
“Of course, you’ll remember your station in life”


  • Although not funny it is appropriate and truly characterizes the feelings of most if not all the commissioners, both city and county.
    Hope the Hypocrats are enjoying what they’re doing to the place.

  • Good part is the SWAG area is full of eastside expats who wanted and got jobs. There is hope.

  • Jake never fails to hit a home run. This depicts the city commission to a T.
    Hollow promises, smoke-n-mirrors has been the signature trademark of the commission for a long time.
    Just wait your turn whilst we build more opportunities on the Westside of town they spout.
    Absolutely pathetic doesn’t begin to describe what they have NOT done for the Eastside of town.
    And no, Walmart doesn’t count.

  • So, wait ……. Springs County will include East Gainesville? Is she supposed to be one of their commissioners?

    • East Gainesville still scratching their heads wondering why the Plum Creek development was shelved.
      Or are they wondering why the lack of interest in economic development? Could it be the high taxes or high utility rates? Maybe it’s something else that people who are in positions of influence talk about, but only behind closed doors.

      Better ask Harvey, you believe everything he tells you.

      • Plum Creek was not going to be a development. It was abut changing the zoning to allow development so the land could be sold for a higher price, after the timber was harvested.

    • Ask the Chucknuts that for some bizzare reason rule this east area from their City and County Commission dias. Twenty years of failure and same ol same ol Democrats.
      What up with that?

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