
One person transported to the hospital with life-threatening injuries after Waldo crash

Press release from Alachua County Fire Rescue

WALDO, Fla. – At about 10:35 a.m. this morning, the Combined Communications Center received several calls for a vehicle accident with possible extrication required on U.S. 301 near Waldo. When the first fire rescue units arrived, they found a single small SUV that had run under a stopped semi truck trailer. The vehicle was pinned under the rear of the trailer. The fire rescue units used extrication tools including cutters and spreaders to free the driver from the vehicle. The driver of the SUV sustained life-threatening injuries and was transported to a local hospital. ACFR would like to remind all drivers to remain alert and not distracted while driving.

  • 10:30 this morning? Waldo? Beautiful bright, sunny day?
    Anyone want to wager a cell phone was involved?

    That’s probably what it was.

  • Was the truck stopped at a stoplight or entry ramp? Hopefully not at fault, a billboard lawyer will call.

  • I’ll betcha any amount of money that jackaninny rear-ending driver was looking at his cell phone

    • I betcha any amount of money you have done it too. That’s my family you’re talking about which is none of your efn business.

  • Stop assuming you know how it happened when you don’t. Family reads this and your rude comments are uncalled for. How about being a good citizen and pray for the family!

    • This is a Comments section. That means that you comment on the article. Whatever has been done has been done. The only thing we can ever hope to change is the future. If getting on here and calling out texting and speeding can save a future accident/life, then that is a good thing.

    • Are you really a concerned citizen? You don’t know it wasn’t caused by a cell phone. One victim, the driver, was extricated from the vehicle. This has distracted driver written all over it and if you get out much you would know that there are far more drivers more preoccupied with their cell phones than they are the vehicles in front of them. They’re easy to spot, a car length or more behind the one in front at red lights, a drift in one direction or the other on roadways are but two.
      Maybe you should focus your disappointment/anger at the cops who tend to ignore it.
      Maybe that will save a life and we won’t have to offer prayers.

  • I pray this doesn’t happen to anyone’s family or friends. Y’all assume you know what happened but if you weren’t there you don’t know. More people should worry about what they’re kids are doing when not around. Then putting blame on someone who was in a bad wreck. I bet if this was your kid you would be asking for prayers!!!

  • Just pray for this person and his loved ones. All these comments are not necessary.

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