PETA demands more room for snakes, calls on Newberry reptile mill and Petco supplier to stop warehousing reptiles in tiny plastic tubs
Letter to the editor
After learning that locally based reptile mill The Gourmet Rodent—a self-professed nationwide supplier to Petco—keeps thousands of snakes in small, barren plastic tubs without room to even extend their bodies to full length, PETA fired off a letter on March 7 to owner Mike Layman calling on him to move the snakes at his compound into enclosures at least as long as they are and to end the company’s misleading claims that it’s acceptable to house snakes in tanks that are just a third of the length of their bodies.
Numerous peer-reviewed studies make it clear that to be psychologically and physically healthy, snakes held in captivity must be able to fully stretch out their bodies and that snakes who can’t stretch out feel stressed and experience various health problems, including injuries, joint disease, constipation, and obesity.
“At this wretched reptile mill, tens of thousands of snakes are confined to tiny tubs stacked from floor to ceiling, unable to stretch out or engage in any natural behavior,” says PETA Senior Vice President Daphna Nachminovitch. “The pet trade peddles in misery, and PETA urges people never to buy a snake or any other animal from a pet store or breeder.”
PETA—whose motto reads, in part, that “animals are not ours to abuse in any way”—points out that Every Animal Is Someone and offers free Empathy Kits for people who need a lesson in kindness. For more information, please visit or follow the group on X, Facebook, or Instagram.
PETA’s letter to Layman follows.
March 7, 2024
Mike Layman
Owner, The Gourmet RodentDear Mr. Layman:
I’m writing about the tens of thousands of snakes confined to your breeding warehouse. Will you commit to improving conditions for these animals and end your company’s false claim that it’s acceptable to keep snakes in tanks that are just a third of the animals’ length?
A brief video tour of your compound—as well as numerous published photographs—show plastic tubs reaching from the floor to the ceiling in aisle after aisle of snakes. The video shows you removing three of the snakes crammed into these tiny tubs. All these animals—and those you’ve been photographed handling—are obviously much longer than the tubs to which they are confined and can’t even extend their bodies to full length. PETA investigations have found that snakes used for breeding spend their entire lives in tubs like this, intensively confined like dogs at puppy mills.
Such constant confinement causes any animal to suffer and has been implicated in abnormal behavior as well as more than 20 diseases found in snakes kept this way. It’s widely acknowledged among experts—and has been for years—that habitats that allow snakes to stretch and move around are crucial to their physical and behavioral needs. A 2019 study of 65 snakes found that many of them assumed fully stretched-out postures within just an hour of observation during the daytime. A 2021 study found that “recommendations [of] enclosure sizes shorter than the snakes were based entirely on decades-old ‘rule of thumb’ practices that were unsupported by scientific evidence” and that “[r]ectilinear behavior is normal, distinct, and common across snake species, and … fundamental to snake health and welfare.”
Even the care sheet produced by a pet industry lobbying group states that snake enclosures “should provide [the animal] sufficient space to stretch out and move freely.” Why then does your company’s “care sheet” for ball python snakes advise people that these animals can be crammed into tanks just a third of their length? No one would recommend that a 3-foot-long German shepherd be kept in a crate just 12 inches long. Yet The Gourmet Rodent approves of and promotes keeping a 6-foot-long snake in a tank that’s just 2 feet long.
Stretching out fully and moving in a straight line are essential to snakes’ well-being. Accordingly, PETA looks forward to your prompt confirmation that (a) your facility—the largest of its kind in the world—and lucrative company will give this basic opportunity to the snakes you breed and ship around the world and that (b) you have removed the above false and misleading claim from your website and any other materials. Thank you for your time and consideration.
Daniel Paden
Vice President of Evidence Analysis
Nicole Perreira, PETA
The opinions expressed by letter or opinion writers are their own and do not necessarily represent the views of Letters may be submitted to and are published at the discretion of the editor.
Maybe they can talk the County Commission into buying bigger homes.
A question? With all the talk about snakes what about all the rodents killed commercially to feed the snakes. PETA doesn’t a rat or mouse life matter too?
Snake people are creepy
I thought The Gourmet Rodent was the new people restaurant to feed the folks in Springs County.
The counterpart to the Gourmet Insect — the new place to feed the mentally ill leftists
The folks that would prefer Springs County CLEARLY have standards unlike the degenerates that enjoy Alachua county!
You Win!!!!! The “I” Award today. Congrats, have a nice day👏👏🙂
Hopefully A.I. robot pets will take over in the future, and eat everybody.
“Peer reviewed studies” seems even a stupid comment by the retards at PETA Where did they find literate snakes to peer review these PETA claims? Unless they consider themselves as “peer” reviewers. Another set of letters come to mind; GIGO, garbage in, garbage out.
Unfortunately, peer reviewed studies has lost nearly all credibility to me b/c of the way academia has corrupted the system to obtain research grants.
PETA should write a letter to local gov and Desantis requiring permits, liability insurance, & fenced yards for pit bull dogs. Always the wrong people own them…didn’t some section 8 gal just get bit and looking for a go fund me?
I’ve been bitten by a chihuahua, a german shepherd, a chow, and someone’s random mutt in my days surveying. Never had a problem with a pit bull.
They tend to go after infants/toddlers and old people. Not middle-aged men.
Most Pit Bulls I have encountered were just big babies pretty much.
Remember: PETA murders animals because they believe death is preferable to being a pet.
“While most shelters strive for a 90% re-homing rate, PETA is apparently proud of their 99% killing rate and callously boasts that the animals it rescues are ‘better off dead’. That is an alarming ratio that should be fully investigated. PETA’s track record is absolutely unacceptable,” said AKC Chairman Alan Kalter.
I’ve supported PETA for a very long time. They are frequently misquoted and misinterpreted. At base I believe they are compassionate and very hardworking.
Recently the city of Newberry was prevented from permitting a slaughterhouse for several types of animals, including cows and pigs within their area. At that time, I discovered the “Gourmet Rodent” and also learned that they raise mice and kill and freeze the babies so they can be sold and fed to pet pythons. That’s pretty harsh. In general, it is far past time for humans to wake up to how very cruel we are to the animals. Compassion will win, but it is taking way too long.
Genesis 1:26…Then God said, “Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness, so that they may rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky, over the livestock and all the wild animals, and over all the creatures that move along the ground.”
By the way, most people kill mice. They’re vermin, destructive and can carry diseases. That’s descriptive of some people as well.
I wish people would feel the same way about aborting fetuses. Roughly 600000 a year. That’s a lot of murdering that goes on ot the human race.
The county pulled out of the deal for a processing plant when the State didn’t fund it. That’s not the same as “preventing”. Newberry is still open to the idea being privately funded.
Additionally, I am more than willing to defend Mr. Layman and the many Newberry families his business supports.
‘Save the snakes’ is their plea….but killing unborn babies is OK by them.
The other thing that is odd is no one is complaining about the whales on the east coast beaching themselves and dying in the name of the green energy windmills that are being built off the coast.
well, they also did a Eat The Whales Campaign in the past as well. plus behind some of the biggest kill shelters in the US as well.