Pair arrested after investigation of shots fired on NE 11th Street

Staff report

GAINESVILLE, Fla. – Chelsea Aurora Redd, 26, and Najee Laquan Wright, 30, were arrested yesterday following the investigation of a shooting at 410 NE 11th Street.

At about 5:34 p.m. on Wednesday, Gainesville Police Department officers responded to a call about shots that were fired at an SUV. An officer reviewed video surveillance of the shooting and reportedly saw Wright standing in the parking lot of the apartment complex, wearing black pants, a white tank top, and black shoes with light-colored trim. As the SUV drove north on NE 11th Street, Wright allegedly pointed a gun at the SUV, then ran about 40 or 50 yards north and fired several shots toward the SUV. He then reportedly ran back toward his residence as the unidentified driver of the SUV returned fire. The video also reportedly showed Wright holding a red cell phone.

An officer knocked on the door of Wright’s apartment, and Wright reportedly answered the door, wearing the same clothes seen on the video except that he was wearing a green shirt over the tank top. The officer asked Wright if he’d heard any shots, and Wright said he’d heard some shots from inside his apartment. He said that when he went outside, he saw an SUV traveling northbound on NE 11th Street.

Wright was detained and reportedly had a red cell phone in his possession.

Another officer saw a .380 Glock handgun in plain view of the driver’s side floorboard of a car parked near Wright’s apartment; Wright reportedly said the car belonged to his girlfriend, Redd.

Redd reportedly claimed ownership of the gun and became angry when an officer said it would be seized as evidence. She allegedly began yelling and cursing at officers as she walked toward her vehicle and then walked past officers toward the car until she was within arm’s reach of the weapon. She allegedly disobeyed numerous commands to stay away from the car until the gun was safely recovered by officers, then resisted efforts to handcuff her.

Wright has been charged with firing a weapon on residential property and possession of a firearm by a convicted felon. He has a juvenile criminal history and one adult felony conviction (one violent) for aggravated battery with a deadly weapon; he served a six-year prison sentence in that case and was released in 2014. Since 2021, charges of interfering with the custody of a minor, property damage, domestic battery, and stalking have been dropped. Judge Thomas Jaworski set bail at $150,000, with conditions that he be fitted with a GPS monitor and have no contact with Redd upon release.

Redd has been charged with resisting an officer without violence. She has no other criminal cases in the local court system, but the First Appearance Order that would show her criminal history and her bail amount has not been posted. She has been released from jail.

Articles about arrests are based on reports from law enforcement agencies. The charges listed are taken from the arrest report and/or court records and are only accusations. All suspects are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. 

    • First off you’re the damn dummy! keep it up, you’ll be crying the blues and blaming the white man when they give your azz a Penitentiary number. Secondly your buddy old pal needs to be charged with attempted murder and aggravated assault with a firearm since video footage shows him shooting at the SUV first. I have a feeling we’ll be seeing a lot more of you two on Mugshots so we’ll have the last laugh 🤣🤣

    • Well Chelsea- hopefully you haven’t reproduced & contaminated the world some more…

    • What you gonna do now that your sugar daddy is in jail facing a minimum of 3 years and a max of 10 years under the 10-20-Life law? You ain’t gonna get another sugar daddy with those chin whiskers. You’re going to have to start learning how to support yourself from now on.


  • Bae got a 5 o’clock shadow going or it just me!?🧔🏿‍♀️🧔🏿‍♀️🤪🤣

    • With Her long hair and light skin that doesn’t even matter lol you all are trippin she is pretty as hell😍

  • They should put Eastman on the streets at night to cut down on the violence. Maybe his body can provide as much deterrence as his mouth.

  • At first I thought it was Mike Obama till I read the name. Redd is just as guilty as Wright. She provided the gun. I guess attempted murder charges will not be filed since the people in the car are just as b ad as these two. Just another day in East Gaineville. How is that Empathy and Accountability working out in the hood.Fat Harvey says it’ is Trump’s move along nothing to see

  • My thing is, thank God somebody finally shot back…..
    I hope people in the public understand their surroundings at all times, prepare themselves, and exercise their right to defend themselves and their property. The Cops can’t do much, nor can the 8th Judicial Circuit.
    So whatever did happen, IMO, based just on this article, I’m proud of the folks in the SUV.

  • KARMA FOR REDD — FINALLY! Lock her up , throw away the key. You do wrong to ppl , it will ALL catch up to you. Proud of the people in the SUV.
    Keep GOD first, always.

  • If this is low-income housing, are both of them allowed to reside there. This is a problem because it allows people not on lease to just move around from one location to another terrorizing the areas.

  • I do hope the Judge reads her comment because she basically just called the Judge a Dummy (not that I don’t agree with her that the Judge is a dummy for letting “bond out”).

  • “firing a weapon on residential property”??? There is reported video evidence of firing into the SUV. “Shooting or throwing a deadly missile is a felony charge in the state of Florida. The statute defines this crime as shooting at or into, or throwing a missile, stone, or other hard substance at or into any building, vehicle, or vessel. The crime occurs whether or not the building, vehicle, or vessel is occupied.”

  • Dumb and dumber. The fact that Redd blatantly ignored the cops orders and went towards the car with a gun inside she’s lucky they didn’t turn her into Swiss cheese. It’s always women like her who expect to have their way with the law and it always ends up bad for them. And for her to type that comment just goes to show she hasn’t learned her lesson. She is ghetto and those chin hairs and the police report clearly shows she has a lot of masculine energy. She will definitely be back before the year is over with.

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