Pair charged with sex trafficking at group home


GAINESVILLE, Fla. – Justin Terrel Hoyt, 25, and Kevarius Nyrtell King, 20, were arrested yesterday afternoon and charged with sex trafficking after a woman told police officers that they had coerced her into sexual activity with “dozens of men” over 2 weeks. She said the two men were her “caretakers” at a group home that “partners with homeless shelters.”

The victim contacted staff at the Tower Road library, told them she was a victim of human trafficking, and asked them to call law enforcement.

The victim told a Gainesville Police Department officer that she lived at a group home owned by King in the 1200 block of NW 31st Avenue between September 19 and October 3, that the two men arranged meetings between her and “dozens” of men at the group home, and that she performed various sex acts on the men, some of which made her “involuntarily vomit from disgust.” She said Hoyt and King took photos and videos of the sexual acts and that they received money in exchange for the sexual acts.

The victim said that Hoyt and King yelled at her if she refused to perform the sexual acts and would also yell at her if she ate too much food, saying, “You don’t need that.” She said they purchased undergarments and shoes for her so she could “look good.” When describing her relationship with Hoyt and King, she said it’s “basically like they own me.” She said they have her Supplemental Social Security check and are trying to open a bank account in her name.

The victim told the officer that one “client” forced her to take “molly” on October 2, and she then had a seizure and was unconscious for several hours. She said Hoyt and King dropped her off at the library on October 3, where she was able to ask staff for help.

A search warrant of the group home reportedly found multiple mail pieces and receipts in the names of both defendants, along with condoms. While officers were executing the search warrant, the defendants reportedly drove by, and they were arrested at a nearby gas station. The victim told the officer that the defendants gave her a phone and then confiscated it, and a phone matching the one she described was reportedly found near the center console of the vehicle, which was reportedly owned by King.

The company that owns the property, Safe Hands Group Home, was registered as an LLC in October of 2021, and the company was administratively dissolved by the state on September 23 for failing to file an annual report in 2022. King is listed as one of the two people authorized to manage the business.

Post Miranda, Hoyt reportedly said he frequently visited King at a group home in the area, but he said he didn’t know exactly where. He reportedly said he met the victim a few days ago, but not while he was with King, and described her as “homeless” and a user of “molly.” Hoyt reportedly gave multiple reasons for being in the area, including saying his boss dropped him off there after work, that King had picked him up from work, and that he and King were looking for apartments.

Post Miranda, King reportedly said Hoyt had introduced him to the victim and denied living at the group home in the past week, then asked to speak to a lawyer before answering any more questions.

Hoyt is a registered sexual offender who has two felony convictions and served a five-year sentence in state prison for attempted sexual battery and child neglect; he was released in December of 2021. King has a juvenile criminal history. They are each being held on $250,000 bail.

Detectives are requesting anyone with additional information or who may be a victim, to please contact Det. K. Hall at 352-393-7663.

Articles about arrests are based on reports from law enforcement agencies. The charges listed are taken from the arrest report and/or court records and are only accusations. All suspects are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. 

  • What is the other name on the LLC? I’m guessing it must be a real adult and not almost a child like King. There must be more to the story.

    • The other name on the LLC is Tameria Gray. She should be held 100% accountable to. This is so sad. Just imagine how many had to deal with this mess.

    • The other name on the LLC is Tameria Gray. I wouldn’t be surprised if it was his girlfriend or something. People are so disgusting these day. Hopefully they prosecute all three parties to the fullest extent and shut that group home down.

  • Prior felony convictions, sex offender… long before they’re free to do it all again. Another set of victims await their release. And…..the beat goes on.

  • I thought they had to be audited and pass inspection’s to be a group home? We’re they receiving any local, State or Federal money?
    Lots more to this story!
    This deserves a full deep dive by the State District Attorney.

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