
Paul: Setting the record straight about my talk to UF College Republicans

Letter to the editor

Dear Editor of the Alachua Chronicle,

I wanted to share my experience from last Wednesday with your readership. I was invited by the President of the UF College Republicans to share the nature of our ministry at Identify Ministries and my unique experience as the Pastor of individuals who have left LGBT identities and lifestyles for Christ. We also provide family support and Christian trainings in the local community.

I arrived to discover a journalist from The Independent Florida Alligator would be covering the story and felt skeptical that his report would accurately represent the event and my talk, not because I had previous interaction with the journalist but because there is a history of inaccurate coverage of the population of former LGBT Christians in Alachua County media.

For example, during the Alachua County Commission meeting to adopt a Resolution opposing Florida’s Parental Rights in Education law last year, pro-parent attendees greatly outnumbered LGBT activists who came to speak, a significant development overlooked by much of our local media. While LGBT activist leaders are platformed regardless of lack of expertise, and only their most strategic statements are included in media coverage, the sexual minorities we care for at Identity Ministries are regularly shamed and suppressed by “independent” media. This makes one narrative seem more favorable and prominent than it really is within the general public—a disservice to everyone.

The UF College Republicans event had roughly three dozen people in attendance, and the atmosphere was light and non-judgmental, but insightful. The attendees were predominantly in their late teens and early twenties, although there were older attendees. There were no protesters, although we discovered after the talk that LGBT-identified young adults were present. We passed around a sign-in sheet, and some refused to disclose who they were. 

I spoke about my personal sex and gender history, as well as the incredible transformation I experienced, and I gave reasonable concrete examples of why I think I experienced personal change. I educated everyone on basic Christian positions that are mainstream and based in historical accuracy and biblical authority, ongoingly corroborated by mainstream scientific measures. I also discussed the need to treat people as individuals instead of LGBT stereotypes, a point that has also been made by the APA expert and lesbian activist Dr. Lisa Diamond and Christian influencer Glenn Stanton from Focus on the Family —leaders on either side of the sex and gender debate.

I received one question toward the end of the presentation. A majority of the audience seemed to enjoy the talk, with only two women grimacing throughout. Our ministry provided a videographer, and we plan to offer the presentation to the public for a donation on our website.

Overall, the experience with the UF College Republicans was very uplifting and positive, and I would love to return. The Levin College of Law auditorium venue was beautiful and had the best technology available for giving a talk. Thank you in advance for your receptivity to my letter and for your history of accurately reporting facts for individuals to make up their own minds.

Eyes on Jesus,
Derek Paul
Executive Pastor, Identify Ministries

The opinions expressed by letter or opinion writers are their own and do not necessarily represent the views of AlachuaChronicle.com. Letters may be submitted to info@alachuachronicle.com and are published at the discretion of the editor.

  • I enjoyed reading your visit summary. I am a 63-year old homosexual male whose life partner of 32 years passed away last year. He was my soulmate and I am not interested in replacing him, so I am presently actually asexual in practice. We were both Catholic and adhered as best we could to church teachings. We respected the sacrament of marriage as between one man and one woman – no divorce recognized. As such, we never “married” even civilly. We did create wills, powers of attorney, living trusts, etc. We never had an issue between our families – we were both accepted lovingly by both extended Catholic families. We both rejected the “gay” lifestyle and were actually repulsed by much of LGBTQ+ culture. I realize in your view of Christianity, we were “sinners”, and I’m not in the least bit interested in arguing theology with anyone. But our love was pure and strong, and our Catholic beliefs were well known by everyone and we were selected as godparents for nieces and nephews on both sides of the family. I do believe many young people now are swayed into believing they are LGBTQ+, when in reality they are just young and experimenting. I did not meet my partner until I was 30, and I was a virgin until the age of 21. Still, I came to hate “gay” clubs and most of my friends remained straight and Christian. I do wish you much success with those that have been swayed wrongly. Even though I believe in the power of prayer and in miracles, there was no praying my homosexuality away. I did the best I could under the circumstances.

    • Go to his page in the link and listen to their “testimony.” We all sin, it is not limited to SSA. To have committed any sin is sinning and they all carry the same wage. Christ stated the greatest 2 commands and they had nothing to do with sex, yet we all fail at those first and foremost. We are called to a faith in Christ and his blood to pay that wage, and to repent – to turn about 180 in our heart. We will still fall, but have the grace and love of God to guide us back through His Holy Spirit.

  • Three things you cannot trust in Alachua county, the media..the press and that ole serpent the devil.
    If you reached just one attendee then your efforts were not in vain.

  • If only more would have attended to broaden – not necessarily agree with – their perspectives to include rather than exclude.

    • Very true, which is why it must be infuriating to any gay, lesbian or bi person to be lumped in with the well funded and well organized global transgender movement. It’s a kick in the face

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