
Oak Hammock participates in Taps Across America

Press release from Oak Hammock

GAINESVILLE, Fla. – Dozens of Oak Hammock residents stood at attention in the Commons Building on the campus of the retirement community as TAPS was played on the trumpet by Craig Eaton.

From the official TAPS for Veterans website, “The National Moment of Remembrance is an annual event that asks Americans, wherever they are at 3 p.m. local time on Memorial Day, (May 29, 2023), to pause for a duration of one minute to remember those who have died in military service to the United States.

“The time 3 p.m. was chosen because it is the time when most Americans are enjoying time off from work for the national holiday. The Moment was first proclaimed in May 2000 for Memorial Day that year and was put into law by the United States Congress in December 2000.

“Taps Across America intends to promote the sounding of Taps at 3 p.m. on Memorial Day.”

  • It’s a nice gesture, but it’s kind of strange to perform the memorial taps in a retirement facility at 3 p.m. “because it is the time when most Americans are enjoying time off from work”; in this case probably the only workers involved were on duty tending to the retirees. To be honest I’m surprised that they could find hardly anybody at Oak Hammock who doesn’t consider Memorial Day to be beneath their credentialed level of erudite dignity.

    • The residents were very respectful as we honored those who had given their full measure of devotion in sacrifice for our freedoms. Many were retired veterans who proudly joined in the singing of patriotic songs and the anthems representing their respective branches of the military, and then solemnly stood as TAPS was played. I am proud to have participated with Americans from sea to shining sea in paying our respects to the fallen.

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