or are tracked by the school board. Much money will go through this new money pit and then it will close its doors and the money will disappear. Same as it ever was…
The Diyonne McGraw School so I can make more money children, while I have mentally challenged adults. Nobody understands using belts on mentally challenged adults like Diyonne and The Pips.
The biggest bully and crook on the school board likes to violate Sunshine Law, like her great granny Leanetta.