Plantation Oaks Senior Living residents honor those who died on 9/11 and the Americans left behind in Afghanistan

Submitted by Carolyn Zavoy

Twenty-five residents of Plantation Oaks Senior Living in High Springs, FL lined the street outside their residence on September 11 to pray and honor their fellow Americans lost on 9/11 as well as remind others of the Americans left behind in Afghanistan in recent days. 

When they heard about a similar protest that occurred last Sunday in Alachua, FL on 441, they decided the twentieth anniversary of 9/11 would be the perfect date to voice their support. Resident Donna Doroban said she was tired of watching TV and being frustrated with the current situation in Afghanistan, so she decided to organize the event.

One of the residents, Charles Buckel, was a Colonel in the Air Force and a strategic government diplomat for the U.S. government. His daughter Carolyn Zawoy said, “He and my mother served our country all over the world. I cannot imagine if they were in a dangerous situation and our government turned its back.” Zawoy added, “Today we honor our fellow Americans who died on 9/11 as well as those still trapped in Afghanistan. I will continue to demonstrate until every American is brought home.”

Army veteran Borys Wolosenko also participated in the event and shared some of his selfless and heroic personal experiences as well as those of his son who tragically died last year in service to our country. Wolosenko is currently writing a book about his many experiences in the United States Army.

Original patriotic guitar music was played by another resident as many cars and trucks passed and honked their horns in support of the gathering.

The following is the prayer the group had at the beginning of the event:

Lord, thank You for this opportunity to gather together to worship and pray for our nation. Thank You that You hear us. 

Today, we especially pray for our fellow Americans left behind in Afghanistan and their families. We also pray for the families of the Americans lost on 9/11. 

We lift them, Father, to you for safety, comfort, and peace. 

We are grateful that You have a plan for our nation that is good. 

We ask for leaders who will bring us to the destination You want for us. We ask You to bring revival to the U.S. 

Please protect us all today and keep us safe. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

  • This is a glimmer of hope! So sorry I missed this and so glad these good people were willing to do this!!! ♥️🇺🇲
    The Greatest Generation comes through for us again… (A remnant that still remains, anyway…)

  • I love when everyday Americans show their support for our country and its brave and honor the name of Jesus.

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