
Pair arrested after armed robbery of Circle K

Staff report

GAINESVILLE, Fla. – Jordan Elayne James, 21, and Christopher Taylor Yancy, 19, were arrested early this morning after Yancy gave James a gun that she allegedly used to steal cigarettes at gunpoint.

Alachua County Sheriff’s Deputies responded to a report of an armed robbery at about 1:35 a.m. this morning at the Circle K at 7302 SW Archer Road, where the clerk said she had just been robbed at gunpoint by James.

Deputies reported that surveillance video showed James and Yancy entering the Circle K multiple times starting at 1 a.m. At about 1:23 a.m., the video reportedly shows Yancy handing James a handgun, at which point James entered the Circle K with the gun behind her back. James reportedly asked the clerk for cigarettes, and when the clerk picked up a pack, James told the clerk to set them down. The clerk said James needed to pay first, then James allegedly pointed the gun at the clerk, snatched the cigarettes, and ran out of the store. Surveillance video outside the store shows Yancy walking west in the Circle K parking lot while James runs out of the store toward Yancy. The pair then walked away from the store.

Deputies were able to identify the robber as James because they had interacted with her the day before. Deputies and a K-9 team conducted a track, which led them to the building at Park Lane Apartments where James and Yancy live.

James reportedly called 911 and said she would surrender, and she walked out with empty hands and was detained. Deputies then made contact with Yancy by phone, and he also walked out of the apartment and surrendered.

Post Miranda, James reportedly said she went to the Circle K with Yancy to buy cigarettes, but she realized she didn’t have enough money, so she decided to get a cup of ice and leave. While she was inside the store, the clerk told her she was trespassed from the store, which upset James, so she said she went outside and asked Yancy for the gun. After Yancy gave her the gun, she said she told Yancy she was going to rob the store. She said she went inside, pointed the gun at the clerk, and stole a pack of cigarettes and a single Black & Mild Casino before running outside. She said they left on foot, and she returned the gun to Yancy.

Post Miranda, Yancy reportedly said they went to the Circle K to buy cigarettes, but when they got there, James said she forgot her wallet. Yancy said he gave her the handgun for protection and turned to leave. About three minutes later, he said, James ran out of the store toward him and said she just robbed the Circle K, then they left together but separated a short time later. Yancy said he went back to their apartment to secure his dog. Yancy reportedly denied any prior knowledge that James planned to rob the store. He said he didn’t report the robbery because James told him she would turn herself in.

James has been charged with armed robbery. She has no criminal convictions, but two sworn complaints have been filed against her for domestic battery, one in 2021 and one in August 2023. Both were dropped a short time later. Judge Susan Miller-Jones set bail at $250,000.

Yancy has been charged with conspiracy to commit a felony. He has an unspecified out-of-state criminal conviction but no local convictions or charges. Judge Miller-Jones set bail at $200,000.

Articles about arrests are based on reports from law enforcement agencies. The charges listed are taken from the arrest report and/or court records and are only accusations. All suspects are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. 

  • You would have thought they would have stolen junk food or something like that but cigarettes?

    Contrary to what some believe, there’s a lot of dumb white people too.

    • Race has nothing to do with stupidity criminals come in all shape, size and color when you use a gun to rob it should be immediately 20 years in prison

  • Is Judge Susan Miller-Jones taking gun crimes seriously now? I hope so. For now, thank you, your honor.

  • All that for a pack of cigarettes, u could’ve made that money by standing in the darn corner. How you couldn’t afford the cigarettes,but managed to lease an apartment in park lane. Something isn’t adding up, but you’re the biggest dummy of September

    • Government subsidized apartments… look into Home2 on SW 13th street which is full of homeless people where the city subsidizes. Two homeless per room they pay about $50 per night to stay there.

  • Are they really incarcerated? I thought I saw the panhandling in Woeksville today. Maybe some local innitiative bailed them out.

  • I would’ve just shot them on principle. Saved the tax payers a few dollars and weeded a few negative IQ’s out of the gene pool.

    They need sterilized.

  • That fat bitch is going to aim a gun at the “wrong” person one day soon. And she will be removed from the gene pool.

  • Munchy Ticket Cards just don’t buy cigarettes!!!
    I guess that’s the moral to the story 🤣

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