Orlando man arrested for disturbance at church’s Easter service
GAINESVILLE, Fla. – Kirstin Steven Sconiers, 38, whose address is listed as Orlando, was arrested yesterday morning after allegedly disrupting an Easter service at Anthem Church.
An Alachua County Sheriff’s Deputy responded at about 10 a.m. after a deputy working an overtime detail at the church requested a patrol vehicle. The deputy, the pastor, and a Gainesville Police Department officer, who was attending the service, all reported that they saw Sconiers yelling profanity and disturbing the church service. The deputy asked Sconiers to leave the property, but Sconiers allegedly refused and continued to yell profanity.
When the arriving deputy made contact with Sconiers, Sconiers reportedly said, “You’re racist and can s*** my d***,” within earshot of children. When the deputy asked Sconiers his name, he reportedly said, “You can call me ‘Mister S*** My D***.'”
Sconiers has been charged with disorderly conduct and trespassing after being asked to leave by the owner. Sconiers has a juvenile criminal history, nine felonies in other counties (five violent), and 28 misdemeanors in other counties (two violent). He has served five state prison sentences for offenses in Bradford, Marion, Orange, and Seminole Counties. He was most recently released in October 2020.
Judge Walter Green set bail at $5,000.
Articles about arrests are based on reports from law enforcement agencies. The charges listed are taken from the arrest report and/or court records and are only accusations. All suspects are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.
They should have held him down and exorcised that demon out of him.
Maybe checked to see if a crucifix would burn into his forehead, there was plenty of space.
Nice Bond Green! You need to be removed from the bench and get a job digging ditches, its your speed!
They should take ‘Mister S*** My D***.’” put him on a bus and run it right into the gulf of mexico. Been to prison 5 times and it doesn’t seem to be much of a deterrent to him anymore and we still have to foot the bill for this reject bum ass fool.
I agree. And now Alachua county is hosting this douche bag.
Only extraordinarily severe sentences, with consistency and over a long period of time, and without early release, will greatly reduce occurrences such as this.
Lock him up in the ghetto art gallery and he can do his performance art for the visitors there.
In what county is someone going to finally put this guy in a coma.
But but but….. He had a hard upbringing. But but but…. He didn’t have the same opportunities as white kids….. But but but….. Stay WOKE y’all
What a charmer, and with his history of juvenile crimes, 9 violent felonies and 28 misdemeanors and 5 prison sentences, my question is: why is he out? He’s obviously denser than a stump but he can still yell racist as he violates everyone in this church’s rights. What a waste of protoplasm.
Of course he comes to Gainesville. Where else in this part of the state will he be warmly received and given victim status?