Police Chief Lonnie Scott swears in 12 new officers

Press release from Gainesville Police Department
GAINESVILLE, Fla. – As police departments across the nation struggle to fill officer vacancies, Gainesville’s Police Department continues to attract some of the best recruits from across the nation.
This afternoon, in front of a capacity-filled Hall of Heroes, Chief Lonnie Scott administered the Oath of Office to 12 new officers. “We just don’t want to be in the game, we want to be the best,” explained Chief Scott. “That’s why we hire the best. Once you take that Oath of Office, you have officially joined the Gainesville Police Department, and you’re officially a Gainesville hero.”
In addition to friends and family, the officers were welcomed by GPD’s command staff as well as their new colleagues. Also joining the ceremony were Mayor Harvey Ward, City Manager Cynthia Curry, and City Commissioner Reina Saco.
The ceremony concluded with the family members pinning the new officers with their Gainesville Police Department badges.
Although most of the new officers come from Florida, several came from other states, and four served in the military. GPD still has forty openings, and applicants are encouraged to apply at their website.

I didn’t see any women. Do women ever apply to become police officers?
Does a bear crap in the woods?
I don’t know. Maybe, these being dangerous times, they are too smart for that.
There was a time in a distant galaxy when GPD was the place to be. We had a waiting list two blocks long!
We had a Chief who knew everyone by first name and their families. Sadly now this once great agency has crumbled to runs.
Bad leadership, woke politicians & screwed up priorities have set GPD back 50 years in the recruitment race.
The majority of these new hires will either fail the training process or go to a larger agency.
So sad people.
Don’t forget Lauren Poe pissing on them back in September 2017 in that final contract hearing/decision- that started a mass exodus of officers that GPD still has yet to recover from. Plus they had that sorry excuse for a chief named Tony for way too long. He only cared about Reichert House, not his cops.
Exactly what is WOKE? You all listen to our awful governor and run with terms that make absolutely no sense.
Yes I would like to know too, what is meant by WOKE ?