Pedestrian killed on W. University Avenue


GAINESVILLE, Fla. – At 10:47 p.m. last night, a male pedestrian who was crossing W. University Avenue near NW 3rd Street was hit by a car going eastbound. Gainesville Police Department units responded first and attempted first aid and CPR, but he was pronounced dead at the scene by EMS. This accident is still under investigation.

At this time, no charges or citations have been issued.

Updated at 3:34 p.m. with information from GPD.

  • Where is she on mugshots? The white girl who was drunk driving. Hit that man on university, busted his head wide open!! We saw her get out in handcuffs. Buttttt where is she on mugshots? I don’t give a damn if she was a college student or not. At this time, all that goes out the same window that poor man hit!!!! I’ll be reaching out to the family!!

    • Well, if she was booked after midnight, then she will be in tomorrow’s lineup. Use your brain.

      • Why don’t you call the jail and ask? Alachua Chronicle can only provide information they receive. Why don’t you use YOUR brain?

        • Ummm did anyone ask for your opinion? Because I can care less what who provides!! Soooo use your BRAIN and stay in your own lane!! Well dang did I touch your soul or something. Because your acting like you could of been the passenger!! Suspect

      • First off it’s before 6am. Anything after 6am. They don’t go to first appearance till the next day!! So use your brain and get educated on what your TRYING TO SPEAK ON. AND FUTHER MORE WHO EVEN ASKED YOU?

    • Maybe they took her somewhere to draw blood first. It must take a while to complete the paperwork for a DUI vehicular death.

    • Maybe she’s related to a politician, and family members are “protected” from bad press?

  • Sad..
    Gotta be safer and use our heads… If it was a dui… Students need to use Uber more. This is just sad

  • Hmmm…what will city leaders do now? The speed bumps, signs & student protests didn’t prevent this accident from happening.
    Maybe a certain attorney will sue the city for not doing more.

    Wonder if distracted driving played a role? Officers rarely stop people from texting and driving… anything.

    • Having a good portion of the roads closed off downtown supposedly due to Covid causes more congestion and is less safe. Maybe the new commission will go ahead and open them back up soon. The emergency order used to close the roads has long since ended. And now we have a dead person.

        • Maybe he was drunk too and staggered out into the road. None of that would absolve the city of whatever responsibility they might have for having screwball “Covid roads” at the end of 2022.

      • Yes. That street on University Ave next to the SAO needs to be reopened…pedestrians need to cross at crosswalks when they cross a street & not jaywalk too….

    • Wonder if crossing a busy street without paying attention played a role. When the police had their major operation on University, it was the pedestrians 10:1 violating the traffic laws. Stop automatically blaming drivers.

      • And you got bike riders running stop signs…they need to come down heavy on bikers that don’t obey the road rules…the legislature needs to make bike riders register their bicycles and get license tags to pay their fair share
        To be on the roads…that goes for them electric scooters too.

  • Why aren’t there safety measures downtown, only at UF? Speed tables aren’t EQUITABLE and instead discriminatory when only protecting UF students near campus. Students from SFC too, they all live all over town!
    We need a $500 million bond issue for speed tables — if we’re serious about EQUITY 👹🤡

  • I saw the body bag on the way home. No where near a cross walk. There are only cross walks on 3rd St and 6th. Likely stumbled off the sidewalk or was crossing where he shouldn’t have been. Doesn’t excuse the drunk driving IF I’m fact that was a factor.

    • I don’t see her in the mugshots again. They don’t just let people go if they kill someone while drunk driving – she would have gone to jail.

  • If only we had more speed humps then the pedestrians would never jaywalk again with total disregard for any automobile traffic.

  • I heard the guy was using a walker. They might mandate that all walkers shall have headlights and taillights properly illuminated after dark. And hire a small enforcement team at taxpayer expense. Don’t complain or you’re hateful to the disabled.

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