Pair arrested after Lake City man allegedly attacked man sitting outdoors in downtown Gainesville

Staff report
GAINESVILLE, Fla. – Benjamin John Roberts, 29, of Lake City, and Christy Marie Shaw, 33, of Gainesville, were arrested on warrants on Tuesday after Roberts allegedly attacked a man sitting outdoors in downtown Gainesville and they both stole jewelry and cash from him.
A Gainesville Police Department officer responded to a call about a robbery and physical attack at about 8 p.m. on November 15. The victim told the officer that Shaw, his ex-girlfriend, had approached him while he was sitting on the steps of the Matheson Museum, making a sandwich. He said Roberts approached from the other direction and punched him 20-30 times with a closed fist without saying a word to him. The victim said Roberts ripped a gold chain from his neck and told Shaw to come get the chain because “this belongs to me now.” The victim said Roberts then told Shaw to rob him, and she went through his backpack and took $150 in cash.
The victim said Roberts told him he would get his gun and put a “hit” out on the victim if he didn’t leave Gainesville by morning. The officer reported that the victim sustained multiple bruises and that both his eyes were swollen shut after the attack.
The victim reportedly recognized Roberts as Shaw’s current boyfriend and picked both of them out of a photo line-up.
The officer reported that Roberts’ Facebook page displayed a direct threat to the victim on the day before the attack; Roberts allegedly wrote that he was actively looking for the victim and would put him in the hospital when he found him. The victim reportedly said that Shaw had previously shown him a gun, saying it belonged to Roberts, and the victim feared that Roberts still intends to kill him.
Roberts has been charged with simple battery and robbery. He has three misdemeanor convictions (none violent). Judge Walter Green set bail at $30,000.
Shaw has been charged with robbery. She has no criminal history but has a petit theft charge pending in Gilchrist County. Judge Green set bail at $25,000.
Articles about arrests are based on reports from law enforcement agencies. The charges listed are taken from the arrest report and/or court records and are only accusations. All suspects are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.Â
Prosecute them to the fullest extent of the law!
Making a sandwich on the steps of the museum at 8pm?
A true Renaissance man!
Perhaps a sham on wry? Or maybe a brochette on baguette?
People who choose not to carry a gun deserves what happens to them the state of Florida has given every law abiding citizen the right to carry a gun and use it to defend yourself anywhere you have a right to be
No one deserved to be ambushed. Shut up moron.
Zoom in on her teeth.🤣🤣🤣
Whoa! And they were fighting over that vampire?
One thing is certain: criminals are idiots, and idiots from other places come to Gainesville, knowing how scummy our greedy public attorneys and judges are here.
Again, a RIDICULOUSLY low bond set by Judge (ya-dont-need-no) Green!!
Oh boy, the IQ total here is in two digits.
I know Ben he is a friend of mine and I can promise you this, if Ben jumped on this guy like that, he did something to Ben in some way cause I ain’t never heard of him just beating somebody up for no reason, he ain’t a sadistic this “victim” isn’t innocent here he had a role in this too, he probably threatened Roberts gf, a kid, or stole from him, or had been harassing him. Ive got loud with Ben a couple times and he never even raised his voice back or, threaten to shoot me, or exile me!
Just given y’all some insight to the alleged defendant in this case cause some of y’all being disrespectful and running off at the mouth about prosecute them and the poor victim but, Roberts responded to the alleged victim, he didn’t make the first move.
This victim sounds homeless and I been around homeless in Gainesville and they suck! I’ve lived with them and 99.9% of them belong in jail (I’m not saying I was exempt cause I used but my stuff was victimless crimes like drugs use)! That’s facts! Making a sandwich on the steps of museum at 8 o clock? That’s sounds suspicious right there like why there and why out in the open if you were in fear of Roberts coming for you? You didn’t see him pull up, or approach, or hear him coming? Musta been one hell of a sandwich!
Sorry I don’t trust the homeless at all! 99.9% of them are on drugs and steal to support their habits and they trash and destroy everywhere they live and hang out that’s why businesses and parks don’t want them at their business cause they bring a negative impact with them. And Gainesville just enables the homeless like crazy!
I promise, this “victim” is guilty of something, he’s involved.
his Facebook page is filled with videos of him trying to act hard talking about beating this guy up. then he keeps writing talking stuff about his family because he is trying to be a hard ass for his trashy girl. looks like ever since he got with her he all of a sudden has to prove himself to her by beating up her ex. either way he is going downhill quick. It’s all because she tells him to.
What’s the vector, Victor?
Thanks for the additional info Mrs. Roberts. I’m sure Ben in a good boy and just had a tough night.
By the looks of their faces, they are hard strung out on meth or crack. Welcome to Gangsville!