Pair arrested after man shot in face, woman shot in eye

Staff report

GAINESVILLE, Fla. – Tamario Anthony Mayze, 23, and Martin Maurice Ross, 29, were arrested early this morning after a man was shot in the face and a woman was shot in the eye.

Alachua County Sheriff’s Deputies responded to a call about a shooting last night at about 8:48 p.m. and learned that the female victim was at the house of the male victim when the two suspects entered the front door, which was reportedly not functional.

The investigation revealed that the female victim’s boyfriend had been unable to reach her because his phone was out of service, so he sent Mayze and Ross to go to the male victim’s residence and make sure she was okay.

The victims told the deputy that when the suspects entered the residence, Ross was holding what appeared to be a handgun but turned out to be a pellet gun. Ross reportedly asked the female victim that her boyfriend was looking for her and allegedly pointed the gun at her. When the female victim turned toward the door, Ross allegedly told her not to move and that she wasn’t going anywhere. Mayze allegedly stood in front of the female victim, physically blocking her from leaving the residence.

Ross allegedly pointed the pellet gun at the male victim and shot him in the face and head several times, causing him to bleed profusely. He then allegedly pointed the gun at the female victim’s eye at point blank range and shot her in the eye. Hospital staff reportedly told the officer that she may lose her eye.

Mayze has been charged with false imprisonment. He has three misdemeanor convictions (none violent); shoplifting charges were filed against him twice in 2022, but both were eventually dropped. Judge Meshon Rawls set bail at $50,000.

Ross has been charged with aggravated battery causing bodily harm and false imprisonment. He has one felony conviction (non-violent) and one misdemeanor conviction (non-violent). Judge Rawls set bail at $250,000.

Articles about arrests are based on reports from law enforcement agencies. The charges listed are taken from the arrest report and/or court records and are only accusations. All suspects are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. 


  • By dropping shoplifting charges, that DA and judge should be held responsible for this crime, too. The victims should get a good lawyer to sue the DA and judge who dropped those charges.
    This is why “broken window” law enforcement improves the quality of life, even if gov’t funded housing projects. Too bad if lawyers starve in the process.

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