Poe asks Democrat leadership to prioritize citizenship for “undocumented immigrants”

Gainesville Mayor Lauren Poe signed a letter along with 83 other mayors on July 26, 2021, that asked President Joe Biden, Vice President Kamala Harris, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi to “prioritize the inclusion of a pathway to citizenship for Dreamers, Temporary Protected Status (TPS) holders, essential workers, and their families in any economic recovery legislation including through budget reconciliation.”
The letter goes on to say that granting citizenship to these classes “is vital… to secure the health of our nation and to lay the foundation for an equitable economic recovery for all communities across the country… The only way we can truly Build Back Better is to ensure that Dreamers, TPS holders, and essential workers are included in any economic recovery legislation including through budget reconciliation.”
Poe also signed a second letter on August 3, along with 178 bipartisan mayors, urging the same leaders “to take whatever action is necessary and possible immediately” to “provide permanent protection from deportation and a path to citizenship for all Dreamers.”
The first letter does not list any organization but simply the 84 names and cities; the second letter is from the U.S. Conference of Mayors, “the official non-partisan organization of cities with populations of 30,000 or more.” The “non-partisan” organization states that its advocacy role is to “examine and act on issues that demand special attention, such as immigration reform, automation, climate change, and rebuilding infrastructure.”
Probably because the commie knows that the clotshot is going cripple the workforce and he’s all for unvaxxed and submissive replacement migration. These clowns are 100% anti-American and they need to be brought to justice. I can’t believe we let a Soy-boy like Poe maintain power…he’s a total ass.
Well, while I could never have expressed it the same way, I agree with a the sentiments expressed by the previous reader.
The City of Gainesville and Alachua County like our Federal government is being led by fools. They don’t give a damn about the taxpayers who will have to pay for this or the health of the citizens who will have the China Virus brought into the community. Elections have consequences and we are paying the price for people not voting or not aware of what’s going on. Good luck Gainesville because you have a real kook running your city. America last.
About the second letter…”take whatever action necessary”
Including illegal ones like stealing an election with
Fake ballots & dead voters…
Poe needs to stay with fixing the potholes in the
Roads and getting panhandlers out of street medians…
Hey Poe, stay in your lane! You are elected to local
Government…stay within your urban services boundary
Poe’s last day in office will be the greatest moment in the history of our city.
The greatest moment in history of our city & country will be
When the military comes and arrests Biden & Kamala
And Trump is back in office…Q says any moment now…
When that happens, we take back city hall too!!
What a jerk. This guy is actually our mayor. Hopefully not for much longer.
Throwing down the gauntlet for stupidity. A marked manifestation of the Leftist priorities. Well, somebody voted for him.